tokas Flashcards
Anchoring bias
The first thing you judge influences your judgment of all that follows.
if you tried lip balm and it helped your dry lips, you would eventually think that any other lipbalm is worse.
The sunk cost fallacy
You irrationally cling to things that have already cost you something.
if you hate the school you are in but you had to pass the exams to get in, you are not gonna quit.
The availability heuristic bias
Your judgments are influenced by what springs most easily to mind.
I am not gonna leave my charger connected to the socket because a guy’s house burndown 10 years ago because of that.
The curse of knowledge
Once you understand something you presume it to be obvious to everyone.
you start listening to the TOK lesson where the teacher is telling you words but not definitions.
The confirmation bias
You favor things that confirm your existing beliefs.
philosophy doctors are not real doctors because they don’t do surgeries
The dunning-kruger effect
People with low ability at a task overestimate their own ability, and people with high ability at a task underestimate their own ability.
a person with low ability will think of something as a performance, a person with a good ability will think of it as a “good” performance that has to be done
Belief bias
If a conclusion supports your existing beliefs, you’ll rationalize anything that supports it.
planets are in a sky, starts are in a sky, therefore stars are planets.
Self-serving bias
You believe your failures are due to external factors, yet you’re responsible for your successes.
I am good at this game it’s just not my day to play it.
The backfire effect
When some aspect of your core beliefs is challenged, it can cause you to believe even more strongly.
if I truly believe that the value of family is the most important thing in the world and someone would say that “yourself comes first”, as it objects to my belief, I am going to believe it more and even try to make the other person believe it too.
The Barnum effect
You see personal specifics in vague statements by filling in the gaps.
you came with a new blouse that you are not fully comfortable with, and if you hear laughing, you assume it was about your blouse.
Group think bias
You let the social dynamics of a group situation override the best outcomes.
the math teacher is the worst teacher in the school, if Monica, Rachel, and Pheobe think that, I think that too, they know what they are talking about, as a majority.
Negativity bias
You allow negative things to disproportionately influence your thinking.
I never gonna learn chemistry, so I am not even gonna try
Declinism bias
You remember the past as better than it was and expect the future to be worse than it will likely be.
I will never be as happy as when I was a kid.
The framing effect
You allow yourself to be unduly influenced by context and delivery.
these pills will let you sleep better
you won’t sleep if you won’t take these pils
two contexts and their deliveries.
Fundamental attribution error
You judge others on their character, but yourself on the situation.
did you forget to send out the invitations? you are so irresponsible and do not care at all.
I forgot to send out the invitation because I was so busy getting other stuff done, so it’s understandable.
The halo effect
How much you like someone, or how attractive they are, influences your other judgments of them.
she looks so cute and sweet that I will tip her a little more.
Optimism bias
You overestimate the likelihood of positive outcomes.
I won’t apply to another university just in case, because I am definitely getting into this one.
Pessimism bias
You overestimate the likelihood of negative outcomes.
I applied to 50 universities but probably won’t get into any of them even if I am the best student.
Just-world hypothesis
Your preference for justice makes you presume it exists.
everyone should go to jail if they committed any type of crime.
In-group bias
You unfairly favor those who belong to your group.
I will give my friends free tickets because they are in my group.
The placebo effect
If you believe you’re taking medicine, it can sometimes ‘work’ even if it’s fake.
warm milk is the only thing that helps me go to sleep.
The bystander effect
You presume someone else is going to do something in case of an emergency.
if you see someone in trouble you dedicate that responsibility of helping to others, as there for sure be someone who will care.
You’d rather do the opposite of what someone is trying to make you do.
Don’t push this red button. don’t eat the candy till I come back.
The spotlight effect
You overestimate how much people notice how you look and act.
you cannot go out of the house without looking the best you can because others will care.