Topic 13 - Quantum physics and nuclear physics Flashcards
What is the photoelectric effect?
When electromagnetic radiation is directed onto a clean surface of some metals, electrons are ejected.
What are photoelectrons?
Electrons ejected due to the photoelectric effect from the surface of some metals
What kind of EM waves can produce the photoelectric effect?
- Under suitable conditions, visible light, X-rays, and gamma rays
- Most often ultraviolet radiation is used together with a zinc plate
What are the key features of the photoelectric effect?
- If the intensity of the radiation is increased more photoelectrons are being released every second
- There is no time delay between the radiation reaching the metal surface and the emission of photoelectrons → release is instantaneous
- The effect can only occur if the frequency of the radiation reaches a certain minimum value known as the threshold frequency, f0
- For a given incident frequency the effect occurs with some metals but not with others (due to different f0 of metals)
What is a photon?
A packet of energy in electromagnetic radiation (instead of continuous waves)
What is the energy carried by each photon?
E = hf
h = Planck’s constant,
f = frequency of the radiation
Since c = fλ:

Why can’t the wave model of light be used to explain the photoelectric effect?
- There would be a delay before the effect begins after the wave hits the surface
- Radiation of any frequency would cause the photoelectric effect if the intensity is high enough
Both are wrong
Outline the Einstein model of photoelectric effect
- Explains the effect using the concept of photons
- When a photon interacts with an electron, it transfers all of its energy to that electron
- A single photon can only interact with a single electron
- Increasing the intensity of radiation only increases the no. of photoelectrons, not their energies
- Some of the energy of the photon is used to overcome the attractive forces of the electron
- The remaining energy is transferred to the kinetic energy of the photoelectron
What is work function, ϕ?
- The energy required to remove different electrons is not always the same
- There is a minimum amount of energy needed to remove an electron, called the work function
- Different metals have different values for their work function
What is the relationship between a photon’s energy, hf, and the work function, ϕ, of a metal?
hf < ϕ
- Less energy than the work function
- The photoelectric effect cannot occur
hf0 = ϕ
- Exactly the same energy as the work function
- The effect occurs and a photoelectron is released, but the electron will have zero kinetic energy
hf > ϕ
- More energy than the work function
- The effect occurs
What is Einstein’s photoelectric equation?
hf = ϕ + Emax
hf = hf0 + Emax
hf = energy carried by photon,
ϕ = work function,
Emax = maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron
hf0 = ϕ
What is the stopping potential, Vs, in the Einstein model?
The potential on the anode needed to just stop all photoelectrons reaching it
Emax = eVs
How can Einstein’s photoelectric equation be re-written with the help of stopping potential?
hf = ϕ + eVs
hf = hf0 + eVs
What is the de Broglie hypothesis?
All moving particles have a wave-like nature. The wavelength of a moving particle is related to its momentum:

What is meant by matter waves?
Matter can also behave like a wave (photons and electrons)
How did the Davisson-Germer experiment prove de Broglie’s hypothesis?
- Since electrons are particles that behave like waves, they should also be diffracted like light
- They were diffracted
How can the emission spectrum of an atom be investigated?
Atoms emit electromagnetic radiation when excited by heating or passing an electric current through its gas
- A spectrometer is used
- A beam of light from excited gaseous atoms is passed through a lens via a slit to a second lens and then to a prism
- The prism separates the spectral lines, which can be observed and measured using an eyepiece
How can the absorption spectrum of an atom be investigated?
- White light is shone through a sample of a gaseous element (at low pressure and temperature)
- The light that emerges has some wavelengths missing
- These bands in the spectrum are the element’s characteristic wavelengths
- The position of these bands is the same as the position of the lines in teh emisison spectrum
Explain how energy is quantized in atoms
- Electrons can only exist in certain energy levels
- They behave like stationary waves fitted into the circumference of the orbit
- A free electron at n = ∞ has zero energy
- n = 1 has the lowest energy
- The values are negative because energy is lost as the electron moves closer to the nucleus
- For an electron to move between energy levels, energy must be absorbed or given out
- Thermal energy raises some electrons to an excited state
- An excited electron will quickly fall back to a lower energy level

How do atomic spectra provide proof for the quantization of energy in atoms?
- When electrons fall from their excited state, the downward transition corresponds to the emission of a photon whose energy is the same as the energy difference between the energy levels:
hf = E2 – E1
- Similarly, photons can only be absorbed if their energy corresponds to the energy difference between two energy levels
- Further away from the nucleus, the energy levels become closer and closer and show convergence of lines at high frequency
How is the electron in a box model used to rationalise the atomic energy levels?
- The model uses the idea of the electron behaving as a wave to explain why the energy levels in atoms are quantized
- Electorn is confined in a small region between two walls
- If the electron is a wave, it must show boundary conditions (standing wave)
- The wave has nodes and antinodes
- The walls of the box must always be nodes
- The waves must have a whole number of half wavelengths within the box
- The wavelength of the electron wave is determined by the size of the box
How is the wavelength and energy of an electron given by the electron in a box model?
me = mass of electron
n = the integer in the box (idk?)
L = length of the box

What is the Schrödinger model of the hydrogen atom?
- The model assumes that electrons in the atom may be described by wavefunctions, Ψ(x, t)
- The electron has an undefined position
- The square of the absolute value of the amplitude is a measure of the electron density (probability distribution) in a region of space:
|Ψ(x, t)|2

What does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle suggest?
That it is impossible to know both the momentum and the displacement at the same time: the more accurately we know the speed of the electron (the smaller the ∆p), the less we know about where it is (the larger the ∆x)
Relationship can be written as:

What is another relationship besides momentum-displacement that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to?

What is the relationship between de Broglie wavelength and Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
If a particle has a uniquely defined de Broglie wavelength, its momentum will be known precisely, but there is no knowledge of its position.
How can the radii of nuclei be estimated from charged particle scattering experiments?
- The radius of a nuclei can be calculated by how close an alpha particle gets to the nucleus during its interaction, before it is repulsed
- At this point all of its kinetic energy has been converted into electrical potential energy
What is the equation for calculating the radius of a nucleus?

How can the masses of nuclei be measured with a Bainbridge mass spectrometer?
- The particles are in a vacuum to avoid collisions with air
- The ions are accelerated
- Only a narrow beam of ions at the same velocity are allowed to get into the deflection chamber
- The radius of the circle of each ion’s path will only depend on the mass of the ion → larger mass will travel in a larger circle

What provides evidence for the existence of nuclear energy levels?
- Alpha particles produced by decay have discrete energies
- Gamma ray spectra are discrete
What are the two types of beta decay?
- Beta-negative decay
- Beta-positive decay
What is the process of beta-negative decay?
- A neutron changes into a proton with the emission of an electron and an antineutrino

-What is the process of beta-positive decay?
- A proton changes into a neutron with the emissino of a positron and a neutrino

What is the decay constant?
The probability per unit time that any particular nucleus will undergo decay
N = number of undecayed nuclides in the sample

What is the activity, A, of a radioactive source?
The number of nuclei decaying per second (same as the rate of decay)
Measured in becquerels (Bq) = 1 decay per second

What is the number of undecayed nuclei after time t?
N = N0e–λt
N0 = initial number of undecayed nuclei
How is the activity related to the number of initial undecayed nuclei?
A = λN = λN0e–λt
Derive the relationship between decay constant and half life

How can the half-life be measured in isotopes with long half-lives?
- If the activity can be determined, then the half-life can be calculated too
Ar = relative atomic mass
NA = Avogadro’s constant

How can the half-life be measured in isotopes with short half-lives?
- Can be measured directly
- Measuring the count rate over a short period of time
- Count rate is proportional to activity
A = A0e–λt
lnA = lnA0 – λt