Global Commons/Antarctica Flashcards
Define global commons
-Earths shared resources such as deep oceans, outer space,/supranational online space, atmosphere and Antarctica (only land mass).
-No national governance so used jointly by nations.
-Due to no single jurisdictions, tragedy of commons/over exploitation of resources.
-All have the right to benefit from these and it’s in the best long term interest of all to ensure we use these sustainability - damage them and we all bear the consequences.
Where is Antarctica
Southern hemisphere, South Pole, surrounded by southern ocean. A continent. Vulnerable to environmental/political change.
Describe 4 physical features
-90% of all ice on earth
-Little sunshine for portions of year and largest desert system.
-Upwelling of nutrient rich cold water where it meets with other oceans = krill.
-Mosses and lichens are main specially adapted plants. Fragile marine ecosystems, heavily dependent on other species survival.
Give 3 climate change potential impacts (can talk about acidification and ice shelves too)
-4km ice sheets thick grave threat from climate change. But, interior has become thicker.
-Temp in Antarctic peninsula has risen up to 3 degrees Celsius over past 50 years - more extreme than rest of world in a small area. More ice bergs means shipping threat
-Ice algae declines leading to reduced significantly reduced Krill and thus whales.
Give 3 tourism impacts
-Unspoilt nature being a tourist attraction for rich which is a negative feedback loop. Relatively small scale tourism on large area of land. Seals and penguins not been largely impacted. 95% landing sites not affected.
-Over 100k visitors 2023 and usually short stay. From shrinking world effect. Invasive species risk from ships eg Mediterranean mussels
-Risk of litter and waste causing water pollution/air.Legally have to take all waste home. How to enforce effectively? Slow decomposition due to cold of -49. Is it negligible compared to scientists waste potential who live there year round?
-MS vessel crashes in 2007 and major oil leak.
-Grwoing demand for services due to affluence eg kayaking here.
Search for resources: Describe this
-Coal and oil reserves here. Weddell sea Potential for future exploitation of other stores are depleted. But, difficult to transport resources to extract.
-Has been banned by Protocol on environmental protection.
Fishing and whaling threats
-Whaling still occurs but populations of whales are slowly recovering due to slow reproduction.
-Fish stocks have partly recovered. But patogonian toothfish at risk. This has wider impacts on food chain and mammals that depend on these.
-Antarctic treaty issued quotas. But, illegal fishing occurs- 5x greater than suggested figures. Only put restrictions in place at a crucial point
Describe the Antarctic treaty 1959 purpose and scope
-Has special status. 52 nations signed. Peace and science. Madrid protocol in 1991 till 2048
-Nobody owns Antarctica. Success.
-No indigenous people here so has made decisions easier.
Antarctic treaty enforcement and evaluation of success
-Little problem enforcing due to global governance.
-But, no fines and slow decisions.
-Norway/UK want parts of it to be under their jurisdiction. UK even tried to assert a claim but it was rejected.
Protocol on environment protection purpose 1991
-Mining banned here.
-Not to be reviewed until 2041
Protocol on environment protection 1991 enforcement and evaluation to success
-Strictly enforced internationally.
-Could change in future if countries need oil reserves.
Describe UNEP 1972 purpose
-Founded in 1972. Governs atmospheric, marine and terrestrial systems and reports these to UN.
-UNEP personnel participate in Antarctic treaty meetings.
Describe UNEP enforcement and evaluate its success
-Heavily involved with both Antarctic and arctic management.
-Meetings on an ad hoc basis to decide on policies to pursue. Also, some countries only protect their own interests.
IWC whaling Moratorium purpose 1982. IGO
-Many whale species previously hunted to extinction
-Partly recovered due to an indefinite ban on commercial whale hunting.
How to enforce 1982 IWC whaling moratorium and evaluate overall success
-Shift attitudes and planetary norms.
-Norway still slaughters whales as it is part of their norm. Poorly enforced. Japan does for “scientific research”.