Topic 1 Flashcards
Tehreran Conference
Stalin wanted a 2nd Western Front.
Roosevelt promised an invasion (1944 D-Day.)
Reconstruction of Europe.
Big 3- Eastern Europe= sphere of influence. Western Europe= capitalist sphere of influence.
Stalin wanted Germany to pay compensation.
Yalta Conference
Stalin helped the USA fight Japan.
Negotiations about dividing Germany.
Roosevelt & Churchill agree to build a communist government if Greece is left alone.
The Declaration of the Liberation of Europe. SU, GB & USA work for democracy in Europe.
UN creation agreed.
Potsdam Conference
Truman is a firm anti-communist.
Agreed to; ban Nazi’s, make survivors war criminals.
USA atomic bomb worked & Truman dictated the conference.
Stalin started a buffer zone.
Germany split into 4 zones.
The Long Telegram
American Ambassador in Moscow
Stalin made a speech against capitalism.
USSR is building a military.
Novikov’s Telegram
SU Ambassador in USA 1946 USA wants to dominate the world. After Roosevelt died the USA & SU didn't cooperate. The USA public prepared for war vs SU
Civil War between capitalist monarchy & the communists.
1945- GB troops help the capitalists.
USSR tried to take Greece by force.
1947- GB take out their troops but Truman paid GB to stay & stop the communists.
Truman Doctrine
Policy to contain communism.
He feared communism would be popular in Europe.
Said they had a choice between ‘communist tyranny’ & ‘democratic freedom.’
The world was divided in 2- Cold War begun.
Marshall Plan
Committed $13 billion to rebuild economy.
Boost USA economy.
For countries to join they must trade with the USA and be capitalist.
Bring communist parties under USSR control.
Removed disloyal people.
USSRs Marshall Plan
Encourage economic development in E. Europe.
Prevent Western Trade.
Minimise USA influence.
Benefits economic growth in the sphere of influence.
Paris Conference
European leaders discussed USAs offered.
USSR walked out.
Sphere of influence rejected.
When was the Berlin Blockade?
January- 17,000 tonnes
It made Stalin look aggressive.
September 1949- West Germany (FDR) was created.
October 1949- Eastern Europe created (GDR.)
Set up in 1949
Made in response to the Berlin Blockade.
Alliance between the West.
Arms Race
1945- USA uses an atomic bomb on Japan.
1949- USSR tested nuclear bomb.
1953- Both sides have bombs.