To what extent did Propaganda succeed in creating a totalitarian state? Flashcards
What does totalitarianism mean?
A political system in which the state holds total authority over the society + seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever necessary
Was Germany classified as a totalitarian state?
Hitler sought to control all aspects of society + individual life
What is censorship?
The act of restricting and banning information
What is propaganda?
Publicising information
What was the Hitler myth?
A carefully cultivated image which portrayed Hitler as the Saviour of Germany, defending Germany against its enemies
What did the Nazis aim to do by maintaining power and control?
To create a Volksgemeinschaft which glorified the Aryan race and war, while spreading Nazi values
What is Volksgemeinschaft?
‘People’s Community’
Who was Goebbels?
Responsible for Propaganda
Hitler appointed him Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda 13th March 1933
Role was to centralise Nazi control over all aspects or German Gleichschaltung
What was one of his first acts?
10th May 1933
Supervised the burning of around 20,000 books by Jewish or anti-Nazi authors by the SA
What did Goebbells do in the Nazi party campaign?
Choreographed Hitler’s dramatic airplane tours of Germany
Pioneered the use of radio and cinema for electoral campaigning
Use of torchlight parades, brass bands and mass choirs credited to him
What forms of Propaganda did the Nazis use?
Radio Autobahns
Cinema Universities
The press Literature
Photographs. Music
Posters. Paintings
Meeting and rallies. Sculpture
Sport Architecture
How did the Nazis use radio as a form of propaganda?
Broadcasting brought under Nazi control
Reich Radio Company was created
Hitler made frequent broadcasts
Nazis produced their own cheap radio sets
Placed in cafes, factories schools and streets
Goebbels made it a treasonable offence to listen to overseas offence
What was the impact of using radio as form of propaganda?
Ownership of radios rose from 25% at start of period to 70% by outbreak of war in 1939
No escaping the Nazi messages; loudspeakers installed in public places, reached housewives + people in remote rural areas
16 million sets by 1943
In first year of war alone 1500 Germans imprisoned for listening to London-based programmes
How did the Nazis use cinema as a form of propaganda?
Films shown alongside 45 minute gov newsreels publicising Germany’s achievements
From 1934, plots for new films had to be approved by Goebbels
Fiction and documentary films used to spread Nazi message
What are some examples of propaganda films?
The ‘Eternal Jew’ by Fritz Hippler in 1940 compared Jews to rats
‘Hitlerjunge Quex’ by Hans Steinhoff in 1933 was about a boy who joins Hitler Youth + is killed by Communist
How did the Nazis control the press and use it as a form of Propaganda?
Socialist + Communist papers closed, the Editor’s Law of 1933 ensured the remainer published Nazi views
A daily press conference told editors what to write
What was the impact of the Nazis controlling the press?
The quality of journalism fell
Reflected in the decline in newspaper sales
How did the Nazis control universities?
University researchers and lecturers had to support Nazi views or would be dismissed
Between 1933-38, 3000 academics were dismissed
Anyone appointed to a uni post had to be approved by gov + complete 6 week training course
How did Nazis control music?
Censored + had to do conform to the Nazi ideal
Modern + experimental music banned
Jazz music banned as it was seen as black music so therefore inferior
How did the Nazis control literature?
They decided what ones would be available, banned ones they didn’t like
Burnt millions of books
Authors could only write about 4 topics
By 1939, over 2500 authors had left Germany
How did the Nazis control sport?
Used the 1936 Berlin olympics to show Nazi Germany in a good light
Employee filmmaker to film event
Built Olympic stadium seating 110,000 people to reflect power of Germany
All events organised to show German efficiency
Germany won most medals, 33 gold
Aryan superiority ??
How did Nazis use meeting and rallies as propaganda?
Nazi support strengthened by attending
Carefully organised
Uniforms, disciplined mass movements, stirring music, striking flags and symbols created powerful feeling of wishing to belong
How were the arts controlled by Nazis?
Modern art banned
Only paintings that portrayed German heroes or the countryside were allowed
How did the Nazis enforce control through public festivals?
Celebrated a number of important days in the Nazi calendar
People expected to hang out flags, parades and speeches organised
Eg Jan= day of seizing power
Feb=founding of the Nazi party day
Nov=anniversary of the Munich Putsch
What was the impact of propaganda abs censorship of the lives of the German people?
Hitler + Nazi party were a constant presence in people’s lives
Culture became tiresome, the range of music, films + books were very restricted
Hid the worst excesses of the regime from the public meant many Germans supported Hitler
Overall propaganda helped reinforce existing beliefs but less successful in getting people to accept new ideas
Reasons why propaganda was effective?
Propaganda played an important role in creating the Hitler myth and strengthening Germany after the crises of 1929-33
Successful because Goebbels had control over a wide range of methods
Why was propaganda not effective?
Less successful in creating a Nazi culture or winning over the working classes
Although it was successful in some areas it failed in others, therefore the system of terror was more important in upholding the regime