Topic 1- Causes of War (Unit 3) Flashcards
Give 6 reasons for war
- Religion
- Territory
- Independence
- Politics
- Nationalism
- Ideology
Give the number of deaths in World War 1.
- 8.4 million military deaths
2. 1.4 million civilian deaths
Give the number of deaths in World War 2.
- 16.9 million military deaths
2. 34.3 million civilian deaths
Give the concept of “Total War”
It is where the civilians become targets
Give another name for WW1.
“war to end all wars”
What are the organisations that failed to prevent wars?
The League of Nations and its successor the United Nations.
Why has there been no great-super-power war since 1945?
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)
Where has 9 out of 10 wars occurred in the post-1945 period?
In weak unstable countries in the Third World
What were the crusades?
They were a series of military campaigns between the end of the 11th century through to the end of the 13th century.
What was the goal of the crusades?
To rescue the Holy Land from Muslim control
What were the 4 reasons for the cause of the Crusades?
- Political
- Economic
- Social
- Religious
What were the political reasons for the cause of the Crusades?
To make possible the reunification of the Catholic Church in the West and the Greek Orthodox Church in the East.
What were the economic reasons for the cause of the Crusades?
Italian merchants states wanted to expand their trade in the Mediterranean .
What stopped the Italian merchant states from expanding their trades in the Mediterranean?
Many strategic seaports were controlled by Muslims
What is primogeniture?
It is where the eldest legitimate son inherited all the land of his parents.
What was the cause of landless nobles?
What were the social reasons for the cause of the Crusades?
The crusades offered social release for a society that was overburdened by landless nobles as a result of primogeniture.
What opportunity did crusading present?
To gain lands in the Middle East
Why would the knights follow a noble into battle?
It is a part of feudal obligations
Who gave a dramatic speech to the Council of Clermont and when?
Pope Urban II in 1095
What were the religious reasons for the cause of the Crusades?
Pope Urban II made a speech to urge Christians to take up arms to rescue Jerusalem from Muslim control.
What did the crowd chant in response to pope Urban II speech?
“Deus vult”, “God wills it”
What were the knights given because of the speech?
A holy vocation and they became vassals of God.
Give 2 things the crusades were given.
- Remission of sin
2. Reduced time in purgatory
What was considered acts of loving one’s neighbour for the crusaders?
- Retaking and defending the Holy Land
2. Protecting Christians (while killing Muslims)
Give 4 stable kingdoms in wales.
- Gwynedd, Powys in mid-Wales
- Deheubarth in the south west
- Morgannwg in the south-east
What does ‘march’ mean?
Where did the Normans create the three lordships?
- Chester
- Shrewsbury
- Hereford
State the name given for the three lordships.
Marcher lordships
What was the role of the Marcher lordships?
To stop the Welsh from plundering over the border while planning for the invasion of Wales.
Why do ‘Cymry’ had to be warlike people?
- To defeat and repel Saxon, Irish and Viking invaders
2. They also fight with each other
Give the title of the person who has control over South Wales.
Lord of South Wales and feudal vassal of king Henry II.
What area did the Lord of South Wales control?
Rhys ap Gruffudd in the south of Wales.
Who became accepted as rulers of all Wales during the 13th century?
Rulers from three generations of the royal family of Gwynedd
What did the royal family of Gwynedd do?
They unified the peninsula so effectively that they became accepted as rulers of all Wales.
Who earned the title ‘the Great’?
Llywelyn ap lorweth
When did Llywelyn ap lorweth die?
What was Llywelyn ap lorweth described as upon his death?
‘Prince of Wales’
Who claimed the title ‘Prince of Wales’ after Llywelyn ap lorweth?
His son Dafydd II.
Who became the Prince of Wales in 1244?
Daftdd’s newphew, Llywelyn ap Gruffyd
Who acknowledged Llywelyn ap Gruffyd as Prince of Wales in 1244?
Henry III and by all the Welsh leaders who paid homage to him.
Who ascended to the throne of England in 1272?
Henry’s eldest son Edward I
What was the Edwardian conquest of Wales motivated by? (1)
His loathing of the Celts in general and Llywelyn in particular.
What was the Edwardian conquest of Wales motivated by? (2)
His political move to establish English rule in Wales. The Statue of Rhuddlan (1284) effectively annexed Wales and made it a province of England.
What was the Edwardian conquest of Wales motivated by? (3)
Edward’s desire for expansion and determination to make himself master of the whole of Britain by conquering Wales and Scotland.
What did the Welsh princes remain as throughout the Middle Ages?
Vassals of the English kings
What did Edward assume from Llywelyn?
That Llywelyn would do homage to him.
What did Llywelyn do to offend Edward? (1)
Llywelyn refused to do homage to him on 5 occasions.
What did Llywelyn do to offend Edward? (2)
He offered his hand in marriage to the daughter of Edward’s old enemy Simon de Montfort.
Who plotted to assassinate Llywelyn?
Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn of Powys and Llywelyn’s own brother Dafydd.
What happened after the plot to assassinate Llywelyn?
The plot failed and Dafydd was forced to flee to England for safety.
What did Edward do by 1277?
He led a huge army of 15,000 into Wales- 9,000 of whom were recruited in Wales.
`(1) Defeat had implications for Wales:
Gwynedd was surrounded by lands controlled by Edward.
(2) Defeat had implications for Wales:
New castles were built at Rhuddlan, Flint, Aberystwyth and Builth and others were strengthened.
(3) Defeat had implications for Wales:
English law was introduced and English officials were appointed in areas previously belonging to Welsh rulers.
(3) Defeat had implications for Wales:
The rulers of Powys and Deheubarth were now servants of the English crown.
(4) Defeat had implications for Wales:
Dafydd was rewarded with lands to the east of the River Conway.
What did Dafydd and Llywelyn do in 1282?
They stages a rebellion which soon spread throughout most of Wales.
What happened after the rebellion?
- Edward invaded and defeated the Welsh
2. Death of Llywelyn and Dafydd
How and when did Llywelyn die?
He was killed in a skirmish near Builth in December 1282.
How and when did Dafydd die?
After capture in April 1283, Dafydd was executed.
What happened to the Welsh infantry after the defeat by Edward?
The size of the Welsh infantry increased their role and status.
What did the Welsh infantry accomplish? (1)
They formed 10,000 of the 12,000 infantrymen and archers that defeated the Scots at Falkirk.
What did the Welsh infantry accomplish? (2)
Some 5,000 served at Bannockburn (1314) and perhaps the same numbers at Crecy (1346).
Describe the uniform of the Welsh infantry.
White and green
What were the disadvantages of the Welsh infantry?
- They were disobedient and undisciplined.
2. They prefer to murder than capture opponents.
Give another name for Owain Glyndwr.
Owain of the Valley of the Dee
When was Owain Glyndwr born?
Give 2 facts about Owain Glyndwr’s heritage.
- He was heir to the dynasty of Powys Fadog on his father’s side
- He claimed descent from Lord Rhys of Deheubarth on his mother’s side
Who did Owain Glyndwr dispute with in 1400?
Lord Grey of Ruthin, a powerful English baron who lived nearby.
Why did Owain Glyndwr dispute embroil with Lord Grey of Ruthin?
They disputed over land.
What happened when Henry IV sided with Grey?
Glyndwr and his followers attacked and damaged Ruthin and other Welsh towns near the English border.
When did the rebellion swept across Wales?
Between 1401-1404
What were the impacts of the rebellion between 1401-1404?
Harlech and Aberystwyth castles were captured and English armies were defeated at Mynydd Hyddgen and Bryn Glas in mid Wales.
What did Owain self proclaim himself as?
Prince of Wales
What did Owain Glyndwr do when he realised that he have to defeat the English in a major battle? (1)
He called a special parliament at Machynlleth to raise money for the cause.
What did Owain Glyndwr do when he realised that he have to defeat the English in a major battle? (2)
He made alliances with Henry IV’s English enemies the Duke of Northumberland and Edmund Mortimer and entered a formal alliance with the King of France.
What were the consequences of the battle by Glyndwr in 1405? (1)
Glyndwr’s forces suffered heavy defeats at Grosmont and Usk.
What were the consequences of the battle by Glyndwr in 1405? (2)
Help from the French and the Scots failed to materialise and the men of Glamorgan, Gower, Tywi, Ceredigion and Anglesey all submitted to the English king.
What happened to the major strongholds by 1408?
Harlech and Aberystwyth had been recaptured and the revolt petered out.
What happened to the revolt by 1415?
The revolt was over and Glyndwr disappeared without trace.