Topic 1: Intelligence Application Flashcards
What are the key learning objectives related to IQ tests?
Assess commonly used modern IQ tests and how effectively they measure intelligence.
Explain the use of the RPM (Raven’s Progressive Matrices).
Evaluate the usefulness of IQ tests, considering the Flynn Effect.
What is the RPM?
The RPM (Raven’s Progressive Matrices) is a non-verbal IQ test that measures eductive reasoning and fluid intelligence.
What does the RPM measure?
It measures eductive reasoning and fluid intelligence.
What is ‘eductive reasoning’?
Eductive reasoning is the ability to work out an answer using only the information provided.
What is ‘fluid intelligence’?
Fluid intelligence is the ability to think and reason on the spot. It tends to decrease with age.
How is the RPM administered?
The RPM provides incomplete pictorial stimuli that participants must complete to form a pattern.
How many types of RPM are there?
There are three types: Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM), Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), and Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM).
Who is the Colour Progressive Matrices (CPM) designed for?
It is designed for children aged 4-7 years old and anyone with mental or physical disabilities.
What is the format of the Colour Progressive Matrices?
It is in colour and consists of 36 items.
What age group uses the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)?
It is for individuals aged 7-18 years old.
What is the format of the Standard Progressive Matrices?
It is in black and white and consists of 60 items.
Who uses the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM)?
The APM is used by adults aged 18+.
What is the format of the Advanced Progressive Matrices?
It is in black and white and consists of 48 items (including 12 practice items).
Why is the RPM favored in research with children?
It is non-verbal and does not require communication, making it easier to use with children.
Why is the RPM useful for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
It is non-verbal, making it accessible for individuals with communication challenges.
Where is the RPM used in real-world applications?
It is used in clinical, educational, and occupational settings.
Why is the RPM used in military recruitment?
It is culturally neutral, meaning it doesn’t rely on cultural knowledge to answer the questions.
How are RPM test results comparable?
Results from different types of RPM tests (CPM, SPM, APM) can be compared.
What is the Flynn Effect?
The Flynn Effect refers to the idea that average IQ scores have increased over time, possibly due to improvements in education and access to literacy.
Who conducted research on the Flynn Effect?
James Flynn (1984).
What did James Flynn’s research find about IQ scores?
IQ scores increased in 14 nations over one generation, primarily due to better access to education and improved problem-solving abilities.
In Flynn’s study of the Netherlands, what type of intelligence showed the largest increase?
Fluid intelligence.
What caused the increase in IQ scores according to Flynn’s study?
The increase was due to improvements in problem-solving abilities, not just literacy or learned content.
What is the conclusion about IQ tests based on the Flynn Effect?
IQ tests like the RPM measure specific abilities related to intelligence, not a single ‘g’ factor. This could explain why IQ scores change across generations.
What is a key problem with IQ tests?
IQ tests correlate too weakly with intelligence to provide a convincing measure of IQ.
What does the Rasch Model take into consideration when calculating the RPM test score?
The difficulty of the questions and individual’s ability.