Topic 1 Terminology Flashcards
What is Physical Activity
Physical activity refers to any movement produced by muscle
action that involves an expenditure of energy
What is 1 met equaled to?
1 MET = 3.5ml/kg/min of O2 consumed
What does MET stand for?
Metabolic Equivalent (number of calories consumed at meta basal rest)
What are the different classification of the METs
Very Light <1.8 METs walking slow
Light 1.8-2.9 METs dressing, showering, slow moderate walking
Moderate 3-5.9 METs (brisk walking, dancing, active participation in games and sports, moderate load shifting,
Vigorous or maximum > 6 METs (running, fast cycling,
aerobics, fast swimming, competitive sports and games,
displacement of heavy loads, etc.)
Who does the WHO deal with?
concerned with the issues as promoting physical activity for health, global recommendations and exercise
What is exercise?
physical activity planned, structured, repetitive and
aimed at the improvement or maintenance of physical fitness
What are the quantifications of physical exercise?
Heart Rate
VO2 max
Rate of Perceived exhaustion
What is sedentary behavior?
long period of inactivity, low energy expenditure such as sitting, watching television or laying down
What is physical fitness?
ability to carry out normal daily functions with vigor efficiently, and not that much fatigue
What are the health related physical fitness components?
aerobic or cardiorespiratory capacity, flexibility, muscle tolerance, muscle strength and body composition
What are the neuro muscular or sports performance components
agility, balance, coordination, speed, power and reaction time
How does the WHO define health
” complete state of physical, mental and social well being not not merely the absence of illness or disability”
what is the approach of holistic health?
mental, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions
Can health be considered perfect?
No but you can be reach an optimal level of well being
How is “optimal well being” measured or categorized
Continuous scale of 2 extremes.
On the “far left” premature death or illness
On the the “far right” optimal health
What is a health related risk factor?
any circumstance or characteristic of a person or group that increases the chance of a disease to develop
What are the type of risk factors?
Behavior, alcoholism, smoking and eating habits
what re the risk factors that are fixed and cannot be modified?
age, sex and genetics
Risk factor that affects specific type of diseases
Ex) Sun exposure is a rrisk factor for skin cancer
Risk factors that affects various type of diseases
Ex) alcoholism is the cause for traffic accident and in some cases psychological illnesses in a family setting
Risk factors that affect the same damage
Ex) hypertension, cholesterolemia and
smoking are all risk factors for heart disease.
What is an ilness?
a physical or mental
disorder that causes
alterations in the normal
functioning of the organism
what is a pathology?
the set of changes that
occur in the body because of
the disease/pathology.
What is one criteria can diseases be classified into?
Impact on population
Sporadic diseases: stomach virus
Endemic diseases: remains overtime in a region or country (Malaria in Africa)
Epidemic diseases: specific geographical area at a specific
time (cholera). It can evolve and become a pandemic.
what is the other criteria a disease can be classified into?
According to the origin:
Non-infectious diseases: chronic diseases, degenerative
diseases, trauma, etc.
Infectious diseases: by viruses, pathogens, etc.
What is a chronic or disabling disease?
through unhealthy or inappropriate lifestyles although genetic plays a little part
What is the difference between a chronic and infectious disease?
chronic diseases are not spread through the contagion or pathogens
What are some characteristics of a chronic disease?
long term nature, long period of time to develop
progressive destruction of tissues, degenerative
disable and interfere with the body in a functional way
some degenerative diseases can be prevented, possible to minimize harmful effects
What are Hypokinetic diseases?
lack of exercise or little physical activity
Examples of Roles of exercise in chronic diseases?
Insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Dislipemia, Obesity, Fibromyalgia
How does Henderson define “lifestyle”
“habits and patterns of daily behavior of a person” linked to health and promoting it
How does Mendoza define “lifestyle”
Set of behavior patterns that “characterizes the general way of life of an
individual or group”
How does the WHO define it?
A general way of life, based on the interaction between living
conditions in a broad sense and “individual patterns of behavior”
determined by both psychosocial factors and personal characteristics
How much percentage can lifestyle factors influence our health?
How do authors indicate a healthy lifestyle?
healthy habits that add years to life” (quantity / life expectancy or mortality)
“and life to years” (quality / morbidity)
what re the 4 lifestyle factors that interact with each other
- Individual characteristics
- Characteristics of the micro social environment
- Macro social factors
- The geographical physical environment
Individual characteristics
personality, interests, education
What are micro social characteristics?
How the individual operates in an environment: Housing, work, family, friends
what is a geographical physical environment
prevailing living conditions in society and in turn, undergoes modifications by human action