Topic 3 Flashcards
Critical race theory
Crt sees racism as a deep seated feature of society resulting not from the attitudes of individuals but from institutions. CRT identifies many ways educational system is racist including ethnocentric curriculum and assessment
Treating people differently because they’re part of a social group e.g. Gender ethnicity class disability religion sexuality
Seeing or judging things in a biased way from the viewpoint of one particular culture. eg.national curriculum is ethnocentric tends to value white western language history religion and disregard black or Asian cultures
Institutional racism
Discrimination that is built into the everyday workings of institutions such as schools and colleges
Model minorities
Term used to describe minority ethnic groups e.g. Chinese and Indian pupils who achieve above average results. Gillborn argues this is proof education system is not institutionally racist
Society or institution that recognises and gives values to different cultures and or ethnic groups e.g. Multi cultural education teaches children about the cultures of other groups not just the dominant or majority culture
A system of beliefs that defines people as superior or inferior and justifies their unequal treatment based on skin colour. This can be individual or institutional