Topic 01/02 (week 02) Flashcards
Robbins Lion king
absence of people does not seem strange, we are used to thinking of africa as an untouched landscape
broadly, what does political ecology do
mainyl used as a framework to solve complex problems
have lived in rift valley for thousands of years as part of the natural environment
cockburn and ridgeway definiotion of P.E
a useful way of describing the intentions of radical movements in united states
Blaikie and brookfield definition of P.E
combines the concerns of ecology and broadly defined political economy
Greenberg and Park definition of P.E
a synthesis of political economy with its isistence on the need to link the distribution
Peet at Watts definition of P.E
is confluence between ecologically rooter social science and the prinicples of P.E
Hempel definition of P.E
the study of interdependence among poltical units and interrelationships
Watts definition of P.E
understand the complex relations between nature and society
Stott and Sulivan definition of P.E
identified the political circumstances that forced people into activities which cause environmental degradation
apolitical ecology
ecoscarcity and limits to growth
how we may be impacting the environment but not the political and economic factors that are causing it
San Torini - Greece
geographical issues (water needs to be trucked in)
focus on developing tourism rather than local population
major issues surrounding factors of sustainability
“the population bomb”
`paul enrich
exceeding capactiy of the land
overconsumption in the global north + overpopulation in global south = disaster
Julian Simon
“no known physcial limits to processes of growth and improvement
nwo-malthusian predictions didnt come true because of green movements (could still happen though)
problems with population bomb
the western world uses more resources than in developing countries
reinforces or reduces social inequalities
three fundamental and linked assumptions about Political ecologists
they accepot teh idea that costs and benefits associated iwth environmental change are for the most part distributed unevenly
which reinforces or reduces existing social and economic inequalities
the political implications in the terms of the altered power of actors in the relation to other actors
common subjects of political ecology
what cuases regional forest loss?
who benefits from wildlife conservation efforts and who loses?
what political movements have grown from local land use transitions?
local decisions influence by regional pllcities which are in turn directed by global politics and economics
case study in Thailand - Dr Williams
5 different communites all within 2KM of each other
all very different in terms of lifestyle, work, ethnic backgrounds
all were affected and helped differently by the tsunami
political ecology pursues decisions at many….
levels and scales
local and international
political ecology explores social and environmental changes and provides…
an understanding that there are better, less coercive, less exploitative anmd more sustainable ways of doing things