Topic 2 Bonding and structure Flashcards
What is ionic bonding?
It is the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
Which molecular ions should you know?
OH- Hydroxide
NO3- Nitrate
NH4+ Ammonium
SO42- Sulfate
CO32- Carbonate
How to show something is an ion when drawing with dots and crosses?
You put square brackets around them with the charge on the outside
How can you work out the formula of an ionic compound?
Use the swap and drop method.
1. Write the 2 ions
2. Swap the charges
3. Drop the charges
4. Simplify to lowest whole number ratio
What are ionic compounds like in water?
Most of them dissolve in water as water molecules are polar they can attract the + and - ions and break up the structure
Can ionic compounds conduct electricity?
Yes they can when they are molten or dissolved in solution. This is as the ions are now free to move around
What is the MP like in an ionic bonding?
They have high MP as there are lots of strong electrostatic forces between oppositely charged ions. Lots of energy is required to overcome these forces.
What factors affect the strength of the ionic bonding?
The size of the charge on the ion - the bigger the charge the stronger the electrostatic attraction between ions. KCL is made of K+ and CL-. It’s MP is only 770 but CaO is made up of Ca2+ and O2- and has a MP of 2572.
The size of the ionic radii. The smaller the ion the greater the electrostatic attraction between the ions. Smaller ions can pack together more closely and more energy is required to overcome the stronger forces. The MP and BP is higher
Generally the smaller the ion and the higher the charge, the stronger the electrostatic attraction and hence the higher the melting point. We can say they have a high charge density
What are the ionic bonding trends?
The ionic radius increases as we go down a group
As we go down, the number of electron shells increases and so the ionic radius increases too
What is an isoelectric ion? and what are there trends
These are different atoms that have the same number of electrons. For example, N3- O2- F- Na+ Mg2+ and Al3+ all have the same number of electrons, but a different number of protons
The ionic radius in isoelectric ions decreases as the atomic number increases.
The radius decreases as the attractive force from the nucleus increases (more protons). This pulls in the outer electron shell more.
What is the evidence for charged particles?
Electrolysis of copper(II)chromate(vi) on wet filter paper shows evidence for charged particles
When a drop of Green copper chromate is placed on wet filter paper and electricity is passed through it, the ions start to separate
The positive cu2+ ions move towards the negative cathode. You can see the blue solution move.
The negative CrO42- ions move towards the positive anode. You can see the yellow solution move.
What is covalent bonding?
It is the sharing of outer electrons in order for atoms to obtain a full shell.
There is an electrostatic attraction between the shared electrons and the positive nucleus
There are single, double, and triple covalent bonds. More electrons are being shared.
Covalent bonds can be represented by lines
What is dative covalent bonding?
This is where 1 atom donates 2 electrons to an atom or ion to form a bond.
An arrow represents a dative covalent bond. The direction represents where they’re moving from
CO has a double covalent bond and a dative covalent bond
What is bond enthalpy?
It is related to the length of a bond. The shorter the bond, the higher the bond enthalpy.
Bond enthalpy in covalent bonding
In covalent molecules, there are forces of attraction between positive nuclei and the negative electrons being shared
There are repulsive forces between the 2 positive nuclei and between electrons in the atoms
There is a balance between the 2 forces and the result is something we call bond length
The greater the electron density between the atoms, the stronger the attractive force. This means that the atoms are pulled in further towards each other. This leads to a shorter bond and a higher bond enthalpy
Triple bonds have the highest electron density
What determines the shapes of molecules? Why do molecules have specific shapes?
The number of bond pairs and the number of lone pairs of electrons to work out the shape of the molecule
The reason is that bonds repel each other equally. Bonds contain electrons so they will want to be as far apart as possible
What is the order of repulsion?
2 lone pairs > 1 lone and 1 bonding > 2 bonding.
Generally for every lone pair, you reduce the remaining bond angles by 2.5 degrees
What are the shapes of molecules with no lone pairs?
2 bonding pairs and no lone pairs are linear - 180
3 bonding pairs and no lone pairs is trigonal planar - 120
4 bonding pairs and no lone pairs is tetrahedral - 109.5
5 bonding pairs and no lone pairs is trigonal bipyramidal - 90 and 120
6 bonding pairs and no lone pairs are octahedral - 90
What are the shapes of molecules with lone pairs?
3 Bonding pairs and 1 lone pair is a triangular pyramid - 107
2 bonding pairs and 2 lone pairs is bent - 104.5
What are some example of giant covalent structures?
Graphite, Graphene and Diamond
What are the features of graphite?
Each carbon is bonded 3 times with the 4th electron being delocalised
Layers slide easily as there are weak forces between the layers
Delocalised electrons between the layers allow graphite to conduct electricity as they can carry a charge
Lots of strong covalent bonds means graphite has a very high melting point
Graphite is insoluble. The covalent bonds are too strong to break
What are the features of diamond?
Each carbon bonded 4 times in a tetrahedral shape
The tightly packed rigid arrangement allows heat to conduct well in diamonds
Unlike graphite, diamonds can be cut to make gemstones
Very high MP due to many strong covalent bonds. It is also very hard
Diamond doesn’t conduct electricity well as it doesn’t have any delocalised electrons
Diamond is insoluble. The covalent bonds are too strong to break
What are the features of graphene?
Graphene is one layer of graphite. It is 1 atom thick and made up of hexagonal carbon rings
Delocalised free moving electrons makes graphene an excellent conductor of electricity as they can carry a charge
The same delocalised electrons strengthen the covalent bonds. This gives graphene a high strength property
As it is only one cell thick, it is lightweight and transparent
What is metallic bonding?
It is the electrostatic attraction between positive metal ions and the negative delocalised electrons.
The more electrons an atom can donate to the delocalised system, the higher the MP
Positive metal ions are formed as metals donate electrons to form a sea of delocalised electrons.
What are the features of metals?
Metals are good thermal conductors as the delocalised electrons can transfer kinetic energy
Metals have high MP due to the strong electrostatic attractions
Solid metals are insoluble as the metallic bond is too strong to break
Metals are malleable and ductile as the ion layers can slide when hit with a hammer and still retain an attraction between ions and delocalised electrons
Metals are good electrical conductors as the delocalised electrons are mobile and can carry a current
What is electronegativity?
Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons toward itself in a covalent bond
The further up and right you go, the more EN the element is. Fluorine is the most EN
The bigger the difference in EN, the more ionic the compound will be. A difference of zero will be purely covalent
What are polar bonds?
Covalent bonds can become polar if the atoms attached to it have a difference in EN
The bigger the difference in EN, the more polar the bond will be. Cl is more EN than H so it is the more electronegative element
To show a polarity we use a delta - and delta +
Atoms that are bonded with the same or similar EN values aren’t polar.
Look out for whole molecules that may appear to be polar. If the polar bonds are arranged symmetrically then you have no overall polarity
What are the Intermolecular forces?
Hydrogen bonding
permanent dipole - dipole
London (instantaneous)
Gets weaker as you go down
What is a dipole?
Any molecule or atom with electrons can form a dipole when it moves near another atom or molecule
This occurs as electrons in a molecule or atom can move from one end to another. Hence creating a temporary dipole
This temporary dipole only exists when 2 molecules or atoms are nearby. When they move away the dipole interaction is destroyed
The delta+ atom on one atom or molecule will be attracted to the delta- on another and a force of attraction is created
What are London forces?
London forces can hold some molecules in crystal structures
The bigger the molecule or atom, the more London forces as you have larger electron clouds
When we boil a liquid, we are breaking the weak London forces NOT covalent bonds
Longer straighter chain hydrocarbons have more London forces and so more energy is needed to overcome them. This means the BP increases
Hydrocarbons with branches means that they can’t pack together as close. This weakens the London forces between the chains and lowers their BP
What are permanent dipole - dipole forces?
There are wea electrostatic forces that exist between molecules with a polarity. The delta - part on one molecule is attracted to the delta + on another.
Unlike London forces, dipole-dipole interactions involve molecules with a permanent dipole and so are stronger.
Molecules that have dipole-dipole interactions also have London too
How can you test if a molecule is polar?
Polar molecules (like water) can be tested by placing a charged rod near a steady stream of polar liquid. You should see the liquid bend towards the rod as the molecules align to face the oppositely charged rod
What is hydrogen bonding?
This is the strongest IMF and occurs only when you have very EN elements.
It occurs when Hydrogen on one molecule forms a bond with the lone pair of oxygen, nitrogen or fluorine.
You can show hydrogen bonding using dotted lines between lone pairs and hydrogen
Molecules that have hydrogen bonding also have London and Dipole-Dipole too
Why is ice less dense than water?
Ice forms a regular structure held by Hydrogen Bonding. The orientation of hydrogen bonds pushes the molecules further apart. This makes ice less dense than water.
Alcohols are not as volatile as alkanes with similar masses due to hydrogen bonding. Alkanes have weaker London forces.
HF has a higher BP than HCL as it has hydrogen bonding. More energy is needed to overcome the electrostatic forces
There is a slight increase in BP from HCL due to the increased mass of molecule, hence a bigger electron cloud and more London Forces.
What does a substance require for it to dissolve?
Solvent bonds must break
Substance bonds must break
New bonds should form between the solvent and the substance
Polar solvents
Polar substances can dissolve in polar solvents
These are molecules that have a polarity. Some hydrogen bonds. Some have permanent dipole-dipole interactions and London forces
Most ionic compounds dissolve in polar solvents like H2O. The delta H+ is attracted to the negative ions and the delta - oxygen is attracted to the positive ions.
The water molecules surround the ion in a process called hydration
For this to happen, the new bonds formed must be the same strength or greater than those broken. If not then the substance is very unlikely to dissolve
Some non-ionic substances can dissolve too. Alcohols dissolve in polar solvents as they can hydrogen bond with water molecules.
The hydrocarbon part is non - polar so it doesn’t dissolve in water. The bigger the hydrocarbon part, the less soluble the alcohol is.
Some polar molecules don’t dissolve in water. Haloalkanes don’t dissolve as their dipoles aren’t very strong. Water forms stronger hydrogen bonds between each other rather than with haloalkanes so haloalkanes are insoluble. They can dissolve in solvents that interact via permanent-permanent dipole interactions though.
Non polar solvents
Non-polar substances can dissolve best in non-polar solvents.
These are molecules that don’t have a polarity. An example would be alkanes as they only have London forces
Non-polar molecules tend not to dissolve well in water as water forms stronger hydrogen bonds between each other rather than interacting with non-polar molecules