Macbeth Flashcards
According to the first apparition - - who is Macbeth’s enemy?
Who is Duncan’s younger son who fled the country after his father’s murder?
What is the name given to the men who were hired to do Macbeth’s dirty work in relation to Banquo and the Macduff’s?
3 murderers
What is the name of the second slaughtered man who flees the country, following the examples to two other orphaned sons before him?
What is the name of the tragic hero who starts the play NOBLE but deteriorates into a vile and tyrannical figure?
Who is the wife of a Scottish Thane who is viciously murdered alongside of her helpless children and all who cross paths with the hired murderers?
Lady Macduff
What is the name of the Great King of Scotland, - was well-loved and wrongfully killed?
Who is the wife of a powerful and well-respected Thane - - has a very strong personality and decides what is best for their future in Act 1?
Lady Macbeth
What is the name of Duncan’s oldest son and the rightful heir to the Scottish throne?
Who is the noble and brave Captain in the Scottish army who shall - - “get kings” though “he be none”?
Who was the brave English soldier, who was in his first military campaign - fighting along side his warlike father and was killed in battle by Macbeth?
Young Siward
Who are the the character that introduce Macbeth in the play?
3 witches
Who is the leader of the witches?
Who is consumed by guilt and commits suicide?
Lady Macbeth
Who chants spells and dances around cauldrons?
3 witches
Who orders his Scottish and English troops to cut down trees to disguise their numbers?
Who carries a candle out of fear?
Lady Macbeth
Who orders the murder of several people after putting his faith in supernatural predictions?
Who is the warlike English Lord who, alongside Malcolm and his son, leads the charge against Macbeth at Dunsinane?
Who is the doctor who praises the English King and his healing powers?
English Doctor
Who is Scotland at war with at the beginning of Macbeth?
What does Macbeth possess - - the one quality that pushes him to murder over all the objections?
vaulting ambition
What is the plan?
To plant the murder weapon on the guards
Why won’t the guards remember anything?
Because Lady Macbeth drugged their wine
What does Macbeth envision?
A bloody dagger - pointing the way toward Duncan
What does Lad Macbeth call her husband when he wants to call off the murder?
A coward
Complete the following quote:
“By the pricking of my thumbs . . . . .
Something wicked this way comes
Who were the two noble captains who led the Scots to victory in war?
Macbeth and Banquo
Why does Lady Macbeth pray to supernatural powers?
To take away her femininity - so she can do what needs to be done
Who has committed treason at the beginning of the play?
The Thane of Cawdor
What is the Thane of Cawdor’s punishment for treason?
What does Lady Macbeth carry around with her at all times after Act III - - especially at night when she is in one of her fits?
A candle
What does Macbeth see sitting at his place at the banquet table?
The ghost of Banquo
Just after Duncan’s murder - - the Porter at the Macbeth castle compares himself to the gatekeeper of _________
Who return to Scotland with the help of warlike Siward and his son?
What does Malcolm take with him when he returns to Scotland?
10,000 English soldiers
What happens to Lady Macbeth when the murder of Duncan is discovered by Macduff? - - this way she looks INNOCENT
She faints
After the murder of their father - - where does Donalbain and Malcolm flee to?
Donalbain - - to Ireland
Malcolm - - to England
What are the three predictions made by the witches in ACT 1 for Macbeth?
- All Hail Macbeth
- Thane of Cawdor
- Future King
List three reasons that Macbeth has for NOT killing Duncan?
- He is the host
- He is his kinsmen
- Macbeth is one of his subjects
What does Banquo wish to do after the murder of Duncan?
Investigate the murder
How does Lady Macbeth explain away Macbeth’s hallucination during a dinner party?
He has been like that since he was young - - he does it when he is afraid
Why does Macbeth need to kill Banquo and Fleance?
Because of the three witches prediction - - that Banquo’s descendants will be king - and he has to eliminate them (all his descendants)
List three UNNATURAL occurrences in Scotland after the murder of King Duncan?
- Dark night strangles the sun
- Falcon was killed by an owl
- Horses acted like they were at war with mankind - ate each other
What reason did Macbeth give for viciously killing Duncan’s guards?
So that they would not have to defend themselves - - when they were innocent of the murder.
What does Macbeth do to the Macduff’s and why?
Kills them - - because of the apparition
What does the candle symbolize for Macbeth? “Out brief Candle”
Why is Macbeth’s reaction to Lady Macbeth’s death so understated?
Because he can understand how terrible she felt about their rise to power (KING/QUEEN) - - she was consumed with quilt and so was he.
What is the climax of the play - - defend your answer
The death of Macbeth
All the events lead up to his death - - all his plotting, schemes, the murders etc. After his death Malcolm will restore Scotland to what is once was under his father’s kingship
Why will Malcolm be a better king that Macbeth - be specific
He was going to name earls, thanes, kinsmen for their courage - - call home all the exiled people and bring to justice all those who were loyal to Macbeth
Who said - - “Screw your courage to the sticking place.”
Lady Macbeth
Who said - - “Despair thy charm, and let the angel whom thou still has served tell thee Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped.”
Who said - - “I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet and to be baited with the rabble’s curse”
Who said - - “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thought unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty.”
Lady Macbeth
Who said - - “Double, Double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble?”
The three witches
Who said - - “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’other”?
Who said - - “Thou hast it now - - King, Cawdoe, Glamis all as the Weird Sisters promised, and I fear thou played’st most foully for ‘t”?
Who said - - “Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.”?
Hecate - - in the third apparition
Who said - - “Out, damned spot, out I say! . . . Yet who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him?”
Lady Macbeth
Describe the three apparitions and what they tell Macbeth in Act IV - - how did they come to life.
- Armor head - - beware of Macduff
Macduff end up leading the charge to get rid of Macbeth - A bloody child - - no one born of a woman will ever harm Macbeth
Macduff was born by c-section - - he was ripped from his mother’s womb - A child with a crown/and tree in his hands
Macbeth will not be defeated until the Birnam Woods march to fight - - Siward and his troops break off branches to hold in front of them to conceal how many soldiers they have.
Describe Lady Macbeth’s down fall? How did she behave in regards to the murder of King Duncan - - was she content after becoming queen - - why didn’t Macbeth involve her in future murder decisions - how was she behaving in Act IV - - what was she trying to clean - - what was the reason for her downfall
- She planned the murder of King Duncan (she WANTED to be QUEEN)
- She wanted to be queen so bad that she pushed Macbeth into agreeing to the plan
- She had a lot of quilt - - she was not happy as the queen - she was very anxious
- Macbeth did not involve her because he wanted to enjoy the day, celebrate and rejoice that the murder was finally over.
- She was paranoid - - she tried to wash off the “spot” of Duncan’s blood from her hands
- She begins to sleep walk
- She carries a light with her (candle)
- Ultimately her downfall was her own quilt
Who was a falter for Macbeth’s actions? Defend you postition
He believed in what the witches predicted
His drive and ambition
Following the direction of his wife
He has free will - - but chose to carry out the plan