Topic 2 - Cardiac Surgery Overview Flashcards
NY Heart Association Cardiac Functional Classification
I - No limitation
II - Slight limitation. Ordinary activity causes pain
III - Marked limitation. Less than ordinary activity causes pain
IV - Cannot perform physical activity
V - On VAD
Types of Cardiac Interventions
- Myocardial revascularization
- Complications of ischemia heart disease
- Heart Valve Surgery
- Aortic surgery
- Neoplasms
- Trauma
- Transplants
- Congenital defects
Myocardial revascularization
- Harvest greater saphenous vein (endoscopic is better)
- Can harvest radial artery (have to perform Allen test to check eligibility and make sure ulnar artery is sufficient)
- Usually graft to LITA aka LIMA (longest potency)
CABG potency rates
- Saphenous: 10-15% occlusion in 1 month/50% in 10 years
- Internal mammory: 10% in 10 years
- Radial artery ~ IMA
Pre-op evaluation for revascularization
- ETT (exercise tolerance test)
- Stress test (radionucleide)
- PET (positron emission tomography)
- CT (Comnputerized axial tomography)
- Cardiac Catheterization
- Exercise tolerance test
- Can bring out abnormalities in heart caused by blockages in coronary arteries that are unapparent at rest
Dobutamine Stress test
- Used if treadmill is not an option
- Like EPI that focuses on heart
Radionuclide Stress Test
- Insert radioactive isotope
- Take picture of heart pre and post exercise
- “Cold” areas don’t absorb the radionuclide which means poor perfusion at site
- Identifies perfusion poor tissues
- Less detail than CT or MRI
- Expensive
- Strong magnet aligns protons in tissues
- Provides granular 3D image
- Multiple 2D images put together to make one 3D image
- Substantial source of radiation
Cardiac Catheterization
- Gold standard for pre-op evaluation
- Tells us indications for procedure / description of procedure / hemodynamics data / coronary anatomy / ventricular function / valve regurgitation
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- What we can do after Cath is put in
- Balloon pump (just buys time)
- Stents
- Athrectomy (sucking root-rooter)
- Brachytherapy
- Aortic valve implantation
Complications Ischemic Heart Disease
- Post MI
- Ventricular Septal Rupture
- Left ventricular aneurysm (can close linearly or w/ patch)
Heart valve surgery
- Aortic valve replacement (mechanical vs tissue)
- Aortic valve repair
- Mitral valve replacement/repair
- Tricuspid valve replacement/repair
- Surgery for endocarditis
- Aortic Insufficiency
- Scales from 1+ to 4+ (Mild to Severe)
Ross procedure
- Type of heart valve surgery
- Move pulmonary valve over to replace aortic valve
- Live on without pulmonary valve
- Tough surgery
Bentall procedure
- Aortic root replacement
- Very difficult
Mitral valve regurgitation assessment
- 1+ to 4+
- Mild to Severe
Aortic Dissection
- Development of false lumen in vessel
- Flow down both lumens (which interrupts and slows the flow)
Aortic Aneurysm
- Weakening is side wall of vessel
- Protrusion forms and can burst at any time
Atrial Fibrillation
- Random electrical stimulation in Atria
- Maze III procedure: cut out electrical tubes in atria with cauterizer and then put in pace maker
Cardiac Benign tumor
- 75% of cardiac tumors
- Respond well to surgical resection
- Myxoma (mix of tissue)
- Lipoma
- Fibroelastoma (in the vessels)
- Rhabdomyoma (muscle tissue)
Malignant Cardiac tumor
- 25% of primary cardiac tumors
- Almost all are sarcomas
- Almost all incurable
Trauma Cardiac surgery
- Blunt aortic trauma (high mortality)
- Penetrating mediastinal trauma
- Blunt cardiac trauma
- Penetrating cardiac trauma