Toddlerhood Flashcards
brain development
Steep increase in synaptic density- number of synaptic connections among neurons
Multiply intensely in the first 3 years, and toddlerhood is when peak production of new synapses is reached in the frontal lobes
After the peak of synaptic density (3YO), synaptic pruning begins
Removes one third of synapses in the frontal cortex from early childhood to adolescence, then slower rate continues into adulthood
EEG measures electrical activity of cerebral cortex
Every time a synapse fires it emits a tiny burst of electricity, which allows researchers to measure the overall activity of the cerebral cortex
Found sharp increase in overall cortical activity from 18-24MO
machine that uses a magnetic field to record changes in blood flow and oxygen use in the brain in response to different kinds of stimulation
Toddlers showed greater frontal lobe activity in response to speech than older kids, reflecting brain’s readiness for rapid language acquisition during toddler period
gross motor development
9-16MO stand alone 9-17 walk without support 11-19 stand on one leg 11-21 climb onto chairs, beds, up stairs etc. 13-17 walk backward 14-22 run 17-30 jump in place 16-30 walk on tiptoes 22-36 walk up and down stairs
fine motor development
7-15MO hold writing instrument 8-16 coordinate actions of both hands 10-19 build tower of two blocks 10-21 scribble vigorously 12-18 feed self with spoon 15-23 build tower of 3-4 blocks 20-28 draw straight line on paper 24-32 brush teeth 26-34 build tower of 8-10 blocks 29-37 copy circle
sensorimotor substages
Sensorimotor stage 5: Tertiary circular reactions
Sensorimotor stage 6: mental representations
Sensorimotor stage 5: Tertiary circular reactions
Intentionally try out different behaviours to see what the effects will be
Action intentional from beginning
Performed repeatedly
Sensorimotor stage 6: mental representations
First think about the possibilities and select the action most likely to achieve the desired outcome
Mental representation is the basis of the most important and most distinctly human cognitive abilities including language
object permanence
Develops further
Learn to avoid the A not B error and search for the object where they last saw it hidden
Toddlers have attained object permanence once they generally avoid this error
deferred imitations
ability to repeat actions observed at an earlier time
Means that when we observe something important to know, we can repeat it later ourselves
Pretend play
Piaget proposed that deferred imitation begins at 18MO, but later shown that deferred imitation of facial expressions reported as early as 6 weeks
6MO: can imitate a simple sequence of events a day later (taking off a puppet’s glove and shaking it to ring a bell inside)
if there is a longer delay, toddlers are better at it than infants
Shown sequence of events one month apart, 9MO only half remembered, 2/3 13MO remembered and all 20MO remembered
Hippocampus substantially matures in toddlerhood, may explain better deferred imitation
mental representation in toddlerhood as the basis of categorisation
Even at few months old, babies can rudimentarily understand categories (patterns of looking at a series of images)
Becomes more advanced in toddlerhood
At 9MO did not categorise horses vs pencils, at 12MO some did, at 18MO all did
By 2YO, toddlers can go beyond the appearance of objects to categorise them on the basis of their functions or dualities
Could choose which box was Blickett based on light blinking
Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development
difference between skills or tasks that children can accomplish alone and those they are capable of performing if guided by an adult or a more competent peer
Kids learn best if assistance provided is within this zone so that they need assistance at first but gradually can perform alone
private speech
self guiding and self directing comments children make to themselves as they learn in this zone
As they become more competent in what they are learning, private speech is internalised and decreased
Toddlerhood and early childhood critical as this is when they are more likely to use private speech and internalise it
degree of assistance provided to children in the zone of proximal development
Should decrease as children become more competent
Can occur at any age
guided participation
teaching interaction between two people, often an adult and a child, as they participate in a culturally valued activity