Top 25 Flashcards
Sarcococca confusa
Known as Christmas box
1.8 x 1.5
Medium grower/bushy habit
Evergreen winter flowering/glossy green leaves
Fragrant flowers near paths/ shiny black berries/Gap filler/excellent in shade/understorey planting
Difficult dry area, shady, cool, moist climates and well drained soil.
Acer griseum
10 m x 10m
Broad slow grower
Prized for Chestnut brown bark. Leaves turn to red from green in Autumn
Specimen tree. Good backlit by sun. Under planted with White Cyclamen
Moist: sheltered in moist well drained soil : Sun to partial shade
Acer palmatum var.dissectum ‘Garnet’
4m x 4m
Broad, low, spreading mounded canopy
Moderate growth
Sheltered shrub borders: Specimen tree for Smaller gardens: Good in container: Bonsai : Next to large leaved evergreens
Bright position to dappled shade: Shelter from North and East:
Moisture retentive soil
Vulnerable to late frost
Suitable for chalk soil
Amelanchier canadensis
8m x 3m
Small tree/shrub
Damp sites beside ponds and lakes
Grove forming
Specimen tree for small gardens
Tolerates very damp/wet conditions
In sun for best autumn colour
Avoid alkaline
Needs moist, humus rich soil
Araucaria araucana
24m x 1.2m. Young trees can be domed shaped
Moderate growth rate
Specimen tree: Architectural contrast: Park or street tree Very distinct Very glossy green leaves: Personality
Hardy thrives in cool & misty summers, tolerates to -20. Well drained soil
Berberis darwinii
3m x 3m Upright, spreading shrub Vigorous growth
Early spring colour, informal hedges/exclusion and mixed borders
Vigorous evergreen, small blue green leaves, large clusters of apricot flowers in summer, purple fruits in summer
We’ll drained soil in sun or partial shade. Fully hardy
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii
18m x 10m Conical vigorous when young
Specimen tree: In lawns: Urban planting - avenues underplanted by Cornus alba
Loved for white bark that peels : Dark green leaves
Cold climate; shorter rooting needs watering in dry periods
Good for Light acid soils and tolerates wind
Carpinus betulus
24m x 10m - 9m x 5m average garden
Irregularly rounded tree. Broadly conical. Vigorous when young.
Specimen tree. Columnar forms. Good avenue trees. Good for hedging. Good colour through the seasons - changes to yellow in autumn
We’ll drained, moderate fertile soil. Full sun or partial shade. Avoid frost and don’t prune in spring - they bleed heavily.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
15m. Vigorous grower. Fastest inUK
Upright and spreading tree
Evergreen. Used as a screen/hedge. Fast growing
Very hardy. Can be shaped.
Truces in many locations. Can take light, frequent pruning. Careful of wind damage.
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae
60cm x 60cm. Spreading Evergreen Upright
Herbaceous and mixed borders Evergreen perennial. Spring to summer interest. Lime green colour
Hardy in all but very cold conditions. Ok in sun and shade
Fagus sylvatica
24 x 12m large tree. Vigorous and responds to clipping.
Specimen tree. Avenue. Hedging. Different colours of foliage through the year. Lime in Spring, copper in autumn.
Very frost hardy. Needs well drained soil. Doesn’t like heavy clay. But can take extremes of acid/alkaline soil.
Fuchsia magellanica
2.6m x 2m. Medium/fast grower. Shrub
Good hedging plant. Colour later in the summer and unique flowers. Dark fruits. Good for coastal areas.
Grow in full sun to shade. Prefers moist, well drained soil. Frost hardy. May require winter mulching.
Ginkgo biloba
30+m x 5m Fast grower when young, Broad columnar. Medium to large tree. As a temple tree in China
Great specimen tree. Good for urban areas for interest but berries may be slippy. Unique leaf shape. Nice grey bark.
Slightly acid to alkaline soils. In full sun. Frost hardy. We’ll drained soil and tolerant of dry spells.
Hydrangea paniculata
4m x 3m Large shrub Fast growing
Mixed border plant: Shrub border. Excellent against purple foliage plants. Big soft white flowers in summer.
Good rich horticultural soil and tolerant of many soil types.
Hydrangea macrophylla
2m x 2.5m at most. Dome shaped. Large leaves. Large in fluorescence dome flowers. Fairly fast grower.
Classic border plant. Or specimen for small space. Urban spaces. Great colour in the summer and autumn. Attracts wildlife.
Good rich horticultural soil. Plenty of moisture and organic matter. Can be pink flowers on alkaline soil.
Ilex aquifolium
15m x 2m. Moderate growth. Shrub/small tree
Specimen. Architectural. evergreen. White flowers and red berries. Year round interest. Hedging. Security hedge.
Very hardy. Tolerant of industrial pollution and sea exposure.
Lonicera ligustrina
1.5m x 2.5m. Dense habit. vigorous growth. Evergreen, wide spread.
Ground cover. Formal Hedge. Informal Hedging. In Town and industrial areas. Year round interest - flowers and berries.
Easy growing. Full sun to shade.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
30m x 5m upright, conical. Slow growing.
Specimen tree. Next to a pond or in a lawn. Best on its own. Large avenue, well spaced. Autumn interest as needles change colour and drop.
Moist well drained soil, light soils. Grow up full sun.
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’
25cm x 30cm slow growing sparse clumps. Spreads in clumps. Evergreen, perennial
Striking black colour, planted beneath other things. All year round interest with flowers and berries.
Front of beds. Container plants.
Tolerate sun and part shade. Moist well drained soil. Frost Hardy.
Phyllostachys aurea
3m x 2m Vigorous grower clump forming
Architectural plant back of a border or specimen plant
All soil types
Shade tolerant
Skimmia japonica
1m x 1m Evergreen Shrub Medium growth
All year interest, berries and flowers. Grow in borders. Can grow in shade and North facing gardens
Fully hardy, any well drained soil and partial shade
Taxus baccata
15m x 3m. Evergreen upright tree. Fast growing in early years. Berries
Specimen plant. Hedges, topiary
Frost hardy all soil types.
Vitis coignetiae
10m x no limit Vine Changes colours. Vigorous growth. Fruits
Moist soil. Poor soil. Needs a wall and tree. Needs good light. Covers unsightly buildings.
Key feature rock face, railings etc
Davidia involucrata
15m x 10m. Deciduous tree. Moderate grower
Specimen tree. Focal point in woodland garden. Beautiful Flowers.
Fertile moist but well drained in sun or partial shade. Shelter from strong winds.
Cortaderia selloana ‘Sunningdale Silver’
3m x 2m. Grass clump forming. Plumes in summer. Medium/fast
Architectural plant distinctive form. Plumes in summer. Sound
Easily grown in open sunny position. Any soil. Moisture and drainage. Tolerates strong winds and sea.