Extra Points Flashcards
An Mian
1/2 way btwn GB20 & SJ17, perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
calms spirit & pacifies LV
Ba feng
on dorsal of foot, btwn toes, 0.5 cun proximal to web margin, oblique 0.5-1 cun; (includes LV2, ST44, GB43)
clears Heat & dissipates swelling
Bai chong wo
3 cun sup to sup patella border in depression in vastus medialis, perp/obl 1-1.5 cun; 1 cun superior to SP10
clears H, eliminates W, drains D, lower region sores, wind rash, skin itching
Bai lao
or Jing bai lao
2 cun sup & 1 cun lat to DU14, perpendicular 0.5-0.8 cun
transforms Phlegm, dissipates nodules, stops cough & dyspnea, night/spontaneous sweat, steaming bone disorder, neck pain/stiffness
Ba xie
in depression btwn MC heads when fist is made (6/8) & btwn thumb & index (2/8), 0.5-1 cun p, (equilateral triangle)
clears H, dissipates swelling, numbness, stiff, HA, toothache…
Bi tong = Shang ying xiang
at highest point of nasolabial groove,
transverse 0.3-0.5 cun toward bridge of nose,
benefits nose
Bi zhong
on palmar surface of forearm, 1/2 way btwn cubital & wrist crease, perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
opens channel & luo vessel locally
Da gu kong
(thumb joint) on dorsal aspect of thumb, in center of transverse crease of interphalangeal joint
prick to bleed OR moxa
clears H, harmonizes MJ
Dang yang
in line w/pupil 1 cun behind ant hairline
transverse 0.5 cun
Dan nang xue
on Right leg 1-2 cun distal to GB34 (point of max tenderness), perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
clears H, drains D; for acute & chronic cholecystitis, bile duct dz & lower limb paralysis
Ding chuan
0.5-1 cun lateral to DU14,
perp/obl 0.5-1 cun toward spine
for asthma, wheezing & stops cough (acute)
Er bai
4 cun prox to PC7 on either side of FCR (2 points)
perpendicular 0.5-1 cun OR oblique 1-1.5 cun
for rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids
Er jian
at apex of ear when folded in half forward
perpendicular 0.1 cun OR bleed
clears H, dissipates swelling, benefits eyes & throat, red/swollen/pain in eyes/throat, mumps, one sided HA, high fever
Hai quan
in center of tongue frenulum btwn JinJin & YuYe
clears H, decreases swelling, generates fluids, benefits tongue (for heavy/swollen/pain/lotus flower tongue), facial paralysis, vomiting
He ding
in depression at mid point of mid patellar border
perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
activates Qi & Xue & benefits knee joint
Huan zhong
1/2 way btwn GB30 & DU2
perpendicular 2-2.5 cun
sciatica, UTI, hemorrhoids, LE paralysis
Hua tuo jia ji
0.5-1 cun lateral from depression below lower border of SPs T1-L5
regulates & harmonizes 5 Zang & 6 Fu
Jia cheng jiang
1 cun lat to CV24 over mental foramen
0.3-0.5 cun perp/obl OR 0.5-1.5 cun transverse
deviation of mouth & eye, face pain, toothache, swelling of gums, jaundice
Jian qian / Jian nei ling
midpoint on line btwn LI15 & ant axillary fold
perpendicular up to 1.5 cun
opens channel & luo vessels locally
Jin jin
on left vein under tongue
prick to bleed
clears H, reduces swelling, generates fluids, tongue pain/swelling, loss of voice, nausea/vomit, waste thirst disorder (DIABETES)
Yu ye
on right vein under tongue
prick to bleed
clears H, reduces swelling, generates fluids, tongue pin/swelling, loss of voice, nausea/vomit, waste thirst disorder (DIABETES)
Ju quan
in center of tongue body with max extension of tongue
perpendicular 0.2 cun
tongue deviation, impaired mobility or atrophy (stroke), loss of taste
Kuan gu
pair of points sup to patella & 1.5 cun lat & med to ST34
perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
alleviate pain
Lan wei xue
on right leg 2 cun distal to ST36 (point of max tenderness)
perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
activates Qi & Xue, clears H & fire poison from LI, appendicitis, drop foot, leg paralysis
Luo zhen
on dorsum of hand in depression just prox to btwn 2nd-3rd MC joints
perp/obl 0.5-1 cun
invigorates Qi & Xue in neck
neck stiffness/pain/inability to turn, HA, shoulder/arm pain
Nei huai jian
highest prominence of medial malleolus
transverse 0.1 cun OR prick to bleed
for pain in medial ankle
Nei ying xiang
in nasal cavity at junction of nasal bone & nasal cartilage
“opposite bi tong”
prick to bleed
clears H, drains Fire
Pi gen
3.5 cun lateral to midline level with L1 spinous
oblique 0.8-1 cun (medially)
improve Qi flow btwn UJ & MJ, elim local Qi & Xue stag
Qian zheng
0.5 cun ant to earlobe
oblique 0.5-1 cun
clear HT fire; for mouth ulcers
Qi duan
on tips of 10 toes (0.1 cun from nail)
prick to bleed
syncope, edema of feet, acute
Qi pang = San jiao jiu
equilateral triangle w/umbilicus as apex & sides equal to smile length
moxa only!
regulates Qi, alleviates (abdominal/umbilical) pain, stops (chronic) diarrhea, Shan disorder, running piglet Qi
Shang lian quan
1 cun below border of jaw btwn hyoid bone
oblique 0.8-1.2 cun (toward tongue root)
for speech problems & snoring
What’s another name for Bi Tong?
Shang ying xiang
What’s another name for Bai lao?
Jing bai lao
What’s another name for San jiao jiu?
Qi pang
Shi qi zhui xue / Shi qi zhui xia
midline in depression below L5 SP
perp 0.5-1 cun
tonifies KD & promotes urination, alleviates pain
Shi xuan
on tips of 10 fingers, 0.1 cun from fingernails
prick to bleed OR moxa
opens portals, revives consciousness, drains H, pacifies W LOC, wind stroke, summer H, fever, throat pain/swell, chronic spasm/epilepsy
Si feng
on palmar hand surface at midpoint of 2nd-5th PIP jt crease
prick to bleed
fortifies spleen & dissipates accumulation, childhood nutrition impairment, childhood accumulation disorder, whooping cough, child diarrhea
Si feng
on palmar hand surface at midpoint of 2nd-5th PIP jt crease
prick to bleed
fortifies spleen & dissipates accumulation, childhood nutrition impairment, childhood accumulation disorder, whooping cough, child diarrhea
Si shen cong
4 points: 1 cun ant, post, & lateral to DU20
transverse 0.5-1.5 cun
calms spirit, pacifies wind, benefits eyes & ears, windstroke, epilepsy, insomnia, poor memory, HA, dizzy…
Tai Yang
in depression 1 cun post to midpoint btwn TW23 & GB1
perp 0.5-0.8 cun
elim W, clear H, reduces swelling & stops pain, one sided HA, dizzy, toothache, trigeminal neuralgia
Ti tuo
4 cun lateral to CV4
perp 0.8-1.2 cun
raises & regulates Qi; for uterine prolapse, dysmenorrhea, and distension & pain
Wai huai jian
highest prominence of lateral malleolus
transverse 0.1 cun OR prick to bleed
for pain in lateral ankle region
What’s the point on the highest prominence of the medial malleolus?
Nei huai jian
What’s the point on the highest prominence of the lateral malleolus?
Wai huai jian
What’s another name for Luo zhen?
wai lao gong
What are the points between the knuckles of the hand called?
Ba xie
What are the points between the knuckles of the foot called?
Ba feng (includes LV2, ST44, GB43)
What are the points on the tips of the fingers called?
Shi xuan
What’s the point between GB30 and DU2 called?
Huan zhong
Wei guan xia shu
1.5 cun lat to lower border of T8 SP
oblique toward spine 0.5-1 cun OR transverse 1-1.5 cun
wasting & thirsting disorder (Diabetes), dry throat, chest/costal/epigastric pain, vomiting
Xiao gu kong
on dorsal aspect of pinky, in center of transverse PIP crease
prick to bleed
clears H
Xi yan / Nei xi yan
in hollows formed w/flexed knee immediately below patella, both med & lat to patellar ligament (lateral = ST35)
perp/obl 1-2 cun
dispels W-D, reduces swelling, alleviates pain
Yao tong xue
2 points btwn 2-3 & 4-5 MC bones in depression just proximal to MC junction
perp 0.5-1 cun
invigorates Qi & Xue in lumbar region, for acute lumbar sprain
Yao yan
3.5 cun lat to DU3 (lower border of L4 SP)
perp 1-1.5 cun
strengthens KD (for KD Xu), benefits L/S, for lumbar pain, consumption
Yi ming
post to mastoid on line connecting SJ17 to GB20
perp 0.5-1 cun
disorders of eyes & ears, dizziness, insomnia
Yin tang
at labella
transverse 0.3-0.5 cun
pacifies W, calms Shen, benefits nose, alleviates pain (frontal HA), dizzy, insomnia, agitation, restless, nasal congestion, HTN
Yu yao
in center of eyebrow in depression above pupil
transverse 0.5-1 cun (med or lat)
benefits eyes, relaxes sinews, alleviates pain
for red/swollen/painful eyes, eyelid twitch, drooping eyelid
Which point is for lumbar sprain?
Yao tong xue
Zhong kui
dorsal aspect of middle finger, in center of PIP transverse crease
prick to bleed OR moxa
descends ST Qi, clears H
Zhou jian
on tip of olecranon process
moxa only
transforms P, dissipates swelling, scrofula, carbuncles, furuncles, deep mouth ulcers
Zi gong xue
3 cun lat to CV3
perp 0.8-1.2 cun
raises & regulates Qi, regulates menstruation, alleviates pain; for uterine prolapse, infertility, irregular menses, uterine bleeding