Top 40 Classical Canine Points and Anatomical Location Flashcards
To learn the anatomical locations of the 40 classical points
Tian-men (GV-17)
“Gate of Heaven”
In a depression on dorsal midline at the level of the CAUDAL rim of the ear bases
> > For seizures, loss of voice, vertigo
Da-feng-men (GV-21)
“Great Wind Gate”
In a depression on dorsal midline at the level of the CRANIAL rim of the ear bases
> > For calming the mind, Internal Wind, seizures, vertigo, nasal congestion
“Brain Association Point”
At the temples in the temporal fossa
> > For seizures and shen disturbance
“Meeting of the Dragons”
Between the medial aspect of the eyebrows at the level of the temporal fossae on midline
> > For seizures and nasal congestion
Feng-chi (GB-20)
“Wind Pond”
»Six-Pack Point«
In the depressions just caudal and lateral to the occipital protuberance, and medial to the cranial edge of the wings of the atlas
> > For seizures and Internal Wind
Yi-feng (TH-17)
“Wind Screen”
Caudoventral to the base of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and the mastoid process of the temporal bone
> > For otitis
An-shen (Halfway b/n GB-20 and TH-17)
“Pacify Shen”
Halfway between the dorsal and ventral borders of the ear base, in a large depression that is halfway between GB-20 and TH-17
> > For Calming Shen, External Wind, Internal Wind, stiff neck, headache, epistaxis, nasal congestion, facial paralysis, otitis, deafness (basically anything from the neck up)
B12 Aquapuncture is great here, direct the needle towards the opposite eye
“Great Yang”
1 cun caudal to the lateral canthus, dorsal to the zygomatic arch
> > For facial paralysis, conjunctivitis, acute eye problems, headache
“Mountain Base”
On dorsal midline at the nose, at the junction of the haired and non-haired region
> > For appetite stimulation, shock, coma, Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat
Jian-wei (John Wayne)
“Strengthen Stomach”
On the lateral neck between the jugular vein and the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae, at the junction of the upper and middle 1/3 of the jugular groove, on the ventral border of the brachiocephalicus muscle
> > For appetite stimulation, vomiting, stomach disorders
Jing-ming (BL-1)
“Bright Eye”
0.1 cun dorsal to the medial canthus of the eye
> > For conjunctivitis, keratitis, Liver Heat
Cheng-qi (ST-1)
“Receiving Tears”
Directly below the center of the pupil just inside the orbital ridge
> > For Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), facial paralysis, constipation, abdominal pain
Ying-xiang (LI-20)
“Receive Fragrance”
In the nasal labial groove, at the level of the widest part of the nostril, approximately 0.1 cun outside the haired/non-haired border
> > For nasal congestion, facial paralysis
“Nose Passing”
Halfway up the snout, at the midpoint between LI-20 (lateral nostril) and BL-1 (medial canthus)
> > For nasal congestion, sinusitis, facial paralysis
Shang-guan (GB-3)
“Upper Joint”
With the mouth open to find it, in the depression at the caudal end of the temporomandibular joint, caudal to the masseter muscle, and DORSAL to the zygomatic arch
> > The crossing point of GB and ST Channels
For dental pain, mandible pain, facial paralysis, headache, head-shaking
Xia-guan (ST-7)
“Lower Joint”
VENTRAL to the zygomatic arch, caudal to the masseter muscle, and cranial to the temporomandibular joint
> > For dental pain, mandible pain, facial paralysis, headache, head-shaking
Bao-sai (ST-6)
“Embrace the Mandible”
In the depression in the middle of the masseter muscle just rostral to the angle of the mandible
> > For dental pain, mandible pain, facial paralysis, headache, head-shaking
“Ear Tip”
On the exterior/convex surface of the ear at the angular vein at the ear tip
> > For heat stroke, fever, Wind-Heat, Heat, abdominal pain
Cheng-jiang (CV-24)
“Receiving Saliva”
On midline, 1 cun ventral to the rim of the lower lip
> > For hypersalivation, Cold-Damp, facial paralysis
“Cervical Hua-tuo-jia-ji”
Just dorsal and ventral to the lateral vertebral processes at the level of the intervertebral spaces of the cervical vertebrae (7 pairs of acupoints on each side of the neck)
> > For cervical stiffness, Wobbler’s Disease
Lian-quan (CV-23)
“Ridge Spring”
Just cranial to the larynx on ventral midline
> > For hypersalivation, laryngeal hemiplegia
Da-zhui (GV-14)
“Great Vertebrae”
On dorsal midline between C7 and T1
> > For Fever, cervical pain, asthma, cough, seizures, skin itching, immune deficiency, IVDD
GV-14 + LI-4 + ST-36 increase WBCs in cancer patients!
“Stop Cough”
0.5 cun lateral to GV-14 (dorsal midline at the C7-T1 space)
> > For cough, asthma
Tian-tu (CV-22)
“Celestial Chimney”
At the tip of the manubrium on ventral midline
> > For thyroid problems, cough, asthma, sore throat, hiccups, chest pain
On dorsal midline at the thoracolumbar junction (T13-L1)
> > For stopping internal bleeding, hematuria, bleeding after spay/neuter
Ji-zhong (GV-6)
“Center Spine”
Between T11-T12 on dorsal midline
> > For IVDD, spleen and stomach disorders
“Hundred Meetings”
At the lumbosacral junction on dorsal midline (epidural space L7-S1)
> > For Yang deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb weakness/paralysis
“Kidney Association Point”
1 cun lateral to Bai-hui
> > For Kidney Qi/Yang Deficiency, Source Qi, diarrhea/constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb weakness/paralysis
“Kidney Shelf”
1 cun CRANIAL to Shen-shu
> > For Yang Deficiency, diarrhea/constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb weakness/paralysis
“Kidney Corner”
1 cun CAUDAL to Shen-shu
> > For Yang Deficiency, diarrhea/constipation, IVDD, pelvic limb weakness/paralysis
“Tail Vertebrae”
Between Cd-1 and Cd-2 on dorsal midline, between the first and second tailbones. Dorsoflex the tail and find the space that moves- this is Wei-jie.
> > For lumbosacral mutilation, fecal and urinary incontinence, tail paralysis
Wei-jiAN (GV-1B)
“Tail Tip”
At the tip of the tail
> > For tail paralysis, pelvic limb weakness
“Hua-Tuo’s Paravertebral Points”
0.5 cun lateral to the disc spaces on dorsal midline between T1-L7, all points are 1 cun medial to the inner bladder channel points. This consists of 19 acupoints on either side of the back.
> > For IVDD, back pain
“Two Eyes Sacral Foramina”
2 pairs of bilateral points in the pelvic sacral foramina
> > For lumbosacral pain, pelvic limb paresis, urinary retention/difficulty, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, infertility, metritis
Guan-yuan-shu (BL-21)
“Gate of Primary Qi”
1.5 cun lateral to dorsal midline, between T13 and L1
> > For diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, vomiting, abdominal pain, general weakness, Kidney Jing Deficiency, Yuan Qi Deficiency
“Lung Gate”
1/3rd the way along the CRANIAL border of the scapula from dorsal to ventral
> > For BONE STEAMING (diskospondylitis)
“Lung Hugging”
1/3rd the way along the CAUDAL border of the scapula from dorsal to ventral
> > For shoulder, thoracic limb lameness or paralysis, lung disorders, bone steaming (diskospondylitis)
“Elbow Association Point”
Between the lateral humeral condyle and the anconeal process
> > For elbow lameness, ulnar nerve paralysis
“Coxa Angle”
In the depression just ventral to the dorsal border of the wing of the ilium, at the craniodorsal iliac spine
> > For hip problems, pelvic limb weakness/paralysis
“Six Raphes”
Between the digits in the skin folds- 3 points in each foot for all 4 feet
Insert needle distal to proximal through the webbing and dorsal to the metacarpophalangeal or metatarsophalangeal joints- NEEDLE MUST CROSS THE JOINT SPACE
> > Only for paralyzed patients