topic 20 - ethical and environmental issues Flashcards
describe being ethical
this means businesses that show moral consideration for other when making decisions
advantages of being ethical
- awards can be granted for being ethical, which can be used for promotional purposes
- businesses with an ethical reputation can attract customers and quality staff who agree with their principles
disadvantages of being ethical
- audits are needed to ensure standards are met and maintained, which may be time consuming
- decision-making could be more complex and time consuming as many possible solutions may not be appropriate because they are not ethical
describe philantrophy
this means having a ‘love for humanity’. in other words giving to those in need. this could be through charitable donations, giving away goods or setting up a charitable trust as part of the organisation
describe animal welfare
the moral considerations of an organisation need not only refer to how people are treated; increasingly these concerns are also around the treatment and wellbeing of animals. This might include the conditions that animals are kept in, the way they are handled, animal testing and the use of animal-derived ingredients.
ways an organisation can prove their contribution to animal welfare
- the ‘leaping bunny’ symbol awarded to products that are entirely cruelty free
- the free range classification of eggs and egg-derived products
- the use of synthetic materials rather than leather, fur or wool.
describe fair trade
this is when suppliers of raw materials recieve a guaranteed and fair price for their goods. fair trade also ensures that employees in the supply chain are treated fairly.
advantages of fair trade
- businesses are awarded the Fairtrade mark on their products, which can appeal to customers.
- stocking fair trade goods demonstrates the retailers ethical commitment to its customers.
- businesses that are fair trade have a positive impact on the producers of the raw materials with which they work and have a better relationship with the supply chain.
disadvantages of fairtrade
- losing a Fairtrade mark after gaining one will result in bad publicity
- fair trade products are often more expensive
- the business has a more limited choice of suppliers.
describe environmental issues
organisations should do their bit to help with the environment.
advantages of being environmentally friendly
- the organisation plays a part in looking after the environment that will hopefully sustain their activities for the future.
- having a positive effect on the environment will ensure the organisation gains a positive reputation.
- awards can be granted for being ‘environmentally friendly’ which can be used for promotional purposes
- renewable energies save costs in the long run as fuels such as oil, petrol and gas don’t need to be paid for
disadvantages of being environmentally friendly
- investment in environmentally friendly measures will be expensive in the short term, e.g. installing solar panels.
- new procedures may have to be adapted to be more environmentally friendly, which can take time.
- most environmentally friendly procedures rely on the natural environment, which may not be sufficient, e.g. lack of win, solar energy etc.
describe carbon footprint
this refers to the impact that using fossil fuels, such as oil and gas, has on the environment.
examples of ways that organisations can prove their commitment to reduing their carbon footprint
- using alternative sources of ‘renewable’ energy, such as solar and wind, for example to power premises
- using low emissions vehicles or EVs for deliveries and company cars
- using altogether more environmentally friendly methods of distribution
describe being sustainable
this refers to ensuring that the raw materials used by a business activity are not being depleted. As well as respecting the natural environment and gaining a good reputation, this will ensure that the business can source raw materials in the future.