TNCs/Coca Cola Flashcards
Primary sector TNC
Tesco automated orders for Kenyan flowers.
Tertiary(can be secondary or quaternary too)
19 differnt langauges for franchise love island for ITV co-owner.
What enables firm to become TNC
-Develop highly desirbale product within a price range that can be easily delivered around world.
-New innovative model/constant innovation eg Apple.
-Obtaining dominace in a market/monopoly power.
-Undercut competition on price due to efficiency.
-FDI to take advantage of low cost/lax laws/locate near de,and.
-Take advantage of transport systems for cheap, efficient production.
-Mergers, take-overs, aqcusitions.
-Horizontal/vertical integration. Offshoring, outsouricng.
Called the “a________” of globalisation
Describe spatial distribution of TNC HQs
TNC’s tend to have a hierarchal structure that makes decisions from top-down, this can put anyone who is not at the top of the hierarchy at risk from key decisions from above. Be it closures to save money/boost efficiency.
Mostly HICs but growing in EMEs. Eg North America, Europe and SE Asia. Often in world cities (synoptic). Few in Australia.
Describe Mini car assembly shwoing TNCs relying on multiple suppliers
Mini Car comprised of 2500 different suppliers
Marketing of TNCs: Describe
Global marketing/branding.
Multiple languages in instruction manuals.
Describe glocalisation and give 2 reasons for it
To maximise profits, TNCs adapt products to suit their customers needs geographically.
Law: Driving seat position.
Local interest: Mcdonalds McSpicy Aloo in Inida.
2 pros and 1con of vertical integration
No reliance on suppliers, cheaper with EOS such as transport.
Horizontal integration is just mergers/takeovers etc. What is vertical disintegration?
Different parts of prodction process given to different companies to do.
1 benefit of TNC and 2 drawbacks not mentioned in econ
-Development of managerial roles.
-Speculative investments eg 2008 GFC.
-TNC can cease operation if not profitable.
-Large corp tax to host country if it hasn’t managed to reduce tax/avoid it. Trademarks/patents. Force SEZs (special enterprise zones).
Global revenue of Coca Cola
Market share
Average servings per day
46 billion
94% of people recognize
1.9 billion per day. 9 a day in 1886. Drastic change in volume over a relatively short temporal scale (when looking at figures)
Spatial distribution
144 offices in 67 countries. Spreads risk.
Domiciled in HQ in Atlanta, Georgia
Some globally except Cuba and North Korea
Bottling investment group where they bought small scale companies across world to increase effiency.
3 causes of growth
Investment, clever marketing (anyone can be Santa 2024), acquisitions of other firms
Coke acqusitions/marketing specifically
Coca-Cola has 3500 products within its entire brand. Cola, Fanta,Dasani water. 10% of all their revenue is spent on marketing even though 94% of all people on Earth already recognise the red and white branding. Coca-Cola’s recent marketing campaigns have aimed to link the beverage to a feeling of happiness, relaxation, love and other positive feelings (Taste the feeling being one slogan) As marketing streams change, as did Coca-Cola’s strategy. New hashtags, a Coco-Cola Emoji, Coke TV all formed in the last 2 years alone.
Glocalisation is shown in Coca-Cola’s famous de-branding tactic. Piloted in Australia when Coca-Cola took its brand name off their bottles in favour of the 150 most common names in Australia (accessing 42% of the population). It was an immediate success and the campaign was took to 70 more countries and the name list grew 17000 strong with many localised names. It made the process of consuming more about giving to one another and the use of names made it a much more personal process.