Toe & Foot Test Flashcards
Which of the following is demonstrated free of superimposition on an AP oblique projection of the elbow in lateral rotation?
a.) olecranon process
b.) radial head and neck
c.) trochlea
d.) capitulum
b.) radial head and neck
Which of the following evaluation criteria are demonstrated on the upright abdomen projection? Choose all that apply.
a.) air filled stomach
b.) loops of bowel
c.) air fluid levels
d.) small crescent shaped air bubble under right hemidiaphragm
a.) air filled stomach
b.) loops of bowel
c.) air fluid levels
d.) small crescent shaped air bubble under right hemidiaphragm
Which porjection best demonstrates the following evaluation criteria?
1.) anatomy from toes to tarsals
2.) no rotation of foot with equal space between second through fifth metatarsals
3.) overlap of second through fifth metatarsals
4.) axial projection with improving demonstration of IP, MTP, and TMT joint spaces
5.) open joint space between medial and intermediate cuneiforms
a.) AP medial oblique foot
b.) AP lateral oblique foot
c.) lateral foot
d.) AP foot
d.) AP foot
Which position of the foot will best demonstrate the lateral (third) cuneiform?
a.) AP oblique with lateral rotation
b.) AP projection
c.) AP oblique with medial rotation
d.) mediolateral projection
c.) AP oblique with medial rotation
Which metatarsal bone of the foot has a prominent tuberosity frequently fractured?
a.) fourth
b.) third
c.) first
d.) fifth
d.) fifth
Which of the following is shown “in profile” on the AP projection of the humerus?
a.) greater tubercle
b.) glenoid cavity
c.) lesser tubercle
d.) capitulum
a.) greater tubercle
Which of the following is the best position to place the patient in for a transthoracic lateral projection of the humerus?
a.) recumbent
b.) upright
c.) supine
d.) prone
b.) upright
To properly visualize the joint spaces with the AP projection of the foot, the CR must be:
a.) perpendicular to the longitudinal arch
b.) perpendicular to the metatarsals
c.) parallel to the metatarsals
d.) parallel to the longitudinal arch
b.) perpendicular to the metatarsals
Which of the following carpal bones are located on the distal row? Choose all that apply.
a.) schaphoid
b.) trapezium
c.) lunate
d.) trapezoid
e.) triquetrum
f.) capitate
g.) pisiform
h.) hamate
b.) trapezium
d.) trapezoid
f.) capitate
h.) hamate
Which of the following projections of the elbow will demonstrate the olecranon process within the olecranon fossa?
a.) AP, partial flexion
b.) AP oblique, medial rotation
c.) AP, acute felxion
d.) AP oblique, lateral rotation
b.) AP oblique, medial rotation
How is the patient placed for a lateral projection of the great toe and second toe?
a.) supine, with the affected leg turned in
b.) supine with the affected leg turned out
c.) lateral, on the affected side
d.) recumbent on the unaffected side
d.) recumbent on the unaffected side
Club foot is also called:
a.) congential hip dysplasia
b.) talipes equinovarus
c.) trimalleolar fracture
d.) none of the above
b.) talips equinovarus
Where would the interphalngeal joint be found in the foot?
a.) between the tarsal bones and phalanges
b.) between any of the metatarsals and phalanges
c.) between the phalanges of the first digit
d.) between the phalanges of the second through fifth digits
c.) between the phalanges of the first digit
The most commonly performed oblique projection of the foot is the:
a.) AP oblique in medial rotation
b.) PA oblique in medial rotation
c.) AP oblique in lateral rotation
d.) PA oblique grashey method
a.) AP oblique in medial rotation
Which of the following evaluation criteria should be demonstrated on the AP humerus projection? Choose all that apply.
a.) greater tubercle in profile laterally
b.) minimal superimposition of glenoid cavity
c.) humeral head partially seen in profile medially
d.) humeral epicondyles 45 degrees to IR
a.) greater tubercle in profile laterally
b.) minimal superimposition of glenoid cavity
c.) humeral head partially seen in profile medially
For an AP projection of the shoulder with the arm in a neutral position, the epicondyles of the humerus should be:
a.) perpendicular with the plane of the IR
b.) parallel with the plane of the IR
c.) 60 degrees with the plane of the IR
d.) 45 degrees with the plane of the IR
d.) 45 degrees with the plane of the IR
For the AP weight bearing feet projection, the CR should be:
a.) directed 5 degrees posteriorly
b.) angled 15 degrees posteriorly
c.) directed horizontal
d.) perpendicular to the image receptor
b.) angled 15 degrees posteriorly
A radiograph of an AP projection of the second toe reveals that the interphalangeal joints are not open. What is the most likely cause for this radiographic outcome?
a.) excessive sid was used
b.) incorrect cr centering or angle
c.) rotation of the toes
d.) AP projection was made, should have performed the PA projection
b.) incorrect cr centering or angle
Where is the central ray directed on the lateral projection of the wrist?
a.) carpal area
b.) midcarpal area
c.) radius and ulna
d.) trapezium area
b.) midcarpal area
Where is the central directed on the PA wrist projection?
a.) mid metacarpal area
b.) midcarpal area
c.) mid CMC joint
d.) scaphoid area
b.) midcarpal area
What is the patient position for a lateral projection of the third, fourth or fifth toes?
a.) lateral recumbent on the unaffected side
b.) 45 degrees oblique, with the leg and foot laterally rotated
c.) supine with the leg and foot laterally rotated
d.) lateral recumbent on the affected side
d.) lateral recumbent on the affected side
The rounded proximal end of the metatarsal that articulates with the bones of the proximal foot or tarsals is the:
a.) growht plate
b.) head
c.) base
d.) shaft
c.) base
Which of the following objects should be available in the radiography room for performing radiographs of the lower limb?
1.) angle sponges
2.) sandbags
3.) pull straps
a.) 1 and 3
b.) 1, 2 and 3
c.) 2 and 3
d.) 1 and 2
b.) 1, 2 and 3
evaluation criteria: AP oblique foot
Bases of the first and second metatarsals superimposed on ________ and ___________ cuneiforms.
a.) medial and intermediate
b.) intermediate and lateral
c.) lateral and cuboid
d.) navicular and cuboid
a.) medial and intermediate
How many degrees of angulation are required to open the IP joint spaces of the toes on an AP projection of the toes?
a.) 15 degrees
b.) 10 degrees - 15 degrees
c.) 20 degrees
d.) 0 degrees
b.) 10 degrees - 15 degrees
Which projection best demonstrates navicular, lateral cuneiform and cuboid with less superimposition?
a.) AP foot
b.) medial oblique foot
c.) lateral oblique foot
d.) lateral foot
b.) medial oblique foot
Which structure or bone contains the sustentaculum tali?
a.) talus
b.) calcaneus
c.) tibia
d.) base of the fifth metatarsal
b.) calcaneus
The superior surface of the foot is termed the:
a.) dorsal surface
b.) superior surface
c.) plantar surface
d.) anterior surface
a.) dorsal surface
What is the articulations between the five proximal phalanges and the five metatarsals called?
a.) phalangeal joints
b.) distal interphalangeal joints
c.) proximal interphalangeal joints
d.) metatarsophalangeal joints
d.) metatarsophalangeal joints
Which of the following bones does not bear body weight?
a.) tibia
b.) fibula
c.) navicular
d.) calcaneus
b.) fibula
Which of the following evaluation criteria are best demonstrated on the lateral chest projection? Choose all that apply.
a.) entire lungs
b.) sternum anteriorly to posterior ribs and thorax posterior
c.) posterior ribs and costophrenic angles on side away from IR
d.) chin and arms should be down
a.) entire lungs
b.) sternum anteriorly to posterior ribs and thorax posterior
c.) posterior ribs and costophrenic angles on side away from IR
Evaluation Criteria: Lateral Toe
Which structures are demonstrated?
1.) entire toe, without superimposition of adjacent toes
2.) toes two through five rotated
3.) toenail in profile
4.) concave, plantar surfaces of phalanges
5.) phalanges rotated
6.) no rotation of phalanges
7.) open IP joint spaces
8.) MTP joints rotated
9.) MTP jionts are overlapped
1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
Which of the following is shown in profile on a lateral projection of the humerus?
a.) glenoid cavity
b.) lesser tubercle
c.) capitulum
d.) greater tubercle
b.) lesser tubercle
What CR angulation is required for the AP oblique projection of the foot?
a.) 5 to 7 degrees posterior
b.) 10 degrees posterior
c.) cr is perpendicular to the image receptor
d.) 15 to 20 degrees posterior
c.) cr is perpendicular to the image receptor
Which of the following patient positions will clearly demonstrate the cuboid in profile?
a.) lateral
b.) AP
c.) AP oblique in lateral rotation
d.) AP oblique in medial rotation
d.) AP oblique in medial rotation
For a lateral projection of the foot, the central ray is directed to the:
a.) navicular
b.) medial cuneiform, at the level of the base of the third metatarsal
c.) tibiotalar joint
d.) head of the third metatarsal
b.) medial cuneiform, at the level of the base of the third metatarsal
the bony projection on the upper, medial aspect of the calcaneus that creates a “shelf” to hold the head of the talus is the
a.) calcaneal sulcus
b.) sustentaculum tali
c.) tuberosity
d.) talocalcaneal projection
b.) sustentaculum tali
For a transthoracic latereal projection the proximal humerus should be projected:
a.) over the sternum
b.) over the vertebral column
c.) directly over the opposite humerus
d.) between the vertebral column and sternum
d.) between the vertebral column and sternum
The central ray for an AP oblique projection of the foot is:
a.) 0 degrees
b.) 10 degrees posteriorly
c.) 15 degrees posteriorly
d.) 5 degrees posteriorly
a.) 0 degrees
Where is the central ray directed for PA chest projection?
a.) T2
b.) T4
c.) T6
d.) T7
d.) T7
Which of the following evaluation criteria should be demonstrated on the AP partial flexion elbow projection? Choose all that apply.
a.) epicondyles in profile
b.) epicondyles in oblique position
c.) radial head and neck seperated or slightly superimposed ny ulna on forearm parallel
d.) distal humerus and epicondyles in profile on humerus parallel
a.) epicondyles in profile
c.) radial head and neck seperated or slightly superimpoed by ulna on forearm parallel
d.) distal humerus and epicondyles in profile on humerus parallel
What is the correct part postion for the PA ulnar deviation projection of the wrist?
a.) hand should be left straight
b.) move hand toward ulnar side as much as possible
c.) move hand away from ulnar side as much as possible
d.) rotate hand upward toward ulnar side
b.) move hand toward ulnar side as much as possible
A radiograph of an AP medial oblique projection of the foot, if positioned correctly should demonstrate:
a.) cr is centered to midshaft of third metatarsal
b.) first through fifth metatarsals free of superimpostion
c.) first and second cuneiform joint spaces is open
d.) third through fifth metatarsals free of superimpositon
d.) third throuhg fifth metatarsals free of superimposition
Which projections are best demonstrated on AP oblique toes? Choose all that apply.
1.) entire toes, including distal ends of metatarsals
2.) toes seperated from each other
3.) no rotation of phalanges
4.) open IP and second through fifth MTP joint spaces
5.) first MTP joint not always open
6.) first MTP joint is always open
1, 2, 4, 5,
Which of the following evaluation criteria positions are demonstrated on PA digits? Choose all that apply.
a.) no rotation is evident by concavities of shaft of phalanges and metacarpals
b.) equal tissue on each side of the phalanges
c.) fingers seperated with no soft tissue overlap
d.) interphalangeal joints open
a.) no rotation is evident by concavitites of shaft of phalanges and metacarpals
b.) equal tissue on each side of the phalanges
c.) fingers seperated with no soft tissue overlap
d.) interphalangeal joints open
Which of the following evaluation criteria is best demonstrated on PA chest radiograph? Choose all that apply.
a.) chin is elevated to prevent superimposition of apices
b.) both SC joints same distance from center line of spine
c.) minimum of 10 posterior ribs above diaphragm
d.) shoulders rotated forward to place acapula in the lung field
e.) motion on radiograph
a.) chin is elevated to prevent superimpostion of apices
b.) both sc joint same distance from center line of spine
c.) minimum of 10 posterior ribs above diaphragm
How many degrees are the lower leg and foot rotated for the AP oblique projection of the toes in medial rotation?
a.) 30 degrees
b.) 30 to 45 degrees
c.) 25 degrees
d.) 45 degrees
b.) 30 to 45 degrees
Which projections of the foot will best demonstrate the structural status of the longitudinal arch?
a.) lateral (lateromedial) weight bearing
b.) lateral (lateromedial)
c.) AP axial
d.) AP oblique medial rotation
a.) lateral (lateromedial weight bearing
For AP projection of the shoulder the central ray should enter:
a.) 2 inches inferior to the acromion
b.) 1 inch inferior to the coracoid process
c.) 2 inches inferior to the coracoid process
d.) 1 inch inferior to the acromion
b.) 1 inch inferior to the coracoid process
Evaluation Criteria:
Which projeciton best demonstrates the following?
1.) entire toes, including distal ends of metatarsals
2.) toes seperated from each other
3.) no rotation of phalanges
4.) open IP and MTP joint spaces
a.) AP medial oblique
b.) AP lateral oblique
c.) AP or AP axial
d.) lateral toe
c.) AP or AP axial
The small detaches bones that are commonly located in tendons within a variety of regions of the body including the feet are the:
a.) cuboids
b.) sesamoids
c.) condyles
d.) malleoli
c.) sesamoids
What is the purpose for centering 2’’ above the iliac crest on the upraight abdomen?
a.) to include the bladder
b.) to include the ilac crest
c.) to include symphysis pubis
d.) to include diaphragm
d.) to include diaphragm
Which projection best demonstrates the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsals?
a.) base of the third metatarsals
b.) base of the fourth metatarsals
c.) head of the second metatarsals
d.) head of the third metartarsals
a.) base of the third metatarsals
Which of the following projections of the elbow will demonstrate the radial head and neck free of superimposition?
a.) AP projection, partial flexion
b.) AP projection, acute flexion
c.) AP oblique projection, lateral rotation
d.) AP oblique projection, medial rotation
c.) AP oblique projection, lateral rotation
Which of the following evaluation criteria are demonstrated on the supine abdomen? Choose all that apply.
a.) outline of liver, spleen, kidneys and stomach
b.) bowel segments
c.) sympysis pubis
d.) ischial tuberosity
a.) outline of liver, spleen, kidneys and stomach
b.) bowel segments
c.) symphisis pubis
Which of the following carpal bones are located on the proximal row? Choose all that apply.
a.) scaphoid
b.) lunate
c.) triquetrum
d.) pisiform
e.) trapezium
f.) trapezoid
g.) capitate
h.) hamate
a.) schaphoid
b.) lunate
c.) triquetrm
d.) pisiform
Which of the following routines should be performed for a study of the second toe?
a.) AP, AP oblique with medial rotation, laterolmedial projection
b.) AP, AP oblique with lateral rotation, mediolateral projection
c.) AP, AP oblique with medial rotation, mediolateral projection
d.) AP, AP oblique with lateral rotation, lateromedial projection
a.) AP, AP oblique with medial rotation, lateromedial projection