Topic 16: HLHS HRHS Flashcards
Sano shunt size?
5.0 mm shunt size-average
Mod BT shunt - average size
3.5 mm shunt size average
Norwood procedure is what stage?
Stage 1
During circ arrest what should the perfusionist be doing?
Take blood gases
stay cold
recirc through hemofilter
balance your electrolytes bc your K will probably be high
Norwood Procedure
Close PDA
enlarge aorta (create neo-aorta)
Add systemic PA shunt during warming (Mod BT or Sano)
Common atrium
One ventricle
Sano Shunt
In the RV to the PA, (gor-tex - extracardiac)
think about diastolic run off
you have dynamic movement/pulsatility bc its in the heart so there is less clotting
Distally, the graft is connected to the main PA between
the right and left pulmonary artery takeoffs. The proximal end of the shunt is connected to a limited infundibular incision in the RV
Rastelli Shunt
RV to PA aswell. Like same think as a sano shunt
Sano Modification of the Norwood involves what?
The Sano Modification of the Norwood involves the
placement of a conduit between the RV and the PA instead of the Modified BT Shunt
What should you always bring with you for a redo procedure ?
Femoral cannulas incase you have to crash back on
Sano shunt is constructed out of what?
The shunt is constructed from a slightly larger Gortex tube graft than that used for the modified BT shunt. Generally a 5 mm tube graft is selected in contrast to the 3.5 mm graft
Sano Shunt history
A number of centers around the world have begun to adopt a modification of the Norwood procedure.
Introduced by Shunji Sano, MD, who was trained in congenital
cardiac surgery in Melbourne, Australia; this new modification showed improvement in the survival of newborn babies with HLHS
MBTS (subclavian -> PA) different than Sano?
May have preferential right PA flow
Smaller shunt that may clot post-op
Rocky course in the OR
More stable in the PICU post-op
HLHs is kinda like in left heart bypass – what is SVR ?
control systemic arterial pressure
QP/QS – if you have a bigger shunt what will happen?
Qp/Qs will go up
increase PVR what is happening to Qp/Qs
its going down
Sano (RV -> PA) how is it different than MBTS
More centrally located on PA Higher pressure shunt Larger shunt More stable in the OR Rocky course in the PICU
single ventricle kids have what hct usually when coming off bypass?
greater than 40% bc need to keep the oxygen delivery up
blood prime
Survival rate for Norwood Procedure ?
Today, about 90 percent of babies presenting with
HLHS can be expected to survive their Norwood
operation; truly a success given that 20+ years ago the outlook was hopeless
Post Norwood – so now I have new pulmonary (MBTS) and systemic blood flow (Neo-aorta), how can I manage it?
By controlling PVR and SVR you can control the
preferential flow of blood
The surgery set the flow parameters (conduit size)
Post-op manipulates the resistance (PVR/SVR)
Blood flow is ________ to resistance that is,
inversely proportional
when resistance in blood vessels decreases, blood flow through these vessels increases
What is the difference between Fistula and Fenestration ?
God made fistula
Surgeons create fenestration’s
Fontans can become disfunctional by an increase in what?
Blood Flow Balance in HLHS?
In HLHS, total blood flow coming from the heart can
be considered to be a zero sum game.
Thus, when more blood is directed to one circulation,
less is available for the competing circuit.
Sound a little like left heart bypass
Parallel Circulation – pulmonary and systemic
blood flow is determined by what?
Qp/Qs describes what?
the ratio of Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) to Systemic vascular resistance (SVR).
Qp/Qs describes how the cardiac output from the single ventricle is partitioned.
If a marked discrepancy occurs in blood flow to the
pulmonary and systemic circulations, rapid onset of
hemodynamic instability will occur