Topic 1 Flashcards
A Priori Argument
Logic relating to deductive reasoning from a general principle
A Posteriori
An argument “from which is later” it’s decisive completely on own knowledge
Ontological Argument
Philosophical argument that is in support of the existence of God
The theory that all knowledge of the world is based on experience
Natural Selection
Process which organisms better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive
Anthropic Principle
The argument that the purpose of the universe is to support human life
Abductive Argument
Reasoning that seeks to produce a hypothesis from an observation using most likely explanation
Deductive Argument
An argument whose conclusion follows necessarily from the premises
Infinite Regress
Going backward to an Infinity without end
The belief that God intervenes with the world as he created it
An argument that tries to make the existence of evil compatible with the existence of an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God
Free Will Defence
The idea that moral evil doesnt arise from God but from humans exercising free will
The belief that God is omnipotent, but the dark of evil and pleasure disrupts the pleasure of light and his good creation