Topic 1 : Sustainability & Future Development Flashcards
What is a ‘Developed Nation’ ?
- A developed nation is a nation which is currently consuming resources much faster than they can be regenerated.
What is a ‘Developing Nation’ ?
- Developing nations have rapid population growth and face the urgent need to improve living standards, with the assosiated demand for energy and resources
What powerful message has the ‘United Nations Population Fund’ devised ?
- They aim to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, and every persons potential is fullfilled.
What effect do developing countries have on population?
Developing Nations contributed highly to population growth. Africa for example has contributed highly to population growth and is projected to do so although to a lesser degree into the future
What effect do Developed nations have on population ?
Developed nations which are more affluent tend to have lower population growths as family sizes are smaller, careers and education play a more prominent role.
What current conflict could occur due to resources within the northpole and who is involved ?
- Russia, USA, Canada , Denmarkand Norway
- Came into conflict over recent discovery of valuable resources (oil,gas and minerals) that has been exposed due to the melting ice in the north pole
What is the estimated current world population ?
7.0 - 7.5 Billion
What is the estimated world population by 2050 ?
9.2 Billion
As of 1980 what percentage of the population of africa, south america and asia consisted of people under the age of 24?
Define Affluent
What occurs when a nation is affluent ?
- Demand for Energy Increases
- Large focus on education
- Adequate health service infrastructure is established
- Population Stabilising
What 4 aspects create a sustainable society ?
- Stable or reducing population
- Very high levels of reuse / recycling
- 100% renewable energy
- No net loss of soil or biodiversity
According to the world wildlife fund / global footprint network ‘ Living Planet Report’. What is the average worlds consumption of energy and resource equivalent to .
- The world is consuming equivalent to 1.5 earths
By the year 2060 the worlds population is estimated to stabilise around 9 billion. What are two possible reasons this will occur ?
Option 1 :
- Happen sooner = fewer deaths due to empowerment of women or government controlled family sizes ( China 1979 - 2015 )
Option 2 :
- Happen later = Rapid deaths caused by war , disease, shortage of fresh food and water. Large scale resource depletion.
What is the value for the UK’s world energy and resource consumption equivalent to ?
State and describe IPAT equation
I = Environmental Impact
P = Population
A = Affluence
T = Technology
Explain Population, Affluence and Technology within the IPAT equation
- Population: How many of us there are consuming resources and creating waste
- Affluence: The average amount of goods and services which we use
- Technology: How efficiently / harmfully we use these goods and services
Explain Technolgy in context of Sustainability
In the context of sustainability, technology is the way that we convert natural resources into real goods and services that we can eat , drink, wear and travel etc.
Resource Efficient Technology: Gives the greatest benefit for the smallest input of resources over the lifecycle of the product
Explain the stages of ‘Lifecycle Element’
- Stage 1 : The resources needed to make the good in the first place i,e the metals, plastics , materials and the fossil fuels required to manufacture a car
- Stage 2 : The resources needed to use the priduct i.e. how much you need for a vechile per KM
- stage 3 : The resources implicated at the end of the priducts service, live i.e. how much resources are neede to recycle the cars components of the battery safely.
What is the Concept of ‘Sustainable Design’ ?
- This requires exploring if a product is manufactured in the most energy efficient and resource efficient manner using minimal materials or components that can be recycled or reused.

Explain Affluence in context of sustainability?
Affluence is about wealth and generally the wealthier a nation the most its citezens will consume . these can be various things such as cars , tv’s etc.