Top 25 Part 3 Flashcards
Acanthus Mollis
Herbaceous perennial
1.5m x l.5m clump forming columnar upright stems
Moderate growth
Deeply glossy leaves non prickly unlike spinosus tall white bolobed flowers
Scrubs and open habitats. Statement, architectural piece
Full sun to full shade best in sunny sheltered spot
We’ll drained soil.
Drought tolerant
Cottage or Mediterranean gardens
Caltha palustris
Deciduous perennial
Clump forming rhizomatous 50cm x 50cm
Medium growth
Large golden flowers from mid spring to early summer
Bears lime green floral bracts large heart shaped leaves
Bog gardens, wildlife gardens near water
Poorly drained, boggy soils on waters edge
Full sun
Frost hardy
Carex pendula
Tussock forming evergreen perennial
1.5m high x 1m
Fast to establish then moderate
Narrow pleated leaved to 1m
3 to 5 fishing rod like infloroscences
Moist woodland
Low maintenance borders
Wildlife gardens/meadows
Poorly drained to moist soil
Well drained soil in full sun to partial shade
Drought tolerant but growth affected
Frost hardy
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Very large, deciduous tree, bushy habit
25m x 25m
Fast when young then very slow
Multiple stems bearing round heart shaped opposite leaves
Yellow in autumn
Distinctive burnt sugar smell
Fruits and buds look like crimson claws
Specimen tree
Arboretum, national garden, park
Japanese wild garden
Moist but well drained to well drained
Full sun to partial shade
Frost hardy to coldest zones 7-9
Cornus mas
Small deciduous tree
4m x 4m
Bushy habit
Medium grower
Densely branched tree
Abundance of small golden yellow flowers on naked twigs in Feb
Tiny small cluster grouped flowers
Bright red cherry like fruits
Turns purple in autumn
All year interest, wildlife
Full sun or light shade
Rich fertile moist well drained to well drained soil
Frost hardy stones 7-9
Late winter/early spring interest
Urban planting, Avenues, parks and gardens
Specimen tree
Wildlife garden
Cotoneaster horizontalis
Medium sized low growing shrub
90cm tall x 1.5m wide
Deciduous moderate grower
Ground covering shrub
Strongly divergent branches
White flowers then bright red long lasting berries
Classic ground cover
Car parks, walkways, paths industrial estates etc
Covers banks and walls
Full range of soils but prefers free draining in full sun
Fritillaria meleagris
Small bulb perennial
30cm high x 10cm wide
Clump forming
Slender plants with solitary pendulous purple checkerboard pattern flower
Very unique
Lawns for spring interest
Under trees in parks and woodlands
Rock gardens
Well drained, not too dry soil
Sun or partial shade
Reasonable fertile soil
Kerria japonica
Deciduous shrub
2.5m x 2.5m
Green rod like branches
Jagged teeth green leaves
Profuse bright orange 5 petals flowers
Shrub borders
Front of woodlands
Good against dark green backdrop
Regenerate by cutting old stems near the base
Bright position avoid mid day sun flowers bleach
Wide range of soils but avoid extremes
Moist well drained to well drained soil
Lathyrus vernus
Clump forming deciduous perennial herb
Compact 50cm x 50cm
Establishes quickly
Rhizomatous with bright green leaves
Flowers 4-6 in many loose, erect racemes
Pea like purple to pink
Rock gardens
Woodland garden
Under shrubs and trees at front of a mixed border
Full sun to partial shade
Tolerate deep shade
Moist well drained to well drained soils
Myrica gale
Woody deciduous shrub
Suckering 1.5m x 1.5m
Moderate grower
Very green shrub with slightly toothed leaves
Fragrant when crushed
Inflorescences with Bracts making them look like cones
Pond margins
Themed colour beds
Ground cover in damp spots
Experimental plantings
Very tolerant of acid waterlogged soil
Full sun to partial shade
Open areas
Fully hardy
Osmunda regalis
Deciduous clump forming fern
Herbecasous perennial
2.5m x 1m
In right conditions fast grower
Tall very upright fronds
Greyish caste
Appears as clusters of orange spheres unlike other ferns sporangia
Bog planting
Aquatic schemes
Native planting
Prefers full sun to partial shade in moist well drained to poorly drained soils
Near water
Pachysandra terminalis
Evergreen sub shrub
Mat forming perennial evergreen
20cm high - 1.5m wide
Moderate grower
Leathery saw tooth evergreen leaves
Tiny white flowers sometimes pink or purple
Early summer
Ground cover
Under trees
Full to partial shade
Moist but well drained to well drained soil
Frost hardy
Can tolerate dry conditions
Phormium tenax
Evergreen, clump forming perennial
To 3m tall x 1m
Large panicle to 4m
Strap like leaves
Medium grower
Foiliage plants in beds and containers
Thrives in any climate
Fairly frost hardy
Moist well drained to well drained soils
Full sun to partial shade
Tolerates permanently wet conditions
Primula vulgaris
Evergreen herbaceous perennial
Fast grower
15cm x 30cm
Clump forming
Primrose yellow flowers
Bright green spathulate leaves
Thrives in any climate in the UK
Frost hardy
Full sun to partial shade
Woodland plant in early spring
Likes moist well drained soils
Naturalising woodlands
Rock garden
Low grassland
Bedding plant
Good for pollinators
Ribes sanguineum
Woody deciduous shrub
Bushy habit
2.5m x 2.5m
Moderate grower
Spreading densely branching aromatic
Many colourful cultivars
3-5 lobed dark green leaves
Flowers in dense racemes
Mixed borders
Woodland edges
Spring flowering shrub
Moist well drained soil
Tolerates wide range of soils
Full sun to light shade
Frost hardy
Ruscus aculeatus
Woody evergreen shrub
1m x 1m
Dense branching
Moderate grower
Glossy green leaves, pale lavender flowers and the shiny red berries
All year interest, wildlife
For dry, fairly shady spots
Low barrier hedging
Cover for small birds
Humus rich moist well drained to well drained soils
Not waterlogged
Light to deep shade
Frost hardy
Salvia rosmarinus
Woody evergreen shrub
2.5m x 2.5m
Densely branching shrub
Moderate grower
Dark green needle like leaves
Woolly hair underneath
Pale lavender flowers
Mediterranean garden
Borders, containers, herb garden
Attracts wildlife/pollinators
Moist well drained soil to well drained
Full sun
Coastal conditions
Frost hardy to -10
Sasa veitchii
Evergreen dwarf bamboo
Thicket clump forming
2.5m x 4m
Patch forming
Vigorous grower
Slender canes
Broad leaves
Attractive cream coloured margin
Ground cover
Asian style planting
Full sun but will tolerate full shade
Moist well drained soil
Frost hardy
Sorbus aucuparia
Small tree
Busy upright
12m x 5m
Fairly fast grower
Smooth dull bark
Large pinnate leaves
White flowers and red berries
All year interest, wildlife
Attracts wildlife and pollinators
Native and wild gardens
Specimen tree - front gate to ward off supernatural
We’ll drained soil
Full sun to partial shade
Not waterlogged or too alkaline
Tilia x europaea
Deciduous tree
Large columnar broad habit
30m x 15m
Vigorous grower
Dense shapely crown
Smooth green shots
Heart shaped lime coloured toothed edge leaves
Pale yellow flowers in early summer
Ribbed fruit
Flowers used for tea
Very frost hardy, cold climates
Moist well drained soil full sun
Tolerates poorly and well drained
Needs plenty of water in dry periods
Transplants very well
Trachycarpus fortunei
Single stemmed evergreen palm
9m to 2.5m
Slow growing to average
Fan shaped darke green leaves unique
Blue underneath leaves
Dense showy yellow flowers
Blue/black fruit
All year interest
Specimen plant sunny garden or courtyard
Botanical gardens, palm houses
Full sun or partial shade
We’ll drained fertile soil
Hardy to zone 8-11
Needs a sheltered spot when young
Wrap with hessian and straw in autumn
Trillium grandiflorum
Robust perennial deciduous herb
Vigorous grower
Clump forming
30cm x 30cm
Three deltoid leaves around the stem
Petals leathery pure white very large
In shady beds under trees - parks, gardens
Moist well drained humus rich
Full sun to partial shade
Prefers alkaline soil
Ulex europaeus
Evergreen shrub
Broadly spreading
2.5m x 2.5m
Vigorous grower
Bushy habit
Spiky leaves
Bright yellow flowers like pea family
Hedgerows, shrub mixed borders, native garden
Hedging for livestock
Coconut scent in May
Attracts wildlife
We’ll drained soil but thrives in most conditions
Full sun
Tolerant of shady and coastal areas
Frost hardy
Viburnum Davidia
Evergreen shrub
Small spreading bushy
1.5m x 1.5m
Slow grower
Bright glossy leaves
Spring flowers white
Turquoise blue berries
Attracts wildlife
Excellent large scale ground cover - parks, industrial, urban
You need male and female plants together
Specimen plant
Moist well drained to well drained soil
Full sun to light shade
Frost hardy to zone 10
Wisteria sp.
Deciduous climber/shrub
20m x 20m if unchecked - 8mx4m
Climbs up trees, bushes twining
Fairly fast grower - very fast searching shoots
Woody stems
Striking flowers- pea like purple to white
Pinnate large leaves
Frame structures
Oriental rot traditional cottage garden
Needs regular pruning
Warm sheltered position
Fairly hardy
Full sun to dapples shade
Moist well drained to well drained soil