To BE SICK...... Flashcards
To have a cold
Estar constipado
Estar resfriado
To be better
Encontrarse mejor
To have a cold
Tener tos
To have the flu
Tener la gripe
To have a pain in
Tener dolor de….
To feel bad
Sentirse mal
To cough
To have a pain
Doler (ue)
To sprain
To cut oneself
To fall
To be unwell
Estar malo
To be dizzy
Estar mareado
To be swollen
Estar hinchado
To be worse
Encontrarse peor
To have a temperature
Tener fiebre
To have sunstroke
Tener una insolación
To have a broken leg
Tener la pierna rota
Not to feel well
No sentirse bien
To hurt oneself
Hacerse daño
To sprain
Hacerse un esguince
To sweat
To be SICK
Estar enfermo
Encontarse (ue) mal
No Encontarse bien
To be unwell
Estar malo
To be dizzy
Estar mareado
To be swollen
Estar hinchado
To be worse
Encontrarse peor
To have a temperature
Tener fiebre
To have sunstroke
Tener una insolación
To have a broken leg
Tener la pierna rota
Not to feel well
No sentirse bien
To sneeze
To hurt oneself
Hacerse daño
To sprain
Hacerse un esguince
To sweat
I have a pain in my stomach
Me duele el estómago
I feel sick
Me encuentro mal
Encontrarse is reflective verb..o changes to UE
My mother has a pain in her head
A mi madre le duele la cabeza
The girl has a pain in her tooth
La chica le duele la diente