Opposition Flashcards
Why was opposition limited?
The economic miracle
Opposition was divided
The Nazis abandoned or hid unpopular policies
How did terror limit opposition?
Despite the limitations to terror, many were frightened by the prospect of the gestapo + concentration camps so chose to conform
How did the economic miracle limit opposition?
The Nazis provided most people with jobs, therefore many were prepared to accept Nazi measures + unpopular policies
What were the different types of opposition groups?
Communists Social Democrats Trade unions Churches Youth Students Conservatives Army
How did Communists oppose?
Produced pamphlets + reports for exiled leaders
The Red Orchestra sent info to the Soviet Union +campaigned for greater links in the USSR
Robert Uhrig coordinated communist factory cells -by 1941, 89 cells existed in Berlin alone
In 1942 communist resistance was united under Wilhelm Knochel-this was infiltrated by the Gestapo
What was the impact of the Communist opposition?
Limited impact, as many had been arrested after Reichstag fire
Pamphlets had little impact
Many Communists were more concerned with avoiding arrest
The gestapo infiltrated their networks with informers, made it very difficult for them to operate
How did social democrats oppose?
Produced pamphlets attacking the regime
Underground organisation ran by exiled party from Prague gathered info + spread discontent
Members of SPD based abroad formed splinter groups eg ‘Red Patrol’ , ‘Socialist Front’, ‘New Beginning’
These groups supported co operation with other resistance groups
What was the impact of the SPD opposition?
Much of the leadership was arrested + party banned
Didn’t cooperate with the Communists which weakened left-wing opposition
Many were simply concerned with self-preservation
How did trade unions oppose?
They carried out strikes in 1935-36 and 1945
What was the impact of trade union opposition?
Industrial action was not effective
Weakened following arrests in 1933-34 and the establishment of the German Labour Front to replace independent unions
How did churches oppose the Nazis?
There were criticisms of some Nazi policies from the pulpits of both Protestant + Catholic churches
In 1941, the Bishop of Münster, von Galen, condemned euthanasia
(Catholic) Pastoral letter with ‘burning concern’ read at churches through out Germany, this criticised racial ideology as incompatible with Christianity
Protestants resisted Hitler’s plans to reorganise the Protestant church as one united Reich church
What were the impacts of church opposition?
Public opinion forced Hitler to back down over the issue of removing religious symbols from public buildings + the euthanasia campaign had to be hidden from view
Although Galen’s attack on euthanasia did result in a temporary situation, they didn’t provide effective opposition as many lower level clergy who did speak out were sent to camps
How did the youth oppose the Nazis?
A number of groups opposed to the Hitler Youth were established during the war eg the swing youth and Edelweiss Pirates
These showed some signs of resistance to Nazi conformity by playing jazz + in some cases attacking local members of the Hitler Youth
What was the impact of the opposition from the youth?
The actual opposition was limited
There were some attacks on members of the Hitler Youth + Gestapo offices but had little significance
Many simply wanted to listen to music and disliked the military emphasis of the Hitler Youth
How did students oppose the Nazis?
White Rose, a student group in Munich, issued pamphlets condemning the values of the Nazi regime
What was the impact of the opposition from students?
Minimal impact - leaders of the White Rose were arrested and tortured
How did the conservatives oppose the Nazis?
The Kreisau Circle drew up plans post-Nazi Germany
This included officers, aristocrats, academics and churchmen
What was the impact of the conservatives/Kreisau Circle?
Some pacifists in the circle were opposed to a coup. Resistance only developed late on, and it was difficult to organise and plan as they feared arrest
How did the army oppose the Nazis?
There was slow development due to the army oath and early military success
Army support of Hitler declined after the defeat at Stalingrad, opposition developed
Some commanders began to plot, this culminated in the bomb plot under Stauffenberg
What was the impact of the army opposition?
The bomb plot failed and officers were slow to act, allowing Hitler to regain control
About 5,000 members of the resistance were killed afterwards
What was wrong with these groups?
Their methods + lack of co-ordinated planning and action resulted in individual acts of resistance rather than significant resistance
Only a few were willing/able to organise large-scale resistance-this was needed to topple the regime
Successful foreign policies + reduction of unemployment made it difficult for opponents to gain support.
Needed the pressure of military defeat before there was any substantial or coordinated attempt at resistance
Argument that opposition was successful?
Only 44% of the electorate ever voted Nazi
Arguments that opposition failed?
The Enabling act severely restricted opposition-it was used to ban all opposition groups
Military officers swore an oath of allegiance to Hitler
Opposition was disunited, often held limited selfish aims
Disquiet felt by many but fear restricted its expression
Disorganised, lacking leadership after initial arrests in 1933/4
Apathy-at least it isn’t me
Opposition not supported by the Western nations before 1939
Success of Gestapo, SS and military intelligence in identifying opposition groups