Topic 1: ICT systems Flashcards
What is a central processing unit?
Microprocessor (one or more) processes the raw data and turns it into information.
What are the main components of a computer system?
What is a main/internal memory?
Chips inside the computer where data is held and can be accessed immediately by the computer. Some program instructions are stored here along with the data the computer is currently working on.
What is secondary/backing storage?
This is any storage that is not classed memory. It is used to hold programs and data. Secondary/backing storage devices include magnetic hard drives, optical drives (CD or DVD), flash/pen drives, etc.
What are microprocessors?
Microprocessors are computers usually on a single chip, that are put into an electronic devices to check, regulate and control something. Microprocessors are the brains of many devices and make them more intelligent.
Name three places you might find microprocessors in everyday life.
Washing machines, children’s toys, heating systems, alarm systems. Traffic lights, mobile phones, in cars (breaks and airbags).
What is a personal computer (PC)?
PCs are the computers you are most likely to use at home, school or work. They include desktop computers, laptops, notebooks and PDAs.
What is a mainframe computer?
Mainframe computers are large, powerful computers capable of supporting a large number of terminals. Mainframe computers contain a number of processors, which means they can perform many tasks at the same time. Mainframe computers are found in banks, airlines, government departments, the NHS, etc.
What are supercomputers?
Supercomputers are the most powerful computers you can get. They contain many processors, which enables them to make billions of calculations per second. They are used for the most complicated tasks such as predicting climate change, producing weather forecasts, etc.
What are embedded computers?
Embedded computers act as the brain of many electronic/electrical devices. They are microprocessors that act as small computers and they are connected directly to the devices to control them in some way. Embedded computers have a program stored on chips that gives them the instructions on what to do. Any electrical/electronic device that can be controlled in some way probably has an embedded computer in it. Embedded computers can be found in children’s toys, burglar alarms, toasters etc.
What is hardware?
Hardware are the physical components that make up the ICT system. If you can touch it, then it is hardware.
What is software?
Computer hardware is useless without the software, as it is the software that instructs the hardware what to do. Software is the general name given to all the programs that can be run on computer hardware. They all give the hardware instructions and can be divided into two main categories: operating systems and applications software.
Name 8 input devices.
Keyboard, mouse, joystick/video game controller, tracker ball, touchpad, microphone, remote controls, scanners, digital still camera, digital video camera, web camera, sensors, touchscreen, magnetic strip readers, MIDI, chip and pin, barcode readers.
What is a keyboard?
Keyboards are the most popular input device. Using a keyboard: is the most popular way
of inputting data as most computer systems come with one. It is a slow method of input for large amounts of data. It is at inaccurate as it is easy to make mistakes. It needs typing skills so it is hard for beginners to use.
What keyboard would a disabled person use?
They would use a braille keyboard. Braille keyboards would make it easy for blind users to input data into the computer. For those who are failing vision, there are also keyboards that have large coloured keys that are easier to see. Each key is about 1 inch².
What is a mouse?
Mice are input devices because there used to issue instructions by making selections. When the mouse is moved, a pointer or cursor moves on the screen mirroring the movement of the mouse. Selections can be made by pressing the mouse buttons. A scroll wheel can be used for scrolling through long documents. A mouse may also be used for drawing lines, sizing graphic objects such as pictures or clip art.
What is a joystick/video game controller?
They are ideal for quick movement and selection. This means they are an ideal input peripheral for playing games. They can be used to move the cursor on the screen. Joysticks are useful for the disabled because they can be operated by the foot, mouth, etc.
What is a tracker ball?
This is a bit like an upside down mouse. The “mouse” part is stationary and you can move the “ball” part with your fingers and this moves the cursor on the screen in the same way as a mouse does. Their main use is for people who are disabled or very young children who find it hard to use a mouse.
What is a touchpad?
Touchpads are seen on most laptop computers and are used when and where there is no smooth surface or no space. Most would prefer to use a mouse if there is room as it takes longer to do tasks using a touchpad.
What is a microphone?
A microphone allows sound to be converted into data. Special software called voice recognition software is used to interpret the sounds into words. Here is what a microphone allows you to do.
What is a scanner?
They are used to scan in photographs and other images to put into documents or webpages. They can also be used to scan text into a word-processing or other package. This saves having to re-type the text. To be able to recognise the characters, special software could optical character recognition software is used.
What is a digital still camera?
A digital camera looks like an ordinary camera except there is no film and there is usually a screen on which to view the picture when taken. Digital cameras have memory cards where they store the image. The more memory a camera has, the more pictures you can store. There are no developing fees as with an ordinary camera. If the picture is not suitable (as viewed on the screen) then it can be taken again. You can transfer the pictures to your computer where you can store and edit them.
What is a digital video camera
You told video cameras look the same as ordinary video cameras except that they store the image digitally. Most digital video cameras can capture still as well as moving images. Images may be stored and edited on the computer. You can use video in websites.
What are web cameras?
A web camera (WebCam) is simply a digital camera that is used to capture still images and video images. Here are some more unusual uses of web cameras: to check on the weather in a ski resort or other holiday destinations. To allow parents to check on their children in nurseries. To allow bar owners to check that the staff are not giving free drinks to their friends. Allow people to check on their home while they are away.
What are sensors?
Sensors are able to sense quantities such as temperature, pressure and amount of light. The signal picked up by the sensors can be sent to and then analysed by the computer.
Sensors can be connected to the computer directly. Sensors can record data over time and then the data can be transferred to the computer (this is called data logging). Sensors can be found in lots of devices such as burglar alarms, central heating systems, washing machines, etc. As well as sensing, they also used to control the device in some way.
What are touch screens?
To operate a touchscreen is simply touch the item on the screen to make a selection. Touch screens are ideal input devices in some situations. Touch screens are easy for the general public to use. They are used in restaurants and shops because the staff need little training to use them. They are ideal for public information systems such as tourism displays, timetable information, etc.
What are magnetic strip readers?
Magnetic strip readers are able to read data stored in magnetic strips in plastic cards. They are used for reading data of credit/debit cards (as an alternative to chip and pin). Reading loyalty card details. Access control to rooms. Access to computers.
What is MIDI?
Musical instrument digital interface. MIDI is an interface, which means a way of connecting and getting two devices to communicate with each other. MIDI can send signals to electric devices such as keyboards, guitars and drum machines. These devices can also send signals back to the computer hardware so that the signals can be stored and modified in some way.
What is chip and pin?
Most credit cards are chip and pin, which means there is a small chip on the card containing encrypted data that only the reader in the store can read. This means that when you enter your PIN (personal identification number), the store can be sure that you are the correct owner of the card. Chip and pin has reduced card fraud when a card is being used in ordinary stores.
What is a barcode reader and what are some advantages and disadvantages?
Barcode reading involves using a series of light and dark bars of differing width to enter a code that is usually printed underneath the barcode. Using the code, the system can determine from a product database the country of origin, the manufacturer, the name of the product, the price and other information about the product.
Name five output devices.
Screen or monitor, printers, speakers, digital projectors, plotters, headphones.
What is a screen/monitor?
Screens are sometimes called monitors. They have a lot of sizes. They are usually in colour. Both desktop and laptop computers use TFT/LCD (thin film transistor/liquid-crystal display) flat panel display screens. They are light, they’re cheap to run, in the case of desktop computer systems they do not take up very much desk space.
What are the different types of printers?
Laser printers: laser printers are the type of printer mostly used by business and organisations mainly because of their high speed. Most laser printers print in black and white, although you can buy colour laser printers but they are relatively expensive.
Ink-jet printers: inkjet printers are popular with the home users because they are cheap to buy. They are expensive to run, because of the high cost of the ink cartridges. They work by spraying ink onto the paper and can produce very high-quality colour or black-and-white printouts.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of laser printers?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of inkjet printers?
What are speakers?
Speakers are used to output sound and are an important component of multimedia systems.
What are digital projectors?
Digital projectors are used to project what is on a computer screen onto a large screen. They are used when there is an audience that needs to view what is on the screen and are therefore used with presentations. They are also used with electronic whiteboard in classrooms.
What are plotters?
Plotters are used to output diagrams such as maps and plans. They produce accurately scaled diagrams and can print on much larger paper than a printer can print on. They use pens to draw lines with each pen drawing a different colour.
What are actuators?
Computers can issue signals to control devices based on the data they receive from sensors. They can, for example, turn a motor on or off, they can turn the heater on or off, etc. Devices that respond to the signal from the computer are called actuators.
What are earphones?
These allow people to listen to sound and do not disturb others as they do so. They are particularly popular for use in public places and can be used to access websites where there is sound, watching and listening to a video or just listening to music.
What are pen drives/flash drives/memory sticks/USB drives and what are some advantages and disadvantages?
They are ideal storage for photographs, music and other data files. These are the portable small sticklike devices are you insert into the USB port and use for storing work on. These are a very useful backing storage device and probably the way you transfer your work between home and school. They consist of printed circuit boards enclosed in a plastic case.
What are optical drives?
Optical disks are flat circular disks on which data is stored as a series of bumps. The way the bumps reflect a laser beam light is used to read the data off the disk. CD/DVD drives read the data off the disk or in some cases store the data onto the disk.
What is CD-ROM and what does it stand for?
(Compact disc read only memory). CD-ROMs are used mainly for the distribution of software. Although most home computers are a equipped with DVD drives, a lot more computers, especially those used in business, still only have CD drives. You can read a CD using a DVD drive but not the other way round. This is why software is still being sold on CD rather than DVD. With a CD-ROM data is read only, data is stored as an optical pattern, there is a large storage capacity, they are used for the distribution of software.
What is a DVD-ROM and what does it stand for?
(Digital versatile disc read-only memory). DVDs have a much higher storage capacity than CDs and are ideal for the storage of multimedia files such as MP3, digital images and video clips. DVD-ROM is used for the distribution of movies where you can only read the data of the disk. A DVD-ROM drive can also be used for reading data of the CD.
What is the difference between CD-R and CD-RW?
CD-R (CD recordable) allows data to be stored on a CD, but only once. It is ideal for the backing up of data or for storing digital music.
CD-RW (CD rewritable) allows data to be stored on the disk over and over again, just like a hard disk. You can treat a CD-RW like a hard drive but the transfer rate is less and the time taken to locate a file is greater. The media is not as robust as a hard drive.
What is DVD RAM and what does it stand for?
DVD RAM drives allow repeated storage and erasure of data so they act a bit like a hard drive but the disks cannot be used with all DVD drives.
What is the difference between DVD are and DVD+RW?
DVD-recordable allows data to be stored on a DVD, but only once. It is ideal for backing up data, for storing digital music or film.
Digital versatile disc+read/write drive can be used to write to as well as read data from a DVD. DVD-RW are are sometimes called DVD burners because they are able to be written to and not just read from. For the latest DVD drives the typical storage is 8.5 GB.
What are magnetic hard disk drives?
Magnetic disk drives are the main form of backing/secondary storage on the computer. Hard drives consist of a series of disks with a magnetic coating and a series of read/write heads that put the data onto or record it off each surface. They have a very high transfer rate (quick to put data on and to read it off) and a very high storage capacity.
What are flash memory/hard drive/memory cards?
Memory cards are the thin cards you see in digital cameras. They are ideal storage media for photographs that can also be used for storing other types of data.
What is a solid state drive?
A solid state drive is used to store data and it is used in a similar way to a hard drive except, unlike a hard drive, there are no moving parts. They have the advantage over a hard drive that they are very robust so not easily damaged. Data is also transferred between the drive and computer and vice versa faster compared to a hard drive.
What is online storage?
Online backup companies are companies who charge a fee for you to store your backup data on their computers. The Internet is used to transfer the files to from their storage devices.
Name 3 communication devices.
Modem, router, hub, network interface card.
What is a modem (dial-up and broadband)?
Modems are devices that enable a communication link to be set up between the computer and a medium such as a wire or cable that is used to carry the data.
Dial-up modem:
This is a slower more old-fashioned modem. When you log onto the Internet using a dial-up modem it dials the number of your Internet service provider. You are then asked for your user ID or screen name and password. On providing this, you are connected to the Internet.
Broadband modem:
Broadband modems are the latest modems and offer a connection to the Internet using a broadband link. Broadband is much faster than dial-up and allows you to download files at a high-speed. Watch online videos and use webcams. Listen to online radio and watch TV programmes and surf the Internet very quickly.
What are routers?
A router is a device that enables a network to be connected to the internet. They are frequently used in homes where several computers need to share a single Internet connection. Wireless routers are very popular and allow wireless connection to the Internet by any computers in the range of the router.
What is a hub?
Hubs are simple devices used to join computers in a network so they are able to share files and an Internet connection.
What is a network interface card?
If you intend to connect the computer to network using a cable, then you will need a network interface card (NIC). Almost all computers have these already built-in when you buy them. They consist of a circuit board and a socket into which the network cable is plugged. Network interface cards prepare the data for sending over the network.
What are user interfaces?
User interfaces are the means by which the user interacts with the computer. For example, the user may interact with the computer by keying in and moving the mouse to click on menu items on the screen. User interfaces are often referred to as human computer interfaces and they are important because having a good one means the computer is easier to use. User interfaces are being developed all the time and many of the new interfaces are making more use of touchscreens and voice recognition.
What is a command line/driven interface?
Here you have to type in a series of commands. This type of interface is very hard to use.
What is a menu-driven interface?
Here you are presented with a list of things to do and you have to choose one of them by typing in either a number or letter. These are easy to use but are limited in the sorts of things you can do them.
What is a graphical user interface (GUI)?
These are very easy to use and have all the features such as windows, icons, menus, pointers, etc.
What are the features of a GUI?
What is a direct neural interface?
A direct neural interface is a direct connection between the brain of a human and a device. This type of interface is very important as it can be used to repair damaged hearing, sight or movement. In some of these interfaces, electrodes are implanted into the person’s brain and the computer is used to process the signals and provide a person with sight, hearing or movement that they were not have without the system.
What is a voice driven interface?
We are used to communicating with each other using voice, so it makes sense to communicate with ICT devices such as computers, mobile phones, MP3 players, etc, in a similar way. Voice driven applications, also include voice recognition, it can be used to, issue commands to the software and enter data into the software. Voice driven is a popular interface because manufacturers are trying to make devices small, but if there is a small keyboard, then it makes the device harder to use.
What functions do operating systems have?
What tasks do utilities help the user with?
What are drivers?
Drivers are software used to supply instructions to the hardware on how to operate equipment that may be connected to the computer such as printers, scanners, external hard drives, etc. Most operating systems are able to recognise when new hardware, such as a flash drive, camera, portable hard drive etc, has been attached to the computer and automatically load the driver software needed to control it.
What is word-processing software?
Word processing packages are used to produce documents containing text such as letters, reports, memos and essays. Wordprocessing software is also used to prepare text for other packages such as DTP or web design software. The idea is that the text is prepared and edited using the word processing software and then saved and imported into other packages for further arrangement. Wordprocessing software is perfect for processing text but less good for creating posters, diagrams and complex newsletters. Before starting to word process a document you need to think about the layout of the page. Once text has been entered, you can start thinking about adding structure to certain text and making some text stand out. This is called formatting text. To further structure to the document you can format blocks of text to make paragraphs, sections, etc.
What is DTP software?
Desktop publishing software company called DTP software, is used to produce posters, brochures, magazines, newsletters, etc. It is ideal where the page design is quite complex and involves lots of graphics. For very simple documents it is possible to use wordprocessing software.
What is spreadsheet software?
Spreadsheet software is used to manipulate numbers and text arranged in cells. Formulas are used to relate one cell with other cells. Once a formula has been entered, then if one value of a cell, on which the formula is based, changes, then the formula will automatically perform the calculation with the new value. Spreadsheets are ideal for, budgets, cash flow forecasts, performing statistical analysis of data and producing graphs and charts from sets of data.
What are the functions of spreadsheets?
What is database management software?
Database software is used where a store of data needs to be kept and where information needs to be extracted from the store in lots of different ways. Simple databases can be created using spreadsheet software but these have limited use. More complex and useful databases are created in specialist database software and these are called relational databases.
What is web authoring software?
You can create simple websites in lots of different software such as word processing software. However it is better to use specialist web design software because there are lots of effects you can use.
What is presentation software?
You will already be familiar with presentation software such as PowerPoint for producing slide presentations. Presentation software can also be used for creating self running presentations, creating interactive presentations where the user can decide what to do next. Creating multimedia quizzes and creating teaching material.
What is proprietary and open source software?
Open source software is software where the license to use the software allows users to use, change and improve software freely, if they so wish. Proprietary software is software that is neither free nor open source. This means the user pays for the software and it is not free to alter it in any way. Most of the software you use is proprietary software.
What is multimedia software?
Multimedia means many media such as text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity. Usually multimedia means more media than just text and graphics. So this means that a normal book or magazine would not be considered multimedia. Multimedia software is software that can be used to create multimedia products such as games, educational materials, training materials, interactive books, etc.
What is slideshow software?
Slideshow software is used to present digital images and allow the sharing of these with friends and family in an interesting way. For example, you can set your photos to a soundtrack to, you can record your own narrations (i.e: you talking explaining what each photo shows) and you can add text captions to these photos.
What is photo editing software?
This software is used to improve the appearance of digital photographs and is very popular piece of software for home users. You can do all sorts of things to improve a digital image such as crop the image so only part of the image is used or remove any unwanted parts of an image. You can also remove red eye and also alter the colours in an image. You can also change the size of an image.
What is video editing software?
Like digital still images, digital video images are easily edited. For example, you can remove blurred sections or where the camera was moved to fast. You can also alter brightness, colours and contrast and you can even add a soundtrack to the video. There are many special effects that can be used to add further interest.
What is graphics manipulation software?
Graphics software is any software that can be used to create, edit and manage graphics images, which can include line diagrams, drawings, clipart and digital photographic images. General-purpose graphics software generally deals only with 2D images, where as special graphics modelling software or CAD (computer aided design) software deals with 2D and 3D graphics.
What is gaming software?
Software used to play games is a popular type of software and this software is very sophisticated and expensive to produce. Games software includes simulation software (playing football, racing cars, etc), traditional games such as chess, Scrabble and educational games that make learning fun.
What is communication software? Name the 4 different types.
Communication software is any software that allows two or more people to communicate with each other and would include:
What are compilers?
Compilers are programs that change the instructions written in programming languages such as ‘basic’ into binary (0s and 1s). A compiler converts the whole of a program written in the programming language into binary in one go. The program is then stored in binary and when it is run, it runs much faster.
What are interpreters?
Like compilers, interpreters convert program language instructions into the machine code (i.e. the binary code that the hardware can understand directly) but the way they do it is different. Interpreters are programs that take each program instruction written in the programming language and turn it into the binary code. They then move onto the next programming instruction and then turn it into binary. The process is repeated until all the instructions have been turned into binary. This process is being done as the program is run, which slows it down.
What are debuggers?
It is easy to make mistakes when you write a program. Mistakes in programs are called bugs and these ‘bugs’ can be difficult to find. Luckily help is available in the form of a piece of software called a debugger. A debugger is a program that is used to test and remove the mistakes (i.e. bugs) from another program.
What are linkers?
Linkers are programs that are usually part of the compiler and they take care of the linking between the code the programmer writes and other resources and libraries to make up the whole program file that can be executed (i.e. run).
What are editors?
Editors allow you to write the program instructions and change them.
What is GIF and what does it stand for?
Graphical Interchange format. Along with JPEG it is one of the two main formats for images used on the Internet. GIF files are small in size because the original file is compressed by removing any irrelevant data in the file. The main disadvantage with GIF files is that only 256 colours are used even though an actual image can contain six million colours. This means that GIF images do not look quite the same as the original image. GIF files are good for images on the web and photographs on the web.
What is JPEG and what does it stand for?
Joint photographic expert group. With GIF, it is the main file format for images on the web. JPEG is ideal for photographs and many digital cameras automatically create files with this file format. Like GIF, JPEG compresses the original image. There is a slight distortion when the image is converted to a JPEG file. This is noticeable at the edges of the image. JPEG files use 16 million colours, which is why they are ideal for photographic images.
What is PNG and what does it stand for?
Portable network graphics. PNG files use compression that creates a compressed image without any loss in image quality. It uses 16 million colours but the resulting file size is slightly larger and GIF or JPEG files. When you create a graphic using the software Macromedia fireworks, you create it in this file format. You can then choose to save the file in different file formats depending on the use to which the graphic is to be put.
What is TIF and what does it stand for?
Tagged image format. TIF is a bitmapped image format and is ideally suited to scanned images, images with continuous colours and photographs. TIFs are widely used and can be easily modified and can have any number of colours.
What is PSD what does it stand for?
Photo shop document. Photo shop is a popular piece of software used for creating and modifying images. PSD file format produces very high quality images but there is no compression. The file sizes are large. This means that if you used PSD files with the Internet, they would take a while to upload.
What is BMP and what does it stand for?
Bitmap. This file format saves the image as a map of pixels. It supports millions of colours but because of the very large file size, the time taken to load the file from the Internet is large. Pictures created using the package windows paint saved as BMP files.
What are the three file types for audio?
WAV, this is the standard file type used by windows when storing sound. Sound stored in this format is CD quality and this means that the file sizes are quite large.
MIDI, this is the file type used when electronic musical instruments, computers, and other equipment need to work with each other.
MP3, this is the most popular file type for downloading and storing music. This file type uses compression, which means you can store lots of tracks on your portable player.
What’s the four file types for video?
WMV, this is the file type used by the Windows media player.
MPEG-4, this file type is used with portable media players such as iPods, mobile phone’s, PSPs and also to store video on DVD.
Flash (.swf), files in this format can be created using the software Flash.
QuickTime (.mov), files in this format can be played back using the QuickTime player.
What are the three file types for documents?
Portable document format (PDF), this file type is very popular because the file can be read by almost any computer, as the software used to view it can be obtained for free.
.doc, this is the popular file format that the word processing package Microsoft Word uses to save it’s documents in.
HTML, used for storing text and images in webpages/websites.
What are excutable files?
Executable files are files that can be run on their own without any other application software. They represent program files as opposed to data files. You can spot and executable file in a list of files because it has a .exe after the file name.