TOLD Definitions Flashcards
Engine efficiency based on
What fuel and density
JP-8, 6.8 pounds per gallon
ICAO Standard Atmosphere
Standard day: 15 C, 29.92 is sea level. Temperature variation is -2 C per 1000 ft up to 36,089 ft (then constant)
NWS based on runway condition
Dry: on
Wet/Icy: off
Normal Bleed Air
Air Conditioning and Pressurization
Winds for takeoff
50% HW, 150% TW
Critical Field Length
accel on all 4 engines, lose an engine and either stop or takeoff
Balanced CFL
If the distances for both are the same; speed is called CEFS
Unbalanced CFL
Stop distance is greater than takeoff distance; lessor of rotate speed or Vmcg. For a normal takeoff, CFL must not exceed runway available.
Refusal Speed
Max speed the airplane can accelerate to with engines at takeoff power and then stop within remainder of the runway with: 2 symmetricals in reverse, 1 in ground idle, 1 windmilling, and max anti-skid braking
Climb-Out Flight Path
Distance from brake release required to clear a given obstacle height, based on 3 engines
Acceleration Time Check
If refusal speed is greater than takeoff speed: 40-120, take refusal, round down, -10 (3 knot tolerance)
Vmca vs. Takeoff
If Vmca (1 eng, in ground effect) is greater than takeoff speed, use Vmca
Normal flap retraction speed
Takeoff + 20 kn
Min flap retraction speed
obstacle clearance speed
Normal takeoff speed stall equivalence
1.1 times power-off stall speed
Normal obstacle clearance speed stall equivalence
1.2 times power-off stall speed
The minimum speed at which the airplane may lose an outboard engine during the takeoff ground run and still maintain directional control
VMCG assumptions
a. #1 windmilling on NTS
b. Max power on all operating engines
c. Zero bleed (also good for normal bleed)
d. Flaps 50% with 3000 psi rudder boost
e. Max available rudder deflection
f. Max deviation from runway centerline of 30 ft
g. Wings level
1 Eng inop VMCA
the minimum speed at which directional and lateral control can be maintained
1 Eng inop VMCA assumptions
a. #1 windmilling on NTS
b. Max power on all operating engines
c. Zero bleed (good also for normal bleed-reduces VMCA 2 knots below charted values)
d. Flaps 50%
e. Max available rudder deflection
f. 5 degrees favorable bank
g. Landing gear down
(Wings level increases VMCA by 11 knots, adverse bank: 20-35, feathered prop decreases by 2-4 knots)
2 Eng inop VMCA assumptions
a. #1 windmilling on NTS
b. Max power on all operating engines
c. All bleed off (normal bleed decreases VMCA by 7 knots)
d. Flaps 50% (3,000 psi from booster hydraulic system only)
e. Max available rudder deflection
f. 5 degrees of favorable bank
g. Landing gear down
h. #2 engine feathered
i. Utility hydraulic system inoperative
Cruise ceiling definition
Max rate of climb at 1010 is 300 fpm
Service ceiling definition
Max rate of climb at 1010 is 100 fpm