Topic 2 : Waste Management Flashcards
What has NI tended to have an Overreliance on ?
NI has tended to have an overreliance on the use of landfill as a means of waste disposal although this is being addressed by the need for local authorities to meet EU guidelines on waste disposal
What is the WFD and explain ?
- The recast EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD) (2008) requires the establishment of Waste Management Strategies (WMS) and plans. This WFD 2008 underpins much of local NI legislation in relation to waste.
- The requirements of the revised WFD have been transposed into NI legislation through the Waste Regulations (NI) 2011.
When was the first waste regulation published in NI and what was it ?
The first waste management strategy for NI was published in April 2000 and was revised in March 2006 under the title ‘Towards Resource Management’. It was agreed that the 2006 strategy should be revised to cover all relevant EU Directive requirements
What does the management of waste contribute to ?
The management of waste contributes directly to climate change through emission of GHG from landfill sites and energy use. Overall, waste emissions account for around 3% of the UKs GHG emissions
What are the figures published in 2011 for the tonnes of waste in NI?
- In 2009 its estimated that there was almost 1.3 million tonnes of C&I waste collected in NI
- 0.8 million tonnes of which was from the industrial sector and
- 0.5 million tonnes from the commercial sector.
How many tonnes of municiple waste was sent to landfill in 2005 ?
- 500,000 tonnes, however this has decreased steadily in the last number of years
What is the target for the NI Landfill Allowance Scheme by 2020?
- A target of landfilling no more than 220,000 tonnes of biodegradable LACMW by 2020
What are the difficulties of landfills ?
- Transport to site
- Potential percieved smells
- Land taken out of production
- Seepage of waste into groundwater
- potential for vermin
- Gas
- Stability
Define Municipal Waste
- Means waste from households and other waste which is similar in nature to waste from a household.
- This includes C&I waste which is similar to household waste
Define Commercial and Industrial Waste (C&I Waste)
- Mostly means waste from premisies used wholly or mainly for the purposes of trade or business, sport. recreation or entertainment
Define Construction, Demolition & Extraction Waste (CD&E Waste)
- Means waste from construction or demoliton works including waste from preparatory works
What recovery target has the WFD set for 2020 ?
- The WFD has set a recovery target (including preparing for reuse, recycling and other material recovery) of 70% for all non- hazardous construction and demolition waste by 2020.
- The destination of CD&E waste in 2009/10 excluding uncontaminated stones and soil.
Explain the what is meant by hazardous waste?
- There is a restriction on the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and EU directives aim to project human health and the environment by minimsing the amount of potentially hazardous substances ending up in landfill sites and recycling processes.
- Resticted substances = Lead , Cadium and Mercury
What does the directive require by July 2019 ?
- The directive requires that non-complient products to be removed from the market by July 2019
What is Packaging Waste ?
- Packaging waste is the most significant waste stream dealt with under the PR legaslation.
- The EU directive on packaging and packaging waste sets a minmum recovery target of 60% and recycling targets of 55%
- As well as material targets for glass , paper , plastic , wood and metals in order to minimise the impact of packaging waste in the environment