Topic 03- Product decisions Flashcards
Types of Innovations (3)
1) Continuous innovation
2) Dynamically continuous
3) Discontinuous innovation
Definition: Continuous innovation
Involves the slight modification of an existing product (ex.: laundry detergent)
Definition: Dynamically Continuous
Changing the product so that using it requires a moderate amount of learning.
(ex.: Surface Pro 4, Surface Book)
Definition: Discontinuous Innovation
Developing a new product that creates major changes in how we do a task.
(ex.: mobile phones instead of landline phones, self driving cars)
Types of Adopters (5)
1) Innovators (2,5%)
2) Early adopters (13,5%)
3) Early mainstream (34%)
4) Late mainstream (34%)
5) Lagging adopters (16%)
1) Early market
2) Mainstream Market
3) Late Market
Definition: Innovators
Will buy the product earlier than anyone else and buy it for intrinsic reasons or the so-called “feel-good factor”. - Techles
Definition: Early adopters
Desire the product before anybody else has it, as they want to be the trend setters. -Visionaries
Definition: Late mainstream
The product has pushed throug and now prices have bottomed out and the technology has become standard. Most of the people have the product at this point.- Conservatives
Definition: Lagging adopters (leggards)
Will buy the product with close to 0% interest in buying due to their “if it aint broke don’t fix it” mentality. - Skeptics
Definition: Early mainstream
Product has overcome the chasm ande becomes profitable. As products have now become cheaper, this group also purchases them. - Pragmatists
Factors to enhance new product adoption (7) (Akzeptanz)
1) Communicability (easy to tell)
2) Divisibility (Teilbarkeit)
3) Timing
4) Complexity ! (easy to use product, ex.: clock radio hotel)
5) Locale
6) Compatibility
7) Relative Advantage
Reasons why products fail (5)
1) Don´t fulfill need or want
2) Pushed despite poor marketing research
3) Technical problems
4) Overestimation of market size
5) Design compromises functionality
Marketing grid
1) Existing markets, existing products
- Market penetration (walmart-grocery delivery)
2) Existing markets, new products
- Product developement (Nissan Leaf, first mass-produced EV)
3) New markets, existing products
- market developement (IKEA entering chinese market)
4) New markets, new products
- Diversifikation (Coca Cola Fairlife milk)
New Product Developement (NPD) Stages (8)
1) Idea Generation
2) Idea Screening
3) Concept Development & Testing
4) Business Analyses
5) Marketing Analyses
6) Product and Prototype Development
7) Test Marketing
8) Commercialization/ Launch
Product Lifecycle (PLC) Stages (5)
1) Product Development
2) Introduction
3) Growth
4) Maturity
5) Decline