TOELF Flashcards
adjective: short (about time, not length)
Before we begin class, let me briefly introduce myself.
This word has other definitions, but this is the most important one to study
Before we begin class, let me briefly introduce myself.
Antes de começarmos a aula, deixe-me apresentar-me brevemente.
verb: to believe without proof
Ahmed assumed his forgetful professor wouldn’t remember their meeting, but the professor was already waiting for him in her office.
verb: to help the growth of something
A good teacher not only teaches students how to do well on tests; a good teacher fosters curiosity and excitement to learn in her students.
adjective: very little, not enough
When gasoline was expensive and scarce, people found ways to travel without using their cars.
verb: make someone do something
Clara hoped her son would clean his room on his own, but eventually she had to compel him by threatening to take away his television.
verb: to acknowledge defeat (reconhecer a derrota)
I concede. You win!
noun: a sudden loss of power or success
An inability to match the lower prices of its competitors led to the company’s downfall.
substantivo: uma perda repentina de poder ou sucesso
A incapacidade de igualar os preços mais baixos dos seus concorrentes levou à queda da empresa.
noun: the force from moving
A train moving at even the slowest speeds has enough momentum to make stopping difficult.
substantivo: a força do movimento
Um trem que se move mesmo nas velocidades mais lentas tem impulso suficiente para dificultar a parada.
adjective: thin and attractive
The slender movie star told everyone that she worked out a lot to keep fit, but she actually just had a fast metabolism.
adjetivo: magro e atraente
A esbelta estrela de cinema disse a todos que ela malhou muito para manter a forma, mas na verdade ela só tinha um metabolismo rápido.
verb: win a victory over
Determined to make more friends this year, Finn overcame his shyness and introduced himself to the new student.
verbo: conquistar uma vitória sobre
Determinado a fazer mais amigos este ano, Finn superou a timidez e se apresentou ao novo aluno.
Finn overcame his shyness and introduced himself to the new student.
Finn superou a timidez e se apresentou ao novo aluno.
verb: to communicate information
A skilled actor can convey complicated emotions simply through facial expressions and body language.
verb: to become too much to handle
Jesse thought he could work two jobs while studying full-time, but his new schedule quickly overwhelmed him, and his grades soon dropped.
verbo: tornar-se demais para lidar
Jesse pensou que poderia trabalhar em dois empregos enquanto estudava em tempo integral, mas seu novo horário rapidamente o sobrecarregou e suas notas logo caíram.
still alive
continua vivo - still tem outro significado como “ainda”
The repeated floods in the capital city have displaced more than 10,000 people, many of whom are now living in their cars or on the streets.
As repetidas inundações na capital deslocaram mais de 10 mil pessoas, muitas das quais vivem agora nos seus carros ou nas ruas.
verb: to stay for longer than expected
Although the invitation clearly stated that the party would end at midnight, there were a handful of guests still lingering at 2:00AM.
verbo: ficar por mais tempo do que o esperado
Embora o convite indicasse claramente que a festa terminaria à meia-noite, alguns convidados ainda estavam lá às 2h.
Although the invitation clearly stated that the party would end at midnight, there were a handful of guests still lingering at 2:00AM.
Embora o convite indicasse claramente que a festa terminaria à meia-noite, alguns convidados ainda estavam lá às 2h.
verb: promise to do or start to do a large and difficult project
After he’d gathered all the materials and tools, Steve was ready to undertake the construction of his new garage on his own, one piece at a time.
verbo: prometer fazer ou começar a fazer um projeto grande e difícil
Depois de reunir todos os materiais e ferramentas, Steve estava pronto para empreender sozinho a construção de sua nova garagem, uma peça de cada vez.
After he’d gathered all the materials and tools, Steve was ready to undertake the construction of his new garage on his own, one piece at a time.
Depois de reunir todos os materiais e ferramentas, Steve estava pronto para empreender sozinho a construção de sua nova garagem, uma peça de cada vez.
Joan took her car back to the dealer who had sold it to her, asking that lock be repaired for free since it never worked and was clearly defective.
Joan levou o carro de volta à concessionária que o vendeu para ela, pedindo que a fechadura fosse consertada gratuitamente, pois ela nunca funcionou e estava claramente com defeito.
it’s raining
está chovendo
it’s cold
está frio
it’s really hot
está muito calor
it’s working
está funcionando
verb: to help the growth of something
A good teacher not only teaches students how to do well on tests; a good teacher fosters curiosity and excitement to learn in her students.
verbo: ajudar no crescimento de algo
Um bom professor não apenas ensina aos alunos como se sair bem nas provas; um bom professor estimula a curiosidade e o entusiasmo para aprender em seus alunos.
Elizabeth Warren acknowledges the ripple effects of ObamaCare’s consequences
Elizabeth Warren reconhece os efeitos em cascata das consequências do ObamaCare
Texas Tragedy: CEO, former TCU football player and his 2 children killed while traveling for Thanksgiving
Tragédia no Texas: CEO, ex-jogador de futebol do TCU e seus 2 filhos mortos enquanto viajavam para o Dia de Ação de Graças