Top Notch 1a Flashcards
Getting acquainted
If you acquainted with someone, you have met them a few times but don’t know them very well.
اشنا کردن، اگاه کردن، مسبوق کردن، مطلع کردن
A tool used for putting staples into paper
ميخ منگنه
As a matter of fact
in fact, actually, to tell the truth,
حقیقتامر اینستکهخوب بخواهید بدانید
@ to give someone something and receive the same kind of thing from them at the same time:
1- We exchange gifts at Christmas.
2- At the end of the game, players traditionally exchange shirts with each other.
@ to give someone something and receive something different from them
SYN change:
exchange something for something
1- Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds?
In everyday British English, people usually say swap or, in everyday American English, trade, rather than exchange:
1- Do you want to swap (BrE)/trade (AmE) seats with me?
معاوضه، مبادله، تبادل، ردوبدل ارز، جایمعاملات ارزی و سهامی، بورس، صرافخانه، صرافی، مبادله کردن، عوض کردن
/ ˈreɪnfɒrəst, ˈreɪnfɒrɪst $ -fɔː-, -fɑː- / noun
a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot :
1- the destruction of the rain forest
جنگل انبوه مناطق گرم و پر باران
/ ˈreɪnbəʊ $ -boʊ / noun
a large curve of different colours that can appear in the sky when there is both sun and rain
رنگين كمان
Rising intonation
Use in yes / no questions
Falling intonation
Use in information questions
@ the area where the land meets the sea ➔ coastal: coast of 1- the west coast of Africa on the coast 2- I used to live in a small village on the coast (=on the land near the sea). off the coast 3- a small island off the coast (=in the sea near the land) of Scotland
ساحل، دریاکنار
/ ˌfɑːməˈsjuːtɪk ə l◂ $ ˌfɑːrməˈsuː- / adjective [ only before noun ]
relating to the production of drugs and medicines :
1- the pharmaceutical industry
2- pharmaceutical products
دارویی، وابسته به داروسازی،
/ ˌəʊvəˈsiːz◂ $ ˌoʊvər- / adverb @ to or in a foreign country that is across the sea → abroad : 1- Chris is going to work overseas. 2- Most applications came from overseas. کشورهاى بيگانه ،خارج از کشور
/ ɔːˈθentɪk $ ɒː- / adjective
@ done or made in the traditional or original way SYN genuine :
1- authentic French food
@ a painting, document, book etc that is authentic has been proved to be by a particular person SYN genuine :
2- an authentic work by Picasso
In everyday English, people usually say that something is real or the real thing rather than authentic :
3- This is real Indian cooking.
How do you know if the picture is the real thing?
صحيح ،معتبر،درست ،موثق ،قابل اعتماد
ar‧ti‧cle S2 W1 / ˈɑːtɪk ə l $ ˈɑːr- / noun [ countable ]
@ e a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine
article on/about
1- an article on environmental issues
2- The paper’s leading article (= the main article ) described the government as weak.
3-newspaper articles
@ technical
a word used before a noun to show whether the noun refers to a particular example of something or to a general example of something.
4- In English, ‘the’ is called the definite article and ‘a’ and ‘an’ are called the indefinite article.
مقاله ،گفتار،حرف تعريف(مثل)the
Respect each other
به همديگر احترام بگذاريد
ˈwrap-up noun [ countable ]
@ (American English informal)
a short report that repeats the main points, for example of a news broadcast SYN round-up
wrap up phrasal verb
@ to put on warm clothes
wrap 1 S3 / ræp / verb ( past tense and past participle wrapped , present participle wrapping ) [ transitive ]
@ ( also wrap up ) to put paper or cloth over something to cover it
@ cover ( also cover up ) to put something over, on, or around something else, to hide it, protect it, or improve its appearance :
1- Cover the dough, and leave it to rise.
2- She wears a lot of make-up to cover her spots.
خاتمه يافتن ،به نتيجه رسيدن ،تمام شدن ،گزارش ،خلاصه
tasteS2 W2 / teɪst / noun
@ [ uncountable and countable ] the feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink when you put it in your mouth SYN flavour :
1- The medicine had a slightly bitter taste.
taste of
2- I don’t really like the taste of meat any more.
@ what you like [ uncountable and countable ] the kind of things that someone likes
taste in
3- He asked about my taste in music.
► Do not say ‘ it is sweet taste ‘ or ‘ it is nice taste ‘. Say it has a sweet taste or it has a nice taste .
مزه ،طعم ،چشاپى ،ذوق ،سليقه
In advance
ad‧vance S2 W2 / ədˈvɑːns $ ədˈvæns / noun
@ in advance (of something)
before something happens or is expected to happen
1- I should warn you in advance that I’m not a very good dancer.
2- Many thanks, in advance, for your help.
SYN: ahead of time, earlier than expected
پيشاپيش ، پيش از ، قبل از
Box office
The place in a theatre, cinema, etc where tickets are sold.
SYN: ticket office
Going forward , ( prep ) in the direction of , ( adv ) together with
1- i was driving along, thinking about chris.
2- a group of children walking along in a line.
همراه . جلو پيش
That’s not for me.
I don’t think I want to go to that
That’s past my bed time
That’s too late
That’s more my style
I like that better
I see what you mean
I understand what you are saying
What are you up to?
What are you doing?
What’s going on with you?
Say this when you think someone is secretly doing something bad.
be more sb’s style
be more sb’s style (= used to say that you prefer something )
1. I don’t think the parachuting weekend is for me – the art class is more my style.
2. I like your style (= approve of the way you do things ) , Simpson.
3. I can’t ask a man out – it’s not my style (= it is not the way I usually behave ) .
چتر نجات، پاراشوت به کار بردن
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Use on with the names of days or dates. 1- On Thursday 2- On the weekend 3- On Monday morning 4- On Sundays 5- On New Year’s day 6- On a weekday Use in with periods of time (but not with names of days) 1- In 1998 2- In the morning 3- In July 4- In the 20th century 5- In ( the ) spring 6- In the 1950s Use at with specific moments in time 1- At 9:00 2- At sunrise 3- At ten thirty-five 4- At noon 5- At 6 o’clock 6- At midnight Don’t use ‘on’ before “this”, “last” or “next” and a day of the week. 1- The school reopened last Tuesday. ( NOT on last Tuesday )
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Use on with the names of streets and specific physical locations. 1- On main street 2- On the street 3- On Smith Avenue 4- On the right 5- On the corner 6- On the left Use in with the names of cities, countries, continent, and other large locations. 1- In the neighborhood 2- In Thailand 3- In the center of town 4- In Africa 5- In Caracas 6- In the ocean Use at for buildings and addresses. 1- At the theater 2- At the train station 3- At the supermarket 4- At 10 main street 5- At the bank 6- At 365 Smith Avenue
con‧ti‧nent 1 / ˈkɒntənənt, ˈkɒntɪnənt $ ˈkɑːn- / noun [ countable ]
@ a large mass of land surrounded by sea :
1- the continents of Asia and Africa
continent 2 adjective
@ medical able to control your bowel s and bladder OPP incontinent
@2 old-fashioned able to control your sexual desires
Bowel: روده ،شکم ،اندرون
Bladder : مثانه
Desire: شهوت ،ميل داشتن ،ارزو کردن ،ميل ،ارزو،کام ،خواستن ،خواسته
اقليم ،قاره ،پرهيزکار،خوددار
Take place
@ take place
to happen, especially after being planned or arranged :
1. The next meeting will take place on Thursday.
2. Talks between the two sides are still taking place.
3. Major changes are taking place in society.
SYN: happen, occur
رخ دادن ،واقع شدن
booth / buːð $ buːθ / noun [ countable ]
@ a small partly enclosed place where one person can do something privately, such as use the telephone or vote :
1. a voting booth
@ a partly enclosed place in a restaurant, with a table between two long seats
Partly: چندى ،يک چند،تاحدى ،نسبتا،دريک جزء،تايک اندازه
اطاقک ،پاسگاه يا دکه موقتى ،غرفه ،جاى ويژه
a‧bove 1 S2 W1 / əˈbʌv / adverb , preposition
@ in a higher position than something else SYN over OPP below :
1. Our office is above the hairdresser’s.
2. He had a bruise just above his left eye.
3. I heard a strange noise coming from the room above.
im‧pact 1 S3 W2 AC / ˈɪmpækt / noun
@ [ countable ] the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something
impact on/upon
1. We need to assess the impact on climate change.
نفوذ کردن بر ،تاثير کردن بر،
ارزيابى کردن ، تعيين كردن ، شناسايي كردن
► Do not say ‘cause an impact’ on something. Say have an impact on something.
effect , influence
tre‧men‧dous S2 / trɪˈmendəs / adjective
@ very big, fast, powerful etc :
1. She was making a tremendous effort to appear calm.
2. She praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her.
3. Sales have been tremendous so far this year.
4. This plan could save us a tremendous amount of money.
2 excellent :
1. She’s got a tremendous voice, hasn’t she?
very big
تقلا،تلاش ،کوشش ،سعى
in‧tel‧lec‧tu·al 1 W3 / ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl◂, ˌɪntɪˈlektʃuəl◂ / adjective
@ relating to the ability to understand things and think intelligently → mental
intellectual development/ability/activity etc
1. A job that requires considerable intellectual effort
@ an intellectual person is well-educated and interested in serious ideas and subjects such as science, literature etc → academic :
2. Mark’s very intellectual.
شايان ،قابل توجه ،مهم
in‧ves‧ti‧ga‧tion W2 AC / ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃ ə n / noun
@ [ countable ] an official attempt to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem :
1. The investigation continued for nearly three years.
inquiry , probe
تجسس ،جستجو،جستار،بازجويى ،بررسى ،تحقيق ،رسيدگى
psy‧cho‧log‧i‧cal W3 AC / ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪk ə l◂ $ -ˈlɑː- / adjective
@ relating to the way that your mind works and the way that this affects your behaviour SYN mental :
1. Sleep disorders are a serious psychological problem .
2. Freud’s psychological theories
@ relating to what is in someone’s mind rather than what is real :
1. Max says he’s ill, but I’m sure it’s psychological.
Disorder : بى نظمى ،اختلال ،بى ترتيبى ،اشفتگى ،کسالت ،برهم زدن ،مختل کردن
عمليات روانى ،مربوط به روانشناسى ،روانى
روانشناسى : روانشناختى
nov‧el 1 W3 / ˈnɒv ə l $ ˈnɑː- / noun [ countable ]
@ a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary → fiction :
1. a novel by Jane Austen
2. It took Vikram Seth three years to write his 1,349-page novel ‘A Suitable Boy’.
detective/romantic/historical etc novel
1. a newly published science fiction novel
Fiction: تصور،افسانه ،قصه ،داستان
Science fiction: داستان تخيلى علمى ،افسانه علمى
Novel: رمان ،کتاب داستان
un‧touch‧a‧ble / ʌnˈtʌtʃəb ə l / adjective
@ someone who is untouchable is in such a strong position that they cannot be defeated, affected, or punished :
1. He was the boss’s husband and therefore untouchable.
Defeated: شکست دادن ،مغلوب ساختن ،شکست
bril‧liant S2 W3 / ˈbrɪljənt / adjective
@ bright
brilliant light or colour is very bright and strong :
1. She closed her eyes against the brilliant light .
2. We sat outside in the brilliant sunshine .
3. She was dressed in brilliant white.
@ clever extremely clever or skilful : 1. I think that’s a brilliant idea. 2. a brilliant performance 3. a brilliant young musician
@ excellent
(British English) excellent:
1-The film was absolutely brilliant.
@ successful
very successful:
1. The project was a brilliant success.
Against: دربرابر،درمقابل ، برضد،مخالف ،عليه
Skilful: ماهر،استاد،با مهارت،استادانه،ماهرانه
Brilliant: تابان ،مشعشع ،زيرک ،بااستعداد،برليان ،الماس درخشان
ex‧qui‧site / ɪkˈskwɪzət, ɪkˈskwɪzɪt, ˈekskwɪ- / adjective
@ Extremely beautiful and very delicately made:
1. the most exquisite craftsmanship
@ Very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do things :
2. She has exquisite taste in art.
Delicate: ظريف ، خوشمزه ، لطيف ، نازک بين ، حساس
Craftsmanship: ، استادکارى پيشه وري
Exquisite: نفيس ،بديع ،عالى ،دلپسند،مطبوع ،حساس ،دقيق ،شديد
in‧ter‧ac‧tion W3 AC / ˌɪntərˈækʃ ə n / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
@ a process by which two or more things affect each other
interaction of
1. Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.
interaction with/between
2. the complex interaction between mind and body
Determine: تصميم گرفتن ،مصمم شدن ،حکم دادن ،تعيين کردن
Interaction: برهم کنش ،ميانکش ،عمل متقابل ،کنش متقابل ،تفاعل ،اثر متقابل ،فعل و انفعال
en‧sem‧ble / ɒnˈsɒmb ə l $ ɑːnˈsɑːm- / noun
@ [ countable also + plural verb ] British English a small group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together regularly
instrumental/string/brass etc ensemble
ensemble of
1. an ensemble of Mexican artistes
يکمرتبه ،مجموع ،اثرکلى ،بطورجمعى ،دسته جمعى
in‧di‧ge‧nous / ɪnˈdɪdʒ ə nəs / adjective formal
@ indigenous people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else SYN native
indigenous to
1. Blueberries are indigenous to America.
2. the many indigenous cultures which existed in Siberia
بومى ،طبيعى ،ذاتى ،مکنون
sculp‧ture / ˈskʌlptʃə $ -ər / noun
@ [ uncountable and countable ] an object made out of stone, wood, clay etc by an artist
sculpture of
a sculpture of an elephant
an exhibition of sculpture
@[ uncountable ] the art of making objects out of stone, wood, clay etc
Clay: خاک زدن ،خاک رست( رس)،خاک رس ،رس ،گل ،خاک کوزه گرى ،سفال
Elephant: پيل ،فيل
Sculpture: پيکرسازى ،پيکرتراشى ،مجسمه سازى ،پيکر تراشى ،سنگتراشى کردن
pa‧vil‧ion / pəˈvɪljən / noun [ countable ]
@ a temporary building or tent which is used for public entertainment or exhibitions and is often large with a lot of space and light :
1. the German pavilion at the World Trade Fair
@ American English a very large building with big open areas used for sports and other public events :
2. victory before a home crowd at Maples Pavilion
Tent: چادر،خيمه زدن ،توجه کردن ،اموختن ،نوعى شراب شيرين اسپانيولى
pre‧fer S2 W2 / prɪˈfɜː $ -ˈfɜːr / verb [ transitive not in progressive ]
@ to like someone or something more than someone or something else, so that you would choose it if you could → preference :
1. She prefers her coffee black.
2. the government’s preferred option
prefer somebody/something to somebody/something
1. a child that prefers his imaginary world to reality
2. Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.
Option: خيارات( در جمع)،حق انتخاب ،اختيار خريد يا فروش ،گزينه ،انتخاب ،خصيصه اختيارى ،ازادى ،اظهار ميل
Prefer: طرح کردن ،ترجيح يافتن ،ترجيح دادن ،برترى دادن ،رجحان دادن ،برگزيدن
Most of all
Most of all:
Mostly, mainly; the most, more than anything else
com‧pli‧cat‧ed S2 / ˈkɒmpləkeɪtəd, ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtəd $ ˈkɑːm- / adjective
@ difficult to understand or deal with, because many parts or details are involved SYN complex:
1. a complicated voting system
2. For young children, getting dressed is a complicated business.
In written English, people often use complex rather than complicated , because it sounds more formal:
1. The problem is very complex .
Come out:
@ if a book, record etc comes out, it becomes publicly available :
2. When is the new edition coming out?
un‧cle S2 W3 / ˈʌŋk ə l / noun [ countable ]
@ The brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt → aunt :
1. I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.
2. Uncle Philip
3. I was very excited about becoming an uncle (= your sister or your brother’s wife has a child).
شوهر خاله ،شوهر عمه ،عمو،دايى
aunt S3 W3 / ɑːnt $ ænt / noun [ countable ]
@ the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your father’s or mother’s brother :
1. Aunt Mary
عمه ،خاله ،زن دايى ،زن عمو
cous‧in S2 / ˈkʌz ə n / noun [ countable ]
@ the child of your uncle or aunt → first cousin , kissing cousin , second cousin
عمو زاده ،دايى زاده ،پسرعمو يا دختر عمو،پسردايى يا دختر دايى ،عمه زاده ،خاله زاده
Brother in law
ˈbrother-in-law noun ( plural brothers-in-law ) [ countable ]
@ the brother of your husband or wife
@ the husband of your sister
@ the husband of your husband or wife’s sister
باجناق ،برادر زن ،برادر شوهر،شوهر خواهر،هم داماد
Sister in law
ˈsister-in-ˌlaw noun ( plural sisters-in-law ) [ countable ]
@ the sister of your husband or wife
@ your brother’s wife
@ the wife of the brother of your husband or wife
خواهر زن ،خواهر شوهر ،زن برادر زن
Mother in law
ˈmother-in-ˌlaw noun ( plural mothers-in-law ) [ countable ]
@ the mother of your wife or husband
مادر زن ،مادر شوهر،نامادرى
Father in law
ˈfather-in-ˌlaw noun ( plural fathers-in-law ) [ countable ]
@ the father of your husband or wife
پدر شوهر،پدر زن
Parents in law
ˈparents-in-ˌlaw noun [ plural ]
@ the parents of your husband or wife → mother-in-law
Daughter in law
ˈdaughter-in-law noun ( plural daughters-in-law )
[ countable ] your son’s wife
neph‧ew / ˈnefjuː, ˈnev- $ ˈnef- / noun [ countable ]
@ the son of your brother or sister, or the son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister
پسر خواهر، پسر برادر ، پسر برادر شوهر ، پسر برادر زن ،پسر خواهر شوهر و پسر خواهر زن
niece / niːs / noun [ countable ]
@ the daughter of your brother or sister, or the daughter of your wife’s or husband’s brother or sister
What is somebody up to?
5 ways of asking what someone is doing
what is somebody up to? / ˌwɒt ɪz somebody ˈʌp tuː / spoken
@ say this when you think someone is secretly doing something bad :
1. You look guilty, Stuart. What have you been up to?
2. They’ve been locked in there all morning - what are they up to?
What are you up to? = what are you doing? = what’s going on with you
Guilty: مرتکب ،گناهکار،مقصر،بزهکار،مجرم ،محکوم
The simple present tense:
The simple present tense:
@ Use the simple present tense to talk about facts and habitual actions in the present.
1- Hank speaks English very well.
2- I work at 43 Fork Road.
Habitual actions
1- I go to bed at 10:00 p.m. every night.
2- She eats lunch at Safi’s Cafe on Friday.
@ Add –s to the base form of the verb for third-person singular ( he , she , it )
1- I like Japanese food.
2- You study Korean.
3- They open at 07:00.
4- We work at a restaurant.
5- He likes Mexican food.
6- She studies English.
7- It opens at 08:00.
@ Use don’t ( do not ) and doesn’t ( does not ) and base form of the verb to make negative statements.
1- I don’t go to bed before 10:00 p.m.
2- Hank doesn’t speak Spanish very well.
@ Use do or does and the base form to make yes/no questions in the simple present tense.
1- Do you speak Portuguese?
2- Does she live near you? ( NOT does she lives near you? )
@ Use do or does and the base form of the verb to ask information questions.
1- Where do your in-laws live?
2- When do you visit your parents?
3- What does your sister do?
4- What time does she go?
@ Don’t use do or does with Who. Always use the third-person singular to ask information questions with Who in the simple present tense.
1- Who lives here? My parents do.
Use How many with plural nouns.
1- How many children do you have?
2- How many aunts and uncles do you have?
3- How many books does she have?
4- How many languages does he speak?
I closely resemble my parents
I look like my parents
He bears a remarkable resemblance to my father
Bears a remarkable = to look like Resemblance : شباهت، تشابه، همانندی، همشکلی، مقایسه Remarkable: قابل توجه، عالی، جالب توجه
They are identical twins.
خيلى شبيه همديگر هستند
A woman whose husband has died and how has not married again
@ Relating to marriage
1- marital problems
2- whats your marital status? I’m separate.
[‘wid·ow·er || ‘wɪdəʊə(r)]
A man whose wife has died and who has not married again.
/pǝ lig´ǝ mē/ n. ● چند زنی،تعدد زوجات،چند همسری polygamy is allowed in certain religions در برخی مذاهب چند زنی مجاز است.
[mo·nog·a·my || mə’nɑgəmɪ /mə’nɒ-]
marriage to one person at a time;
داشتن یک همسر، یک زنی، یک شوهری، تک گایی
[‘big·a·mous || ‘bɪgəməs]
pertaining to or characterized by bigamy (marriage to two or more spouses at one time)
دارای دو زن یا دو شوهر
wid‧owed / ˈwɪdəʊd $ -doʊd / verb @ be widowed: if someone is widowed, their husband or wife dies : 1. She was widowed at the age of 25. @ widowed adjective : 2. his widowed mother
a‧like 1 / əˈlaɪk / adjective [ not before noun ]
@ very similar :
1. My mother and I are alike in many ways.
alike 2 adverb
@ in a similar way :
2. The twins were dressed alike.
@ used to emphasize that you mean both the people, groups, or things that you have just mentioned :
3. I learned a lot from teachers and students alike.
همانند،مانندهم ،شبيه ،يکسان ،يکجور،بتساوى
either 2 S1 W1 determiner , pronoun
@ one or the other of two things or people
1. There’s tea or coffee – you can have either.
2. We can offer a comfortable home to a young person of either sex.
@ used to show that a negative statement is true about both of two things or people:
1. I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like either city very much.
either of
2. There were two witnesses but I wouldn’t trust either of them.
@ either side/end/hand etc
both sides, ends, hands etc SYN each :
1. He sat in the back of the car with a policeman on either side.
2. There are shops at either end of the street.
Either is used before a singular noun. Use a singular verb after it :
1. Either explanation is reasonable.
Either of is used before a plural noun or pronoun. In formal speech and writing, use a singular verb :
2. Has either of them called yet?
In informal speech and writing, you can use a plural verb :
3. Have either of them called yet?
either 3 adverb
@ (Grammar) also, too, as well (used after a negative clause: I won’t either)
@ [ in negatives ] used to show that a negative statement is also true about another thing or person, or to add a different negative statement about something or someone:
- I haven’t seen the movie and my brother hasn’t either (= he also has not seen it ) .
- ‘I can’t swim.’ ‘I can’t either.’
me either (American English spoken) @ used to say that a negative statement is also true about you : 1. ‘I don’t have any money right now.’ ‘Me either.’
hu‧mour 1 British English , humor American English / ˈhjuːmə $ ˈhjuːmər, ˈjuː- / noun [ uncountable ]
@ the ability or tendency to think that things are funny, or funny things you say that show you have this ability :
1. English humour
2. It’s vital to have a sense of humor in this job.
@ the quality in something that makes it funny and makes people laugh :
1. He failed to see the humour of the situation.
گرايش ،تمايل ،ميل ،توجه ،استعداد،زمينه ،علاقه مختصر
،مزاح ،خلق ،شوخى ،خوشمزگى ،خوشى دادن ،راضى نگاهداشتن
bor‧ing S2 / ˈbɔːrɪŋ / adjective
@ not interesting in any way :
1. Her husband is about the most boring person I’ve ever met.
2. The job was dull and boring.
dead/incredibly/terribly etc boring (= very boring )
کساد،خسته کننده ،بيهوده ،بى معنى ،ملال اور،راکد
Septuplets [sep·tu·plet || ‘septʌplɪt /-tjuːp-]
n. seven babies born from one pregnancy
a‧dopt S3 W2 / əˈdɒpt $ əˈdɑːpt / verb
@ child :
to take someone else’s child into your home and legally become its parent:
1. Sally was adopted when she was four.
2. The couples are unable to have children of their own, but hope to adopt.
a‧dopt‧ed / əˈdɒptəd, əˈdɒptɪd $ əˈdɑːp- / adjective
@ an adopted child has been legally made part of a family that he or she was not born into :
1. his adopted son
@ your adopted country is one that you have chosen to live in permanently
پذيرفته ،گرفته ،اختيار شده
pol‧i‧cy S3 W1 AC / ˈpɒləsi, ˈpɒlɪsi $ ˈpɑː- / noun ( plural policies )
@ [ uncountable and countable ] a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, a business, or another organization :
foreign/economic/public etc policy
- a foreign policy adviser
- The company has adopted a strict no-smoking policy.
policy on/towards
- government policy on higher education
- US policy towards China
it is (sb’s) policy to do something 1. It is hospital policy to screen all mothers with certain risk factors.
اکيد ، محض ، دقيق ، موّکد ، خاص ، صرف
بسوى ،نسبت به ،درباره ،مقارن ،نزديک
mad‧house / ˈmædhaʊs / noun [ countable usually singular ]
@ A place with a lot of people, noise, and activity:
1. It’s like a madhouse in here.
Figure out:
Figure out:
calculate, work out, solve; understand, grasp, comprehend
figure somebody/something ↔ out )phrasal verb(
@ to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened. SYN work out
figure out how/what/why etc
1. Can you figure out how to do it?
2. If I have a map, I can figure it out.
3. Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out (= find a way to solve the problem ) .
@ to understand why someone behaves in the way they do SYN work out :
1. Women. I just can’t figure them out.
Figure out:
کشف کردن ،سنجيدن ،معين کردن ،حل کردن
op‧por‧tu‧ni‧ty S1 W1 / ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti, ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti $ ˌɑːpərˈtuː- / noun ( plural opportunities )
@ [ uncountable and countable ]
a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something :
opportunity to do something
- a rare opportunity to see inside this historic building
- I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
opportunity for
1. Games and songs provide an opportunity for classroom interaction.
فرصت ،مجال ،دست يافت ،فراغت
ad‧vance‧ment / ədˈvɑːnsmənt $ ədˈvæn- / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
@ (formal) progress or development in your job, level of knowledge etc :
1. career advancement
2. advancements in science
پيشرفت ،ترقى ،ترفيع
دوره ،مسير،مقام ياشغل ،حرفه
scrap‧book / ˈskræpbʊk / noun [ countable ]
@ a book with empty pages where you can stick pictures, newspaper articles, or other things you want to keep
مجموعه عکسها وقطعاتى که از کتب مختلف بريده شده ،مجموعه
frus‧tra‧tion / frʌˈstreɪʃ ə n / noun
@ [ uncountable and countable ] the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something :
1. People often feel a sense of frustration that they are not being promoted quickly enough.
@ [ uncountable ] the fact of being prevented from achieving what you are trying to achieve
frustration of
The frustration of his ambitions made him a bitter man.
Frustration: عقيم گذارى ،خنثى سازى ،محروم سازى ،نا اميدى
Annoyed: دلخور کردن ، آزردن ، رنجاندن ، اذيت کردن ، تحريک کردن ، مزاحم شدن
Impatient: نا شکيبا،بى صبر،بى تاب ،بى حوصله ،بد اخلاق
Achieve: دست يافتن ،انجام دادن ،رسيدن ،تحصيل کردن ،کسب موفقيت کردن
Promote: تاسيس کردن ،توسعه دادن ،بالا بردن ،ترفيع دادن ،ترقى دادن ،ترويج کردن
Ambition: بلند همتي ، جاه طلبي ، آرزو ، جاه طلب بودن
breeze 1 / briːz / noun [ countable ]
@ a gentle wind
OPP: breezy
1. flowers waving in the breeze
@be a breeze informal to be very easy :
2. Don’t think that learning Dutch will be a breeze.
Breeze: بادشمال ياشمال شرقى ،بادملايم ،وزيدن( مانند نسيم)
Gentle wind: a gentle wind or rain is soft and light
what do you mean …?
what do you mean …?
@ used when you do not understand what someone is trying to say :
1. ‘You’ll be careful won’t you?’ ‘What do you mean?’
@ used when you are very surprised or annoyed by what someone has just said :
- What do you mean, you’ve cancelled the trip?
- What do you mean by that?
@ used when you are very annoyed by what someone has just done:
4. What do you mean by calling me at this time of night?
lem‧on 1 / ˈlemən / noun
@ [ countable ] (especially American English informal)
something that is useless because it fails to work or to work properly :
1. I soon realized the van was a lemon.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions? = Any ideas?
in‧ex‧pen‧sive / ˌɪnɪkˈspensɪv◂ / adjective
@ cheap – use this to show approval OPP expensive :
- a good selection of inexpensive wines
- Painting is a relatively inexpensive way to enhance your home.
Relatively: نسبتا”،بالنسبه
Enhance: to improve something
The present continuous
The present continuous:
@ Use the present continuous for actions in progress now and for some future actions. Form the present continuous with be and e present participle ( base form + -ing ).
- I’m looking for a laptop. ( action in progress now )
- Tomorrow I’m going to Technoland. ( future action )
Spelling rules:
@ To form a present participle, add –ing to the base form of the verb.
1. Talk —– Talking
@ If the base form ends in a silent ( unvoiced ) –e, drop the –e and add –ing.
2. Leave —– Leaving
@ In verbs of on syllable, if the last three letters are a constant-vowel-constant sequence, double the last constant and then add –ing to the base form.
• C V C
3. S i t —– sitting
BUT: If the verb ends in –w, -x, or –y, don’t double the final constant.
- Blow —– blowing
- Fix —– fixing
- Say —– saying
@ In verbs of more than one syllable that end in a constant-vowel-constant sequence, double the last consonant only if the spoken stress is on the last syllable.
7- Permit —– Permitting BUT order —– ordering
@ Form the present continuous with a form of be and the present participle. Affirmative statements: 8- I’m studying English. 9- You’re studying French. 10- He’s reading a book. 11- She’s reading a newspaper. 12- We’re watching TV. 13- They’re watching a video.
Negative statements: 14- I’m not studying French. 15- You’re not studying English. 16- He’s not reading a newspaper. 17- She’s not reading a book. 18- We’re not watching a video. 19- They’re not watching TV.
Yes \ No questions:
@ Place “be” before the subject of the sentence. 20- Is she watching TV? 21- Are you driving there? 22- Are we meeting this afternoon? 23- Are they talking on the phone?
Information questions:
@ Use question words to ask information questions.
24- When are you going?
25- What are you doing right now?
26- Who’s talking on the phone?
27- Why are you buying that pocket translator?
sym‧pa‧thize ( also sympathise British English ) / ˈsɪmpəθaɪz / verb [ intransitive ]
@ to feel sorry for someone because you understand their problems :
1. I sympathize, but I don’t know how to help.
sympathize with
2. I can sympathize with those who have lost loved ones.
@ to support someone’s ideas or actions.
sympathize with
3. The public sympathized with the miners’ strike.
Sympathize: همدردى يا همفکرى کردن ،جانبدارى کردن
Miner: معدنچى
Strike: اعتصاب
shame 1 S2 / ʃeɪm / noun
@ it’s a shame/what a shame etc (spoken)
used when you wish a situation was different, and you feel sad or disappointed:
1. ‘She’s failed her test again.’ ‘What a shame!’
2. It’s a shame that you have to leave so soon.
3. What a shame we missed the wedding.
4. It’s a shame about the weather.
In written English, people usually say something is unfortunate rather than a shame :
1. It’s unfortunate that these warnings were not taken seriously.
@ [ uncountable ] the feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarrassed because you, or someone who is close to you, have done something wrong :
1. He felt a deep sense of shame.
Shame: شرم ،خجالت ،شرمنده کردن ،خجالت دادن
junk 1 / dʒʌŋk / noun
@ [ uncountable ] old or unwanted objects that have no use or value :
1. This cupboard’s full of junk.
► Do not use junk when you are talking about things such as empty packets, cans, and bottles that are left in a public place. Use litter : Don’t drop litter in the street.
Cupboard: قفسه ،گنجه ظروف غذا وغيره
Litter: waste
bi‧lin‧gual / baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl / adjective
@ written or spoken in two languages :
1. a bilingual dictionary
@ able to speak two languages equally well:
Their kids are bilingual.
Bilingual: بدو زبان نوشته شده ،متلکم بدو زبان ،دوزبانى
purse 1 S3 / pɜːs $ pɜːrs / noun
[ countable ]
@ (especially British English)
a small bag in which women keep paper money, coins, cards etc
SYN wallet American English :
1. Julie opened her handbag and took out her purse.
@ ( also change purse , coin purse( American English ))
a small bag used to hold coins, used especially by women
re‧fund 1 / ˈriːfʌnd / noun [ countable ]
@ an amount of money that is given back to you if you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have paid for :
1. They refused to give me a refund .
2. Return your purchase within 14 days for a full refund .
Say no ,turn somebody/something ,reject ,decline ,deny
a‧sleep S2 / əˈsliːp / adjective [ not before noun ]
@ sleeping OPP awake :
1. Quiet! The baby’s asleep.
@ fast/sound asleep (= sleeping deeply )
@ fall asleep ( doze off / doʊz / , nod off / nɑːd / )
a) to begin to sleep :
2. Granddad fell asleep watching TV.
3. One in seven road accidents is caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel (= falling asleep while driving) .
b) literary used to mean that someone dies, when you want to avoid saying this directly
@ half asleep very tired or not completely awake:
1. Still half asleep, Jenny began to make the kids’ breakfast.
Avoid: دورى کردن از،اجتناب کردن ،طفره رفتن از
dis‧turb W3 / dɪˈstɜːb $ -ɜːrb / verb [ transitive ]
@ interrupt :
to interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing :
1. Sorry to disturb you , but I have an urgent message.
2. Do not disturb (= a sign you put on a door so that people will not interrupt you ) .
Interrupt: توقف ،حرف ديگرى را قطع کردن ،منقطع کردن
Urgent: / ˈɜːr dʒənt / فورى ،ضرورى ،مبرم ،اصرار کننده
state 2 S3 W2 verb [ transitive ]
@ to formally say or write a piece of information or your opinion:
Please state your name and address.
state (that)
@ if a document, newspaper, ticket etc states information, it contains the information written clearly :
1. The price of the tickets is stated on the back.
State: say , speak
Ways to state complaint
Ways to state complaint: 1- The window won’t open. 2- The window won’t close. 3- The iron won’t turn on. 4- The air-conditioning won’t turn off. 5- The fridge is making funny sound. 6- The toilet won’t flush. 7- The sink is clogged.
clog 1 / klɒɡ $ klɑːɡ / ( also clog up ) verb [ intransitive and transitive ]
@ to block something or become blocked :
1- tourists whose cars clog the roads each summer
clog with
2- Over many years, the pipes had got clogged up with grease.
Grease: /ɡriːs/ گريس
ap‧pe‧tiz‧er ( also appetiser British English ) / ˈæpətaɪzə, ˈæpɪtaɪzə $ -ər / noun
[ countable ]
@a small dish that you eat at the beginning of a meal
غذا يا اشاميدنى اشتهااور قبل از غذا،پيش غذا
en‧trée / ˈɒntreɪ $ ˈɑːn- / noun
@ [ countable ] the main dish of a meal, or a dish served before the main course – used in restaurants or on formal occasions :
1. an entrée of roast duck
entrée: غذاى اصلى
shrimp / ʃrɪmp / noun ( plural shrimp or shrimps ) [ countable ]
@ a small sea creature that you can eat, which has ten legs and a soft shell
SYN prawn British English
Shrimp: ميگو
Creature: افريده ،مخلوق ،جانور
fried / fraɪd / adjective @ having been cooked in hot oil: 1. fried chicken @ (American English informal) unable to think clearly, because you are tired, anxious etc: 2. My brain is just totally fried.
Fried: سرخ کرده ،نيمرو
roast 1 / rəʊst $ roʊst / verb [ intransitive and transitive ]
@ to cook something, such as meat, in an oven or over a fire, or to cook in this way
1. Are you going to roast the chicken?
2. the delicious smell of meat roasting
3. We caught a rabbit and roasted it over an open fire.
Roast: کباب کردن ،بريان کردن ،برشته شدن ،برشتن
des‧sert / dɪˈzɜːt $ -ɜːrt / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
@ sweet food served after the main part of a meal
for dessert
1. What are we having for dessert?
Dessert: دسر
bev‧er‧age / ˈbev ə rɪdʒ / noun [ countable ]
@ (formal) a hot or cold drink :
1. alcoholic beverages
beverage: مشروب ، آشاميدني ، نوشابه ، شربت
I’m in the mood of seafood:
I’m in the mood of seafood = I like to eat seafood.
Be out of luck
@ be out of luck:
to be prevented from getting or doing something by bad luck :
1. The team was out of luck again at Scarborough on Saturday.
Count and non-count nouns
There is and there are
Count and non-count nouns
There is and there are
Count and non-count nouns:
@ Count nouns name things you can count. They are singular or plural.
A- Singular count nouns: 1- An egg 2- An appetizer 3- An apple 4- A cookie 5- An onion 6- An orange 7- A sandwich 8- A vegetable
Plural count nouns:
9- Ten eggs
@non-count nouns name things you can’t count. They are not singular or plural. Don’t use a, an, or a number with non-count nouns. 10- Rice NOT a rice NOT rices 11- Bread 12- Candy 13- Cheese 14- Chocolate 15- Coffee 16- Fruit 17- Juice 18- Lettuce 19- Meat 20- Milk 21- Pasta 22- Salt 23- Seafood 24- Soup 25- Sugar
B- There is and there are:
@ Use “there is” with non-count nouns and singular count nouns.
@ Use “there are” with plural count nouns.
26- There’s milk an apple in the fridge.
27- There are oranges, too. But there aren’t any vegetables.
@ Use there is with “something”, “anything”, or “nothing”.
28- Is there anything too eat?
Non-count nouns:
- Categories and verb agreement
@ Non-count nouns are common in the following categories:
• Abstract ideas: health, advice, help, luck, fun
• Sports and activities: tennis, swimming, golf, basketball.
• Illnesses: cancer, AIDS, diabetes, dengue.
• Natural events: rain, snow, wind, light, darkness.
• Academic subject: English, chemistry, art, mathematics.
• Foods: rice, milk, sugar, coffee, fat.
@all non-count nouns require a singular verb.
29- Fat isn’t good for you.
30- Mathematic is my favorite subject.
- Expressing quantities:
@ We can make many non-count nouns countable.
31- Bread: a slice of bread, a loaf of bread, three pieces of bread, two kinds of bread.
@ The following phrases are used with non-count nouns in order to make them countable:
• Liquids: a glass of, two cups of, a liter of, six gallons of, a bottle of, a can of.
• Solids: a cup of, a piece of, three slice of, a kilo of, a spoonful of.
Questions with how much and how many:
@ ask questions with how much for non-count nouns. Ask questions with how many for count nouns.
32- How much rice is in the soup? Not much. Two cups.
33- How many eggs are in the fridge? Not many. Eight.
Word that can be count and non-count nouns:
@ Some nouns can be used as count or non-count nouns. The word is the same, but the meaning is different.
Non-count use:
34- “Chicken” is delicious.
35- Let’s watch “TV”.
36- The sun provides “light”.
Count use:
37- I bought two “chickens”.
38- We have three “TVs” in our house.
39- It’s too bright in here. Turn of the one of “lights”.
Plural count nouns: spelling rules @ Add –s to most nouns. 40- Cup ----- Cups 41- Apple ----- Apples 42- Appetizer ----- Appetizers
@ If a noun ends in a consonant and –y, change the “y” to “i” and add –es.
43- Cherry —– Cherries.
44- Berry —– Berries
@ Add –es to nouns that end in –ch, –o, –s, –sh, –x, or –z. 45- Lunch ----- Lunches 46- Tomato ----- Tomatoes 47- Glass ----- Glasses 48- Radish ----- Radishes 49- Box ----- Boxes
@ But do not change the “y” when the letter before the “y” is a vowel.
50- Boy —– Boys
Some and any:
@ use “some” and “any” to describe an indefinite number or amount.
51- There are some apples in the fridge. (Indefinite number: We don’t know how many.)
52- Are there any oranges? (Indefinite number: no specific number being asked about.)
53- They are bringing us some coffee. (Indefinite amount: we don’t know how much.)
54- Now we have some. (Indefinite amount: we don’t know how much.)
@ Use “some” with non-count nouns and with plural count nouns in affirmative statements.
55- We need some milk and some bananas. (Affirmative statements. Non-count noun= milk, plural count nouns= bananas.)
@ Use “any” with non-count nouns and plural count nouns in negative statements.
56- We don’t want any cheese, and we don’t need any apples. (Negative statements. Non-count nouns= cheese, plural count nouns=apples.
57- They don’t have any.
@ Use “any” or “some” in questions with count and non-count nouns.
58- Do you need any cookies or butter?
59- Do you need some cookies or butter?
ab‧stract 1 AC / ˈæbstrækt / adjective
@ based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events
SYN theoretical
abstract idea/concept etc
2. the ability to translate abstract ideas into words
3. Human beings are the only creatures capable of abstract thought (= thinking about ideas).
،مجرد،مطلق ،خيالى ،غيرعملى ،بى مسمى ،خشک ،معنوى
Principle: /ˈprɪnsəpəl, ˈprɪnsɪpəl/
ad‧vice S2 W2 / ədˈvaɪs / noun [ uncountable ]
@ an opinion you give someone about what they should do :
1. You should have followed my advice.
advice on/about
- advice on saving energy
- I need some advice about my computer.
on sb’s advice
4. On her doctor’s advice (= because her doctor advised her ) Smith decided to take early retirement.
► Do not confuse the noun advice / ədˈvaɪs / with the verb advise / ədˈvaɪz / :
5. He gave me some useful advice. | Can you advise me on college courses?
@ “Advice” is an uncountable noun. Do not say ‘advices’ or ‘an advice’.
ابلاغيه ،اندرز،مشورت ،نظر،عقيده ،پند،نصيحت ،اگاهى ،خبر،اطلاع
مشاوره کردن ،نصيحت کردن ،اگاهانيدن ،توصيه دادن ،قضاوت کردن ،پند دادن
fright‧en / ˈfraɪtn / verb [ transitive ]
@ to make someone feel afraid
SYN scare :
1. Don’t stand so near the edge! You’re frightening me.
2. She was frightened by the anger in his eyes.
3. Computers used to frighten me, but not now.
Anger: /ˈæŋɡə $ -ər/
براشفتگى ،خشم ،غضب ،خشمگين کردن ،غضبناک کردن
بوحشت انداختن ،ترساندن
thirst‧y / ˈθɜːsti $ ˈθɜːr- / adjective ( comparative thirstier , superlative thirstiest )
@ feeling that you want or need a drink
1. Can I have a glass of water? I’m really thirsty.
2. He’d been working in the garden and was very hot and thirsty.
3. All this digging is thirsty work (= work that makes you want a drink).
Dig: /dɪɡ/
حفر،حفارى ،کنايه ،کندن ،(مج ).کاوش کردن ،فرو کردن
clam 1 / klæm / noun [ countable ]
@ a shellfish you can eat that has a shell in two parts that open up :
1. clam chowder (= a type of soup )
@as happy as a clam American English informal very happy
حلزون دوکپه اى يا صدف خوراکى از جنسpectin،گوشت صدف
حلزون صدف دار،نرم تن صدف دار
let‧tuce / ˈletəs, ˈletɪs / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
@ a round vegetable with thin green leaves eaten raw in salad s
برگها، صورت جمع کلمه leaf