Topic 2 - Religion, Peace and Conflict Flashcards
What do Christians teach about violence
Violence rejects what God wants for the world – people need
wellbeing and inner calm
Jesus taught that wrong thoughts can lead to wrong actions
What happens in the story of Cain and Abel
Cain was angry and jealous with his brother, Abel
Cain’s angry thoughts led to him killing Abel
This is not what God wants: ‘What have you done?’
What dies the Church teach about Bullying
- A form of violence
- Words can destroy self-esteem
- Cause fear and powerlessness
- Comments on social media bring more distress
What did Jesus teach about forgiveness
- We should forgive 70 X 7 times (unlimited times)
* God forgives us, so out of gratitude, we should forgive others.
What happens in the story of the unforgiving servant
- the king forgives one of his servants after he wasn’t able to lay off his debt.
- The servant goes out of the castle feeling much gratitude until he meets someone who is in debt to him
- He goes to the man and demands for his money just after being forgiven
- When the king hears about this he throws the man in prison
What can we learn from the story of the Lost Son
- God forgives those who are truly sorry
- God loves us, even when we sin
- We should forgive others
What do catholics teach about forgiveness
- ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’ (our father)
- Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Mt 5:43-44)
What did jesus teach us to do before workshiping God
Jesus taught that people should be reconciled to each other
before praising God
What does reconciliation bring?
- Respect for other people’s beliefs
- A stronger relationship
- Appreciation and acceptance
- Peace
Quote supporting reconciliation
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you’ Matthew 5:23
What is Justice
Justice: Fairness for all people
Why is creating justice important for christians
Creating justice is important for Christians because injustice leads to a lack of self-worth
Give an example of someone who fought injustice peacefully (and what they were fighting for)
He fought racial injustice in america and was a key leader in the first civil rights movement. He organised peaceful protests and even helped Rosa Parks boycott busses.
Give an example of someone who fought injustice violently (and what they were fighting for)
Nelson Mandela
He fought Aparthide in South Africa. He realised peaceful protests wouldn’t work so he decided a violent protest was necessary. He didn’t plan on murdering anyone but he likely did as he bombed government buildings
What is righteous anger
Anger against an injustice
Jesus’ teachings on righteous anger
- Jesus taught anger should be avoided if possible
- But Jesus showed righteous anger (cleansing of Temple)
- Most Christians believe righteous anger is acceptable if it is because of an injustice
- Must be positive action to improve a situation
Is violence protest acceptable?
Christian views
Most Christians are against violent protest because….
- It is illegal
- It is ineffective
- Innocent people can die
- Peaceful protest works (MLK)
Is violence protest acceptable?
Contrasting views to the christian view
- It is sometimes necessary - to make a government take notice
- For example, the suffragette movement in Britain
Why might going to war be a problem for Christians?
- Taking human life goes against the commandment ‘do not murder’ and the Sanctity of Life
- However, the Catholic Church teaches that it is sometimes necessary to go to war e.g. to protect innocent people.
- They follow the Just War Theory…a set of conditions (rules) that must be met for a war to be justified…
Who devised the just war theory?
St. Thomas Aquinas
What are thr principles for a just war
- The war must be started and controlled by a
proper authority - There must be a just cause
- The war must be for the right reason
- The war must be a last resort
5.Proportionality - benefits of war must be greater than the harm caused - There should be a reasonable chance of success
Bible quotes supporting war? Which part of the bilble are they from?
- An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
- The Lord is a Warrior
- Do not worry… the Lord is on your side
- God will destroy the nations before you … and you’ll take possession of their land
- Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack’ (Joel)
(Old testiment teachings)
Bible quotes against war? Which part of the bilble are they from?
- Love your neighbour as yourself
- You shall not murder
- Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
- Blessed are the peacemakers
- If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left
- Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall die by the sword
- Nation will not take up sword against nation… (Micah)
(New testament teachings)
The Old Testament has a great deal of war and violence. Why?
- It is telling the story of God’s ‘chosen people’ - the Israelites – and their fight to establish themselves in the ‘Promised Land’
- ChristiansemphasiseJesus’teachings
- Many other OT passages show that peace is what God wants
Quotes to show jesus was a pacifist
“If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:38-39)
‘Put your sword away, for he who lives by the sword shall died by the sword’ (Luke 26:51)
“Love your enemies and pray for those who hurt you.”
Who are the Quakers
- Christian group - famous pacifists
* Conscientious objectors during war
Does pacifism work?
Successfully fought racism in U.S. - using non-violent methods – speeches, marches, bus boycott
it doesn’t work against dictators like Hitler (Bonhoeffer: a pacifist turned to violence to help save jewish lives)
What constitutes a holy war?
- A war fought for a religious goal
- Must be approved by a religious leader
- A belief that God is on your side
Eg: crusades
These ideas do not feature in today’s Christian belief
Why do countries go to war?
- To gain power, land, resources (oil)…
- Defend innocent people
- Retaliation (revenge)
- To depose or stop a dictator …defend human rights
- Defend our allies
- Political differences
- Self-defence
Quote supporting catholic views on nuclear war
‘There is no such thing as a just war in a nuclear age’
Pope John XXIII
Nuclear war - Catholic views
- The effects are indiscriminate – innocent people die… its not a just war
- Causes tension and fear – makes the world less safe
- Causes severe damage to the environment
- Hiroshima/Nagasaki had a terrible effect on survivors …. starvation, disease … cancer, still births etc.
- Cost is huge - better spent on schools/NHS?
Contrasting views on nuclear war
- We need nuclear weapons to deter attacks (Britain
- We need them for self-defence – other countries have them, e.g. India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea
- They are a symbol of Britain’s role in the world (questionable)
What are the consequences of modern warfare
- Refugees
- Civilian deaths and injuries
- Environmental damage
- Trauma
- Child soldiers
- Destruction of a country’s economy….etc
Catholic views on terrorism
Include a quote
Catholic Church opposes the use of terror in any situation
“Terrorism threatens, wounds and kills indiscriminately. It is gravely against justice and charity”
(CCC 2297)
What does the bible say about terrorism
• St Paul says that we should ‘obey the authorities’
• St Paul tells us ‘never take vengeance’
… suggesting that violence and terrorism is always wrong
Contrasting views on terrorism
In the bible
The Jewish Maccabees used terrorist attacks against authorities who were trying to force them to give up Judaism
If they had not, Judaism might not have survived.
Contrasting views on terrorism
Not in the bible
Mandela turned to terrorism in order to fight the racist apartheid system - because the government weren’t listening
(Islamic) Terrorism in Britain today
- Most people believe terrorists (Islamist extremists) have a distorted, incorrect view of what God wants
- Their actions have been completely rejected by the religion they claim to represent
- Christian and Muslim leaders stand together against terrorism
What is meant by “radicalisation”
Extreme views - unwilling to see alternative views. May lead to terrorism – threat to society
How do people become radicalised?
Younger people living in deprived areas are the most vulnerable – feel rejected by society
What can we do about radicalisation
Catholic teaching is that we must solve INEQUALITY
we need equal opportunities to jobs, housing, education etc
What is a Martyr
Martyr = someone who suffers violence or death for refusing to give up their faith. Highly valued by the Catholic Church
Examples of Catholic Martyrs
Oscar Romero
St Stephen
Maximilian Kolbe
Who do the catholic church NOT class as Martyrs
The Catholic Church do not accept that suicide bombers, who die in the name of their religion, are martyrs.
Q quote justifying the catholic teaching on torture
“Torture … is contrary to respect for the person and
for human dignity.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Reasons to be against torture
A denial of human rights
A rejection of the sanctity of life and ‘love your neighbour’
It’s illegal
It causes deep psychological trauma
The information obtained is unreliable (people lie/won’t talk)
Reason to justify torture?
It could save more lives….prevent further terrorist attacks – the lesser of two evils
How does religion help in modern conflicts?
- The Pope - held a prayer meeting between Israel & Palestine leaders
- Catholic organisations –
Aid to the Church in need provide shelter, food, medicine to victims of Syrian war. CAFOD set up orphanages for former child soldiers - Individuals – donate money to charities, volunteer, prayer
What does the Church teach about resolving conflict
- Peace is promised in the OT and NT – a sign of God’s kingdom.
- So, all Catholics should be involved in peacemaking (in families, school and globally).
2 Catholic organisations that work for peace
Pax Christi
• Works in more than 50 countries to establish peace
• Gets involved in disputes early– to prevent violence
• Encourages fairness & justice
Justice & Peace Commission
• Campaigns to remove nuclear weapons from the world
• … to reduce the arms trade
• Raises awareness of human rights abuses