TMJ Exam and Inverventions Flashcards
List some common functional limitations that may be observed in someone with TMD
- chewing
- eating
- talking
- sleeping
- work tasks (clenching with prolonged sitting for ex)
what should be included in the patient interview?
- History of Previous Injury (HPI)
- Primary (and secondary) complaints
- Associated symptoms
- HA (location, frequency, visual aura)
- Dizziness/Nausea (vertigo, lightheadness)
- Paresthesia/Anesthesia of face/scalp or body
- Tinnitus
- Special questions
- Previous intervention and response
- medication list
What special questions should be included in the pt interview?
- Joint noises
- clicking/popping
- crepitus
- Parafunction
- Locking
- Catching
- Hx of Open lock
List some outcome measures that you may include/see in a pt interview for someone with TMD
- Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia for TMD
- Tempormandibular Pain Disorder Screening Instrument
What things should be included in the visual inspection of a pt with TMJ issues?
- Posture
- Craniofacial-specific observations
- face type/shape
- occlusion
- facial symmetry
- Intra-oral inspection
- scalloping
- teeth
- lesions
List several types of malocclusions that may be observed during the visual inspection
- Open Bite (space between front teeth when mouth is closed)
- Retrognathism (Overjet)
- Prognathism
Describe the proposed mechanism for forward head posture
passive tension by supra and infrahyoids alter resting position of the mandible
mandible is pulled inferiorly and posteriorly, changing position of the mandibular condyle on the cranium
List elimination tests that should be included for the TMJ
- Initial TMJ screening
- Neuro screening tests
- cranial nerve testing
- test for UMN and LMN
- Other special tests
List special elimination tests for the TMJ
- Gross TMJ AROM
- motions → opening, clenching, protrusion
- symptoms → provocation of concordant pain
- signs → joint noises, quality of motion, gross quantitiy of motion
- Cervical flexion and rotation test
how should you be positioned during AROM testing (structural stress testing) for the TMJ?
eye level at pt’s level of the TMJ
*assess pt’s comfortable starting position and take into account
what types of deviations should you be mindful of during AROM testing of the TMJ?
- C-type curve
- S-type curve
what motions are included in AROM and PROM for TMJ?
- Opening
- Protrusion
- Retraction
- Lateral deviation (bilateral)
List extra-oral palpation sites for the TMJ
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Medial Pterygoid
- TMJ Joint line
- Supra-hyoids
- cervical paraspinals
- Zygomatic arch
List intra-oral sites for palpation of the TMJ
- M/L Pterygoid
- Temporalis tendon
- Masseter
- Teeth
- Gum line
What directions are assessed with joint mobility testing of the TMJ?
- Cuadal Glide (inferior)
- Ventral glide (anterior)
- Medial glide
- intra and extra oral
- Lateral glide
- intra and extra oral