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GABA agonist
20 ml and 100 ml vials = 10mg/ml
onset <1 min (highly lipid soluble), duration of 3-8 mins
induction for GA = 1-3 mg/kg, over 65 dose less
8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate
meant to treat hyperkalemia or metabolic acidosis
1 mEq/ml in a 50 ml bottle
1 mEq/kg/dose based on ABG results
aka anectine, depolarizing muscle relaxant, basically 2 acetylcholine’s bound together, acts at nicotinic receptors
dose: 0.5-1.0 mg/kg
onset 30-60 sec, duration 3-5 minutes
MH trigger, metabolized by plasma cholinesterases
20 mg/ml in a 10 ml syringe
NDMD, intermediate acting, aminosteroid
dose: 0.6 mg/kg………..RSI dose: 1-1.2 mg/kg
onset: 1-2 mins, duration 20-35 mins
10 mg/ml in a 5 ml vial
excretion mostly hepatic excretion, some renal
reversal = suggamedex
NDND, intermediate acting, aminosteroid dose intubate: 0.1 mg/kg onset: 3-5 mins, duration 20-35 mins 1 mg/ml in a 10 mg powder, dilute with 9 cc mostly hepatic excretion, some kidneys reversal = suggamedex
Robinul, 0.2 mg/ml
*given with neostigmine to prevent bradycardia
Anticholinergic - competitively antagonizes (blocks) effect of neurotransmitter Ach at muscarinic receptor
less Ach = less bradycardia
with reversal dose: 0.01-0.02 mg/kg
antisialogogue: 0.1-0.2 mg IV
immediate onset
anticholinergic drug of choice to increase HR
competes with Ach at muscarinic sites, increases SA action by blocking vagal nerve action
1 mg/ml in a 1 ml vial
dose: 0.5 mg IV, repeat Q 3-5 mins up to 3 mg total
dose: 0.02 mg/kg (to block succ induced brady)
decadon, glucocorticoid steroid, inhibits prostaglandin synthesis 4 mg/ml in a 1 ml vial dose: 4 mg for PONV, peds 0.15 mg/kg most effective if given before induction onset: 10-30 minutes *not for diabetics, delyas wound healing
Neo - Synephrine and Albuterol
Nasal spray, aka phenylephrine
albuterol = beta 2 activation, bronchodilation
Toradol, 30 mg/ml in a 1 ml vial
NSAID, inhibits COX 1 and COX2
dose: 30 mg for normal kidney fx
15 mg >65 with normal kidney fx
onset: peak in 10 mins, duration up to 4 hrs
equivalent to 10 mg morphine, avoid with asthmatics
Zofran, 4 mg/2 ml
5HT3 antagonist, has black box warning (QT prolong)
blocks seratonin centrally at CRTZ
dose: 4 mg pre-emergence, higher doses if needed
peds: 0.15 mg/kg
onset: rapid, duration: 6-12 hrs
aka Ancef, Cephalosporin, 1st gen - prophylaxis
beta-lactam - avoid this allergy (penicillin allergy bad too)
1g / vial, powder, mix with 2.5 ml NS
<80 kg, 1 gram
>80 kg, 2 gram
infuse over 3-5 mins
gram positive cocci
Hypothalamic hormone, antidiuretic (V2) and arterial vasoconstriction (V1)
uses: DI or refractory hypotension
20 u/ml in a 1 ml vial
dose: quick remedy: dilute to 1 u/ml, give 1-2 u to bide some time
pulseless VT/VF: 40 units
onset: 10-15 mins
Reglan, dopamine receptor agonist
10 mg/2 ml in a 2 ml vial
antiemetic, GI prokinetic, extrapyramidal s/e
dose: 5-20 mg IV
onset: <30 mins, duration 1-2 hrs
*not for parkinson’s pt, seizure disorder or GI obstruct
100 mg powder, crush and mix