Tongue Diagnosis Flashcards
pale tongue
Xu Cold (Yang or Qi/Xue Xu)
red tongue
internal Heat (Xs or Xu)
light red tongue
deep red tongue
extreme Heat (Xs) - internal or external
deep blue-purple, dry and lusterless tongue
Xue Stasis d/t Heat
pale purple, moist tongue
Xue Stasis d/t Cold
Purplish spots on tongue surface
Xue Stasis
teeth marks on tongue
SP Qi Xu
lack of coat in center
ST Qi Xu
pale body, white and wet coat
SP Yang Xu
pale and swollen body, white coat
KD Yang Xu
pale body, slightly dry
SP Xue Xu
pale body, paler tip
HT Xue Xu
pale body, paler sides
LV Xue Xu
pale body, bluish-purple if severe
HT Yang Xu
no coat in center; dry wide crack in center
ST Yin Xu
red body, no coat, dry, cracks
KD Yin Xu
red body, no coat in front, redder tip
HT Yin Xu
red body, no coat, cracks anteriorly
LU Yin Xu
red body, thick yellow coat
XS Heat
purple body
Xue Stasis
thick, slippery, greasy coat
slightly flaccid body, slightly swollen anterior
LU Qi Xu
pale body
HT Qi Xu
horizontal cracks
Yin Xu
irregular cracks
ST Yin Xu
transverse side cracks
SP Qi/Yin Xu
vertical center crack
SP Qi Xu
long vertical center crack
HT, emotional disorder
deep vertical crack plus small cracks
KD Yin Xu Heat
swollen tip, red color
HT Fire
swollen along central crack, normal color
HT Qi Xu
swollen edges
SP Qi/Yang Xu
swollen sides
LV Yang Rising or LV Fire
thin and pale
Qi and Xue Xu
thin and deep red, dry
Fire d/t Yin Xu
deviated tongue
Wind stroke
rigid tongue
Ext: PC Heat invasion, Turbid-Phlegm retention, XS Heat
Int: Wind-stroke
pale, flaccid tongue
extreme Qi and Xue Xu
deep red, flaccid tongue
consumption of Yin fluids
quivering tongue, pale body
SP Qi Xu, HT and SP collapse
quivering tongue, red body
extreme Het generating Internal Wind
quivering tongue, pale and thin
Yang collapse
dry tongue
Heat (XS or XU heat consuming body fluids)
excessive moisture, saliva dribbles
harmful water & Damp
sticky (hard to scrub, greasy) coat
retention of Damp, Phlegm or Food
granular (coarse & soybean curds, easily scrubbed, pasty) coat
XS Yang Heat brings turbid ST Qi upward, retention of Phlegm or Food
partially peeled tongue coat (geographic)
consumption of ST Qi and Yin
entire tongue coat is peeled (mirror, glossy)
exhaustion fo ST Yin, severe damage of ST Qi
thin white coat
normal or exterior Cold
thick white coat
interior Cold
yellow coat
interior Heat
light yellow = mild Heat; deep yellow = severe Heat;
burnt yellow = accumulation of Heat
grey-yellow and dry coat
Interior XS Heat
grey and white and moist coat
Cold or Damp retention
black coat
extreme interior condition (Heat or Cold),
if also yellowish and dry (with thorns): extreme Heat
if also pale and slippery, XS Cold d/t Yang Xu