To Kill a Mockingbird Flashcards
Who is the only character that is familiar to the narrator during the mob scene outside of the jail?
Walter Cunningham
Who is the young girl who is not quite mature enough to understand the full weight of what is happening during the trial?
Who is the wife of the defendant, is having trouble finding work and taking care of the kids while the town is discriminating against an innocent man, her husband?
Helen Robinson
Who is the town sheriff and the first witness at the trial?
Heck Tate
Who is the founder of the Finch amply plantation?
Simon Finch
Who is a model character - a moral leader and treats his children like adults and teacher them valuable life lessons?
Atticus Finch
Who pretends to be a drunk - but is not really drinking alcohol out of the paper bag?
Dolphins Raymond
Who is Charles Baker Harris - visits his aunt every summer in Macomb?
Who is a young girl - possibly a victim also - but falsely accuses a man of rape?
Magellan Ewell
Who takes over for his father in seeping Arthur in the house after his father dies?
Nathan Ridley
Who is the local drunk and town white trash that beats his daughter?
Bob Ewell
Who is the Finch family housekeeper and friend of the family - helped raise the children after their mother died?
Who is the aunt to the two hound Finch children?
Who is disillusioned by the results of the trial and his little sister does not understand?
Who is the innocent man accused falsely of a vicious crime?
Tom Robinson
What is the nickname of Arthur Radley?
Who is the narrator of the novel?
Who is the father of two young children, an attorney charged with defending an innocent man?
Atticus Finch
Where does To Kill a Mockingbird take place?
Maycomb Alabama
Who saves the children when they are attacked by Bob Ewell?
Boo Radley
What happens to baseball that are hit into the Radley yard?
They are lost forever
How many times was Tom Robinson shot?
Atticus hesitantly demonstrates his shooting skills by kill what with the sheriff’s shotgun?
A mad dog
Why do the kids believe that Atticus is feeble?
He is 50 years old
What is the name of the Finch family plantation?
Finch’s landing
Who filled in the knot hole of the tree?
Nathan Radley
What did Nathan Radley put in the knot hole that made Jem secretly cry?
What does Scout see for the firs time in her life during one winter?
After the children sneak into the Radley yard and are spooked - what do they hear in the distance?
A gunshot
Who did the author of To Kill a Mockingbird model the character of Atticus Finch after?
Her Father
When in American History did Scout’s story take place?
Great Depression
What is mysteriously wrapped around Scout during the house fire that destroyed Miss Maudie’s house?
A blanket
When do the children know it is time worry?
When Atticus worries
What did Scout hear in the Radley house when she rolled into the yard in the tire?
What can Scout do that the other students do not know how to do yet?
Read and write
How old is Scout?
How old is Jem?
Who is the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, and modeled the characters and setting after her own childhood?
Harper Lee
What are the items that Scout and Jem find in the tree in the Radley yard?
Twine or string Soap figures (dolls) Spelling bee medal Knife on a chain Pocket watch Gum Indian head pennies
What is Scout’s real name?
Jean Louise
What is Jem’s real name?
Why does Dill cry while Tom Robinson is testifying during his trial?
He does not like the way Mr. Gilmer is treating Tom Robinson
Why is Jem disturbed after returning home and fetching his pants from the Radley fence?
They were sewn (no very neatly) and hanging over the fence
in what ways do the children try to contact or see Boo Radley?
Touching the house
A note on a fishing pole
Role playing games (Radley games)
Peaking in the window
What does Dophus Raymond drinking out of his paper bag?
Why is Calpurnia’s church called First Purchase Church?
First thing purchased by freed slaves
What keys pieces of evidence does Atticus focus on while Heck Tate is on the stand?
No one called the doctor
Her bruise was on the right side of her face - - Tom Robinson is left handed
What doesn’t Walter Cunningham take the quarter front he teacher for lunch?
The Cunningham family does not take anything that they canNOT pay back.
What is the one thing that Boo Radley says during the novel?
Will you take me home?
What is Scout’s costume for the school pageant?
A Ham
Why does Jem want Scout to leave the role poly bug alone?
I was not doing anything to her
Why was Tom Robinson killed?
He tried to escape
What do all the people in the colored section of the courtroom do as Atticus leaves? Why?
They stand - - show respect for what he did for Tom
Analyze the character of Atticus Finch - - Discuss his roles as father, neighbor, lawyer and role model
Use your notes
Describe the racism/prejudice in the town of Maycomb - - is there hope for improvement
Use your notes
What is the significance of the title - - what two characters are like a mockingbird and why.
Use your notes