TODDLER Flashcards
temper tantrums result when toddlers are frustrated with restrictions on independece. best strategy is to ignore them, abstinancy occur
intense period of exploration = safety issue, at risk for injury
Weight gain
SLOWS, 4-6 lbs per year
Birth weight
quadrupled by 2.5 years of age
increases 3 inches per year
Growth pattern
steplike rather than linear
Average weight
27 lbs
average height
34 in (86cm)
squat, pot bellied (lordosis) of less well-developed abdominal muscles and short legs, slightly bowed and large trunk
Improved coordination
between ages 2 and 3
fine motor development
should not be hand dominant yet
Improved manual dexterity
12-15 months
throw ball
18 months
is the major gross skill developed in toddler
Walk alone
12-14 mos
18 months
walk up and down stairs
2-3 years
By 2-3 years can
jump with 2 feet, stand on one foot, walk on tiptoe, and climb stairs with alternate feet
Coordination and equilibrium in walking, running pretty refined
by 3 years
Throw and retrieve toy, put shape into appropriate shaped hole, scribble spontaneously
15 months
throw ball overhand without losing balance, build tower of 3-4 blocks
18 months
build tower of 6-7 blocks, copy circular stroke and vertical line
24 months
Visual acuity
Most physiologic systems
relatively mature by the end of toddlerhood
Common among toddlers
upper resp infections, otitis media, tonsilitis
voluntary control of elimination, sphincter control
18-24 months; able to stay dry for 2 hrs, impatient with wet or soiled diapers
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt: MEMEME, if not suceed, regress to infant, negativism, ritualization (provides sense of comfort): independence is paramount for toddlers who are attempting to do everything for themselves
anal stage (its all about me and my control
solitary play into parallel play, todds observe other children and then may engage in activities nearby; privde blocks, wheel toys, puzzles, crayons, enjoy repritive stories and short songs
tactiles play: if child doesnt like smooth or rough, crinkled, diff sounds, look if child under or over stimulated. autism?
Appropriate activities
filling emptying containers, playing with blocks, looking at books, plyaing with toys that can be pushed or pulled, tossing balls
sensorimotor and preconceptual phase: awareness of causal relationships btw two events (if this, then taht) learn spatial relationships (stacking, aware of spatial surroundings); preconcept: begins age 2, transition btw self-satisfying behavior and socialized relationships
agrees with freud, punishment and obedience orientation
milk 2-3 cups per day, no more than 4. after 2 years transition to low, or skim milk. Too much milk to exclusion of solid food results in milk anemia. Rituals are important: fav dishes, sandwitches cut a certain way, limit fruit juice to 4-6 oz per day.
physiologic anorexia
become picky, fussy eaters with strong taste preferences, eat a bunch one day, little next, usually balances out and not of concern, may pick up food likes/dislikes of others
Car seat birth to 2 years
up to 20 pounds and 26 inchs long: use rear facing, set shoulder straps below childs shoulder level
car seat 2-4 years
20-40 lbs, 26-40 inchses; use forward facing seat, position the straps at or above shoulder level
car seat for 4-8 yr
40-80 lbs, 40-57 in tall: use belt-positioning booster seat or a high back, belt positioning booster seat that uses the vehice’s lap shoulder belt. Dont use a shielf type booster seat.
immun: 12-15 months
IPV (6-18) Hib PCV MMR varicella
immun: 12-23
Hep A, 6 mos apart
immun 15-18
immun: 12-36
yearly flu
Head circum
49-50cm by 2 years, increaes only 3cm in 2nd year, achieves 90% of adult-size brain by 2 years
at 2 years, hieght is 50% of future adult height
Uses cup well by
15 months
Copies a circle
by 3 years
Able to speak
300 words by 2 years
Deciduous teeth
approx 20 present by 2.5-3years