Topic 11 B: Regression Flashcards
What is a regression line used for?
To perdict the value of y for a given value of x
Ex: How fast do alchol sales rise with a one unit increase in amount of subliminal exposure?
After verifying that a correlation is significant, you can —–
determine the equation of the line that best fits the data
The difference between th eobserved y-value and the predicted y-value for a given x-value on a line
Positive residual
Underestimated outcome
Negative residual
Overestimated outcome
What is a regression line?
The line for which the sum of the squares of the residuals is a minimum.
The regression line always passes through the point:
Two types of variation about a regression line:
- explained variation (due to variable x)
- Unexplained variation (Due to unknown factors)
Coefficient of Determination
- The ratio of the explained variation to the total variation
- Denoted R^2
What does r^2 value of 0.833 mean?
The standard error of estimate
- The standard deviation of the observed yi-values about the predicted y-values for a given xi-value
The closer the observed y-values are to the predicted y-values, the —– the SE of estimate will be
Simple regression vs correlation + ex
Simple regression is predicting values on one variable using info from one predictor variable. (Given a particular sense of humour rating, what attractiveness rating would we expect a person to receive?)
Correlation is describing strength and direction of relationship between 2 variables (how much does y go up with an increase with X and also considering maybe increase/decrease in another variable length)
Multiple regression +ex
Predicting values on an outcome variable from values on more than one predictor variable. Ex: A more accurate prediction of perceived attractiveness might be made if we considered facial symmetry and intelligence.
Why conduct multiple regression (3)?
- Can quantify combined effects of more than 1 variable (ex: how much of the variance in attractiveness is accounted for by sense of humor and facial symmetry?)
- Allows us to examine the relative influence of different predictor variables (is sense of humor, facial symmetry or intelligence more important in determining a person’s attractiveness?)
- Can quantify and describe interaction relationship between predictor variables ( does sense of humour affect attractiveness rating only when facial symmetry is low?
Multiple regression equation:
Assumption of multiple regression (3)
- Linearity between each of the predictors and the criterion (outcome variables)
- Residuals are normally distributed (about zero), there is no clustering
- No extreme multicollinearity (cant have predictors that are highly correlated) No +/- 0.8 or bigger in abs value
R is the
correlation between one variable (Y) and a set of predictors
Running SPSS multiple regression anaylses to determine whether all 3 predictors combined can significantly predict overall rating above chance:
Sun SPSS multiple regression anaylses to determine whether each predictor variable significantly contributes to the prediction of overall rating on its own:
Run SPSS multiple regression anaylses to determine the relative contibution of each predictor variable to overall evaluation scores
compare standardized betas