Topic 1 Flashcards
Cultural deprivation
The theory that many working class and black children are inadequately socialised and therefore lack the right culture needed for educational success e.g. Lack of correct language, attitudes and behaviour
Cultural capital
Knowledge attitudes values language tastes and abilities that the middle class transmit to their children. Giving the middle class an advantage (argued by Bourdieu)
Deferred gratification
Postponing immediate rewards or pleasures generally with the aim of producing a greater reward at a later date. Middle class socialised to think like this
Elaborated code
A speech code typically used by the middle class. It has wider vocabulary and is based on longer grammatically more complex sentences. Speech is more varied and communicates abstract analytical ideas.
Introduced by Bordieu referred to learned taken for granted ways of thinking acting and being shared by a particular class or social group includes preferences and lifestyles
Immediate gratification
A preference for immediate or present pleasure or reward without regard for longer term consequences e.g. Going out with friends not doing homework
Material deprivation
Poverty, a lack of basic necessities such as adequate diet housing clothing or Money to buy food and school resources.
Literally, ‘rule by parents’ concept is based on the ideology of parental choice of school middle class parents may benefit from parentocracy as they have more cultural capital and are better placed to a good choice
Restricted code
Speech code typically used by the working class limited vocabulary simple sentences speech is predictable it is descriptive not analytical
Speech codes
Patterns or ways of using language. Bernstein argues working class use the context bound restricted code and middle class use analytical elaborated code
Social class
Social groupings or hierarchy based on differences in wealth income or occupation Marx identified two opposing classes the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Mc &wc