Topic 1a - Dry Thermodynamics Flashcards
What is a standard atmosphere?
From which direction does pressure act?
All directions
Pressure = ?
Force/area, 1013hPa at surface
the higher up you go the ___ the pressure
Density = ?
mass/volume, 1.2 kgm^-3
The higher up you go the ___ the density
lower density changes in response to pressure as the atmosphere is compressible
What are three variables needed to describe dry air/
Pressure Density temperature
What is the Ideal gas law? What are the units of each component?
p = pressure in Pa, V = volume in m^3, Rd = constant: 287.04Jkg^-1K^-1,T = temperature in K, m = mass in Kg
What is the equation of state? What are the units of each component?
p = pressure in Pa, p (rho), Rd = constant: 287.04Jkg^-1K^-1, T=temperature in K
Describe the hydrostatic balance.
Hydrostatic balance is the balance between the downward force of gravity and the upward acting pressure gradient force (pressure decreses with height)
What is the hydrostatic equation? What are its units?
dp/dz = -pg
p(rho) = density in kg/m^3, g = 9.81 ms^-2
If there is strong vertical acceleration ie. a cloud. what is the state of flow? (hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic)
non - hydrostatic
What is the hypsometric equation? assumptions?
p(z) = p(o)exp [-zg/RT]
Assumption: T is constant (isotermal)
What is the equation for Scale height? practical definition?
H = RT/g
height at which pressure is 1/e of its surface value
When incorporating scale height with the hypsometric equation what equation is made?
p(z) = p(0) exp [-z/H]
can also use density
Define atmospheric Thickness.
Thickness is the equivalent height change between two pressure levels.
What is the equation to find thickness? What is the scale height in this case?
p(z1) = p(z2) exp [- (Z1-Z2) /H] OR
p(z1) = p(z2) exp [- (thickness) /H] OR
Thickness = -H . ln(Z1/Z2)
H ~ Rd Tav /g
What can the hydrostatic balance calculate?
- calculate the approximate pressure as a function of height
- height as a function of pressure
- thicknesss between two pressure layers
- sea level pressure if you know above pressure
Why does the temperature profile over a desert have a higher rate of change of temperature?
More heating during the day -> more ascending motion -> troposphere expands more
Define temperature
Temperature is proportional to the mean moleculat kinetic energy of gas, given in Kelvin.
what happens when you lift a parcel of air without exchanging energy between the parcel and its surroundings? (adiabatic process)
The parcel expands due to a reduction in pressure with height. This causes a reduction in molecular kinetic energy and a reduction in temperature.
Describe the adiabatic process.
when a parcel undergoes a change in state (pressure, density or temperature) without an energy exchange? ascent of parcel = cooling. descent casues warming
What is the first law of thermodynamics?
dq = du +dw
What do the following represent:
- dq
- du
- dw
dq = external energy input. variation in heat content of the parcel
du = internal energy of the system (temperature)
dw = work donw by the system through expansion or contraction
Define the internal energy (du) equation.
du = Cdt
C = specific heat
dt= change in temperature
What is the first useful form of the 1st law of thermodynamics? when is it used?
dq = Cv dT + p da
Used at constant volume.
Cv = specific heat at constant volume.
da (alpha) = change in specific volume
What is the second useful form of the 1st law of thermodynamics?
dq = Cp dT - a dp
Where Cp = Cv + Rd = 1004 JKg^-1K^-1 OR heat capacity at a constant pressure
What are the values of the following:
Cv = 717JK^-1Kg^-1
Cp = 1004 JK^-1Kg^-1
Rd = 287.04 JK^-1Kg^-1
What is the thrid useful form of the 1st law of thermodynamics?
dq = Cp dT + gdz
where gz = geopotential
Define geopotential
Geopotential is the amount of work needed to lift 1kg of air from the surface to the height z
what is the equation for adiabatic motion?
dT/dz = -g/Cp
Give a physical interpretation of the vertical temperature profile.
- solar radiatio heats up the surface via short wave absorption and long wave radiation re-emission
- the warm surface air is less dense, rises and cools adiabatically
- if atmosphere is dry temperature will vary 10 degrees per km
4 . if it contains water vapour there will be latent heat release and cloud formation. Rate of cooling will be less
What is the concept of bouyancy? formula?
potential vertical motion based on changes in density.
B = - g (rho - rhoe)/rho in ms^-2
At constant pressure warm air is ___ dense than cold air
Explain the state of the following

Parcel lapse rate is higher than the environmental lapse rate (Te < Td). This means that the parcel is colder than the environment. It has a negative buoyancy and will sink. This creates a stable environment, a parcel displaced will want to return to its original position.
Explain the following

The parcel lapse rate is smaller than the environmental lapse rate (Te>Td). This means that the parccel if warmer than the environment. the parcel has a positive buoyancy and will want to rise further. This is an unstable environment, if displaced the parcel will coninue to move away from original position.
Explain the following

The parcel lapse rate is the same as the environmental lapse rate (Te=Td). they will be the same temperature and the parcel will have no buoyancy. This is a neutral environment and a parcel moved vertically will remain there.
What is the possion equation?
T0 = T1 (p0/p1) ^ Rd/Cp
What can the possion equation tell us?
If we know the temperature and pressure at a particular height what would the temperature of that parcel be if i moved it adiabatically to a differnt height that has a known pressure
Define potential temperature. formula?
the temperature a parcel of air would have if it were moved adiabaticall to a reference pressure of 1000hPa.
theta = T(100000/P)^RdCp
What is the value of Rd/Cp?
Describe the following stability

theta is constand with height. environment is neutral.
Explain the stability of the following

theta increases with height. the environment is stable
Explain the stability of the following

Theta decreases with height. The environment is unstable
Why is potential temperature a conserved vairable for adiabatic process?
If there is no transfer of energy tothe parcel the parcel will maintain the same potential temeprature regardless of pressure.
Describe the states of the following

- unstable
- neutral
- stable
Define the Brunt-Vaisala frequency. formula?
N^2 = g/thetha dtheta/dz OR
N^2 = g (gamma dry - gamma)/T
maximum frequency oscillation if forced ascent occurs.
What types of clouds are created by oscillation?
lee waves or mountain waves
lenticular clouds