Topic 2 Microbes And Defense Against Disease Flashcards
Communicable diseases meaning
Those that can be transferred from one person to another, or from one organism to another
Non-communicable diseases meaning
One that cannot be transferred between people or other orgasims
6 examples of communicable diseases
Athlete’s foot
Small pox
Non-communicable diseases
Heart disease
3 types of microbe
Description of structure.
Network of threads
Why are fungi dangerous
Responsible for athletes foot infection as well as ringworm and thrush. They can also mould bread and other food
Why are fungi useful
Yeast is the best known fungi it is used in the baking and brewing industries. Fungi is also used for cheese think of blue cheese.
Virus structure
There is a head capsule with DNA with a long tale with an end plate attached
Why is virus dangerous
Make people sick, contagious, spread from one person to another and antibiotics don’t work on viruses
How can a virus be useful
Humans can use them to genetic engineer
Bacteria structure
Cocci are spherical in shape, bacilli are rod shaped, spirochètes are spiral shaped.
How can bacteria be dangerous
Cause food to go off, responsible for diseases like MRSA, salmonella and tuberculosis
How can bacteria be useful
Production of yogurt, treating sewage and genetic engineering.
What is a pathogen
A pathogen is a microbe that causes sickness and disease
Four ways pathogens spread
Airborne eg: breath in infected air (Covid, cold and tuberculosis
Water (drink infected water) cholera and typhoid
Direct contact (touch) chicken pox
Indirect contact (eat infected food) eg:salmonella