Topic 15: TA - part 2 Flashcards
TA - definition ?
TruncusArteriosus (or persistent truncus arteriosus) a rare type of congenital heart disease in which a single blood vessel (truncus arteriosus) comes out of the right and left ventricles, instead of the normal two (pulmonary artery and aorta)
If untreated- what 2 probs occur with TA?
I. Too much pulmonary blood flow
II. The blood vessels to the lungs become permanently damaged. Pulmonary HTN develops.
The major problem in Truncus is that the lungs are flooded with blood and the heart muscle is overloaded
TA symptoms
Bluish skin (cyanosis) Delayed growth or growth failure Fatigue Lethargy Poor feeding Rapid breathing (tachypnea) Shortness of breath (dyspnea) Widening of the finger tips (clubbing)
TA - with a homograft conduit what may be a prob
the conduit may get kinked when closing the sternum due to myocardial edema so you may not be able to close the chest
also the conduit may grow onto the sternum and when cutting the chest open you need to decompress the heart first so first go on bypass fem-fem
TA embryology - what is it the result of?
The anomaly is thought to result from
failed septation of the embryonic truncus arteriosus.
Aortopulmonary and interventricular defects are believed to represent an abnormality of conotruncal septation.
Because the common trunk originates from both the LV and RV, and PA’s arise directly from the common trunk, a PDA is not required to support the fetal circulation
The truncus arteriosus and bulbus cordis are divided by what?
the aortico-pulmonary septum.
The truncus arteriosus gives rise to
the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk.
The bulbus cordis gives rise to
the smooth parts (outflow tract) of the LV and RV
TA Type I:
truncus-> one pulmonary artery -> two lateral pulmonary arteries
TA Type II:
truncus-> two posterior/ posteriolateral pulmonary arteries
TA Type III:
truncus-> two lateral pulmonary arteries
Truncus Arteriosus type I
characterized by origin of a single pulmonary trunk from the left lateral aspect of the common trunk, with branching of the left and right pulmonary arteries from the pulmonary trunk.
truncus-> one pulmonary artery-> two lateral pulmonary arteries
Truncus Arteriosus type II
is characterized by separate but proximate origins of the left and right pulmonary arterial branches from the posterolateral aspect of the common arterial trunk.
truncus -> two posterior/ posteriolateral pulmonary arteries
Truncus Arteriosus type III
Branch pulmonary arteries originate independently from the common arterial trunk or aortic arch, (most often from the left and right lateral aspects of the trunk).
This occasionally occurs with origin of one pulmonary artery from the underside of the aortic arch, usually from a ductus arteriosus.
truncus -> two lateral pulmonary arteries
Truncus Arteriosus mixing in the heart??
Since the truncal valve is above the VSD, blood is pumped from both the RV and LV to the lungs and to the body, (mixing is occurring).
Truncus Arteriosus why is there increase BF to lungs?
Pulmonary resistance (PVR) is lower than systemic resistance (SVR). Therefore, there is usually increased blood flow to the lungs. This increased PBF can lead to CHF.
Because the lung arteries are connected to the high pressure pumping chambers (LV/RV) there is pulmonary hypertension. If the lungs are exposed to both high pressure and extra blood flow for an extended time (months to years), irreversible pulmonary hypertension can occur.
Palliative Surgery for Truncus Arteriosus?
PA Banding -involves banding the pulmonary arteries coming off the truncus (reduces pulmonary blood flow)
PA banding of TA - how is surgery done?
The left anterior thoracotomy approach through the second or third intercostal space gives excellent exposure for isolated pulmonary artery banding.
Extracardiacprocedure –no CPB
a fix, not a cure.
Treatment of choice for Truncus Arteriosus?
Complete repair is the treatment of choice and usually a modification of a Rastelli procedure. A Rastelli procedure connects the RV-PA. This tube is usually a homograft, (made from human cadaver tissue).
During the Rastelli procedure, the VSD is closed with a
Gore-Tex patch so that the aorta arises solely from the left ventricle.
Surgical Repair for TA – 4 steps?
A Origin of truncus arteriosus PA’s are excised and the
truncus defect closed with direct suture. An RV ventriculotomy is made.
B Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is closed with a prosthetic patch.
C Placement of a valved conduit into the pulmonary arteries.
D Proximal end of conduit is anastomosed to the RV.
TA complete repair - CPB considerations? incision? cannulation? temp? CPG?
Incision: Median sternotomy
Arterial: Aortic
Venous: Single atrial cannula
Aortic XC: moderate length
Hypothermia: Mild to Moderate period DHCA
Cardioplegia: Antegrade, possibly retrograde, Be prepared for retrograde CP (monitor CVP should be 30-40 mmhg)
TA complete repair, post-op considerations?
Delayed sternal closure is often required following repair of truncus arteriosus.
Marked improvement in blood gases (post-op vs. pre-op)
At some point changing of the RV-PA Conduit would be done as a redo Rastelli (Maybe twice ? )