Topic 1.2 Flashcards
How things appeal to the senses: Do they look great, smell good, feel nice, sound solid, and taste great?
Giving a product or service ‘personality,’ with a name and logo that makes it stand out.
Giving customers options and increasing the chance that a product will be available which is perfect for the tastes/habits of one type of customer.
Competitive advantage
Features of a product or service that make it stronger in the marketplace than its competitors.
Customer needs
The products or services people have to have to make life comfortable.
Customer wants
What people choose to spend their money on, once the weekly bills have been paid.
A study of the statistical differences that exist within a population, both now and in the future.
Deciding how something will look, both internally and externally.
Design mix
Finding the right design balance between function, aesthetics, and cost of manufacture.
Identifying customers
Finding out who they are: their age, gender, incomes, where they live, and what they want.
Market map
Measuring where existing brands sit on a two-factor grid, such as young/old compared with high price/low price.
Market segments
The subsets within a market that have been identified as a result of market segmentation.
Market share
The percentage of a market held by one company or brand.
Targeting customers with a product that has the right blend of functional and aesthetic benefits, without being too expensive to produce.
Product knowledge
How well staff know all the features of the products and the service issues surrounding the products.