Top 20 Phrases in French Flashcards
Ce n’est pa grave!
Pronounced: Cuh nay pah grahv
It’s no big deal!
N’importane quoi!
Pronounced: Nim port kwah
Nonsense! or B.S.!
Je t’en prie
Pronounced: Juh tun pree
You’re Welcome.
Un de ces quatre
Pronounced: Uhn duh say kat-ruh
one of these days
Quoi de neuf?
Pronounced: Kwah duh nuhf
What’s new?
Pronounced: Allay
“come on”, “let’s go”, “go on”, “go ahead”, “go away”
Bon, ben
Pronounced: Bohn Behn
Tant pis!
Pronounced: Tahn-pee
“oh well”, “too bad”, “never mind”
De toute façon…
Pronounced: Duh toot fasohn
“anyway”, “anyhow”
C’est pas vrai!
Pronounced: say pah vray
“that isn’t true”, “no way!”
J’en ai marre!
Pronounced: Zhuhn-ay mahr
“I’ve had it”, “I’ve had enough”
Mais oui!
Pronounced: may-wee
“Of course!”, “absolutely”
Ça ne fait rein
Pronounced: sah nuh fay ree-unh
“Don’t mention it!”, “No worries!”, “That’s ok”
Pronounced: set ah deer
“In other words”, “It’s to say”
Enfin, bref
Pronounced: unfihn brehf
“In short”