Pain History: depends on how you ask
your question determines Diagnosis
- Onset: Pain is present < 3 months
- Locking: Is jaw Closed & cannot open?
- Is Jaw Open and cannot close?
- How many seconds, minutes, hours, or
days for locking? Frequency? - Malocclusion: was it gradual or sudden?
Date first noticed & activity caused it. - Acute sudden malocclusion- diagnoses
myospasm, myositis, fracture, tumor
Pain History: depends on how you ask
your question determines Diagnosis
- Onset: Pain is present > 3 months
◦ Ask pt if they have had this pain before.
If YES ask when it began
◦ 2. Jaw locking > 3 months
◦ 3. Gradual Malocclusion > 3 months:
likely arthritis or osteochondma
TMD Diagnostic Criteria
◦ You MUST MEMORIZE and KNOW the 7 MOST COMMON temporomandibular disorders
listed on the next slide for all examinations, clinical TMD consultations, and TMD OSCE
◦ General Dentists are expected to know how to diagnose these 7 TMD disorders and
treat or refer to an Orofacial Pain Specialist, Physical Therapist, Oral Surgeon or Primary
Care Physician.
1. one or more of the following (3)
a. muscle pain report
b. muscle pain on opening
c. muscle pain on excursion
muscle pain on palpation that does not refer to a different location
myofascial pain
regional dull, aching muscle pain aggravated by mandibular fxn
tripper points are present that increase the pain complaint and refer the pain
1. one or more of the following (3)
a. joint pain report
b. joint pain on opening
c. joint pain on excursion
joint pain on palpation
absence of crepitus noise
absence of degenerative changes on pano or other imaging of TMJ
1. one or more of the following (3)
a. joint pain report
b. joint pain on opening
c. joint pain on excursion
joint pain on palpation
crepitus in joint during any movement MAY be present
degenerative changes are evident on pano or other imaging of TMJ
anterior disc displacement with reduction
click on opening and or closing
corrected deviation of mandible to affect side on mouth opening/closing (if unilateral)
MRI would reveal an anteriorly displaced disc which reduces (seats onto condyle) with mouth opening
anterior disc displacement without reduction
limited mouth opening of <35 mm
deflection of mandible to affected side on mouth opening (if uni)
MRI Would reveal an anteriorly displaced disc which does NOT reduce (seat onto condyle) with mouth opening