Topic 1 AOS 1 - concepts of H&W Flashcards
Health and Wellbeing
Health and wellbeing relates to the state of a person’s physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual existence and is characterised by an equilibrium in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable, content and engaged.
H & W - always changing
H & W - Subjective
viewed in many different ways
Physical health and wellbeing
Is a state of physical wellbeing that relates to the functioning of the body and its systems, and in which a person is able to perform their daily tasks without physical restriction.
Mental health and wellbeing
The state of a person’s mind or brain and relates to the ability to think and process information.
Emotional health and wellbeing
The ability to recognise, understand and effectively manage and express emotions as well as the ability to display resilience.
Social health and wellbeing
The ability to form meaningful relationships with others as well as the ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations.
Spiritual health and wellbeing
Ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the mind and conscience of human beings.
Characteristics of Physical H & W
- Healthy body weight
- Free from ilness, disease and injury
- adequate energy levels
- ability ro complete daily tasks adequately
- appropriate levels of fitness
- strong immune system
- well functioning body, systems and organs
Characteristics of mental H & W
- positive thought patterns
- use logic to make decisions
- process information to solve problems
- positive self-esteem
- high levels of confidence
- low levels of stress and anxiety
Characteristics of spiritual H & W
- postive meaning and purpose in life
- peace and harmony
- acting according to values and beliefs
- sense of belonging and connection of the world
- developed personal values and beliefs
Characteristics of social H & W
- manage and adapt to social situations
- effective communication with others
- supportive network of friends
- productive relationships with others
- supportive and well-functioning family
Characteristics of emotional H & W
- experience appropriate emotions
- effectively respond to and manage emotions
- high levels of resilience
- recognise and understand the range of emotions
What is a perspective?
somebodys point of view or attutude towards health and wellbeing
What is a priority?
greater importance is placed on some aspects of health and wellbeing than others
What are youth perspectives of H & W?
- youth people have different perspectives of health and wellbeing and prioritise different aspects of H & W than others
- become more holistic with age
- they consider more than the physical component as an influence on their health and wellbeing
- generally very healthy as they do nt suffer from a wide variety of sickneses that older people will develop
- associatev h + w with absense of ilness
- associate h+ w with their everyday life and how they function
- youth have strong awarness of positive and negative influences on their H + W and relise that being able to maintain an optimal state of wellbeing requires effort and consideration of these influences
What topics allow for variations on health perspectives and priorities
- Socioeconomic status
- Age
- Culture
- Religion
- Gender
Socioecomic status health perpectives and priorities
- education
- employment
- income
- individuals can have differing access to knowledge, recources and expectation
Low socioeconomic perspectives and priorities
- Lower level of health literacy
- Less informed opinions on healthy and unhealthy behaviours
- More likely to smoke cigarettes and become less concerned about health implications
- Health is not a major priority, as food, shelter, education and employment is viewed as more important
- Often wait until disease has progressed before seeking treatment
High socioeconomic groups persectives and priorities
- Aware of health implications
- high levels of health literacy
- Seek help and treatment when suffering from an illness
Low smoking levels
- Keeping active
-Well maintained body-weight
- Low blood pressure
Religion perspectives and priorities
- For many people, their religion can have a significantly positive impact on their health and wellbeing, thereby influencing their perspective and the importance they place on these resources for living.
What is it?
Age priorities and perspectives
- An individual’s perspective on health and wellbeing changes as they age
- There can also be changes in the values people have as they age
- These changes can cause a variation in priorities relating to health and wellbeing.
Children perspective and priorites
-diet, nutrition, healthy food, sports fitness & personal hygiene
- Their views about health & wellbeing stem from what makes a healthy body and focusing on growing up and being safe.
Priorities are set up by parents at this age eg: reduce salt and sugar intake
social H&W becomes important - new connections
youth 12-17 perspective and priorites
- body image
- phyaical appearance
- regular physical activty
- physcal leath and wellbeing - weight, diet etc)
- peer acceptance
- risk taking behaviour
Early adulthood
18-39 years
perspective and priorites
- fitness (body is at physical peak
- fitness
- weight control
- body image
Middle adulthood 40-64 years
perspective and priorites
- illness prevention (chronic diseases will often present themselves)
- being free from illness and disease.
- health preventative practices (Due to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancers at this age)
Late adulthood
65+ perspective and priorites
Mental stimulation & mental h & w increase in importance
Social h & w is also prioritised - (grandparents)
Grandparenting provides opportunity for mental, emotional and physical h & w to be enhanced.
- physically active in order to maintain mobility
- Independence
- Preventative health practices eg: breast and prostate cancer checks
Whatis it? Gender perspective and priorites
- Gender refers to the characteristics that
make us male or female, based on cultural
and societal norms. - Gender is therefore
influenced by culture, and thus many of
the differences in perspectives on health
and wellbeing.
Females perspective and priorites
F- emales typically more health conscious than males
- Females tend to have a more holistic view of h&w, considering all 5 dimensions
- Women generally would consider themselves at a higher risk of illness or injury than males
- Females open up more about their feelings and are likely to problem solve
- Mental health tends to be a greater priority for females as they seek assistance more often than males.
Males perspective and priorites
- Young men often associate h&w with physical fitness levels
- Men generally view and describe h&w as remaining physically fit, eating nutritional foods, and maintaining an appropriate body weight and shape
- Social media seems to be changing the priorities of young males
culture perspective and priorites
Culture is often strongly linked with a person’s recognised ethnicity and for, many people, can be interconnected with religious beliefs & geographical location.
Men and Women priorites
- Social health is commonly an equal priority for both male and female
- Although females have tended to put weight loss and clean eating first in the past, new studies show that males have been prioritising this
Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander perspectives on health and wellbeing
- view health in a holistic mannor focusing on health and community as a whole, rahter than that of an individual
- connection to land is essential and is seen as a major contribulter to overall good health and wellbeing
- Social and emotional wellbeing is based on an Aboriginal and Torres Straight Isander connection to:
1. land
2. culture
3. ancestry
4. spirituality
5. family and community