Tissues Response to Injury - Healing Flashcards
Quais são os sinais cardinais da inflamação?
The inflammatory response is characterized symptomatically by redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), tenderness and pain (dolor), increased temperature (calor), and loss of function (functio laesa). This initial inflammatory response is critical to the entire healing process.
Quais as fases do processo de cicatrização? E os tempos associados a cada uma?
Although the phases of healing are often discussed as three separate entities, the healing process is a continuum. Phases of the healing process overlap one another and have no definitive beginning or end points.
1) Inflammatory Response Phase - Injury to day 4.
2) Fibroblastic Repair Phase - Overlap the end of inflamation up to 6 weeks.
3) Maturation-Remodeling Phase - Overlap almost half of the previous phase up to 2/3 years.
Quais são os mediadores químicos que limitam a quantidade de exsudado?
Three chemical mediators - histamine, leukotrienes, and cytokines, are important in limiting the amount of exudate, and thus swelling, after injury.
De onde é libertada a histamina? E o que provoca quimicamente?
Histamine, released from the injured mast cells, causes vasodilation and increased cell permeability, owing to a swelling of endothelial cells and then separation between the cells.
Qual a função química dos leucotrienos e prostaglandinas?
Leukotrienes and prostaglandins are responsible for margination, in which leukocytes (neutrophils and macrophages) adhere along the cell walls. They also increase cell permeability locally, thus affecting the passage of fluid, proteins, and neutrophils through
cell walls via diapedesis to form exudate in the extravascular spaces. Therefore, vasodilation and active hyperemia are important in exudate (plasma) formation and in supplyingneutrophils to the injured area.
Qual o objetivo das citocinas?
Cytokines—in particular chemokines and interleukin, are the primary regulators of leukocyte traffic and help attract phagocytes to the site of inflammation. Responding to the presence of chemokines, macrophages and leukocytes migrate to the site of inflammation within a few hours.
Que passos envolve a reação vascular à lesão?
The vascular reaction is controlled by chemical mediators and involves vascular spasm, the formation of a platelet plug, blood coagulation, and the growth of fibrous tissue.
Porque ocorre vasoconstrição na resposta imediata ao dano tecidual?
The immediate vascular response to tissue damage is vasoconstriction of the vascular walls in the vessels leading away from the site of injury that lasts for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. This vasoconstriction presses the opposing endothelial wall linings together to produce a local anemia and stop the bleeding. The anemia is rapidly replaced by hyperemia of the area due to vasodilation.
Porque ocorre vasodilatação logo após a vasoconstrição? Durante quanto tempo?
The increase in blood flow is transitory and gives way to slowing of the flow in the dilated vessels, thus enabling the leukocytes to slow down and adhere to the vascular endothelium. Eventually, there is stagnation and stasis. The initial effusion of blood
and plasma lasts for 24 to 36 hours.
Qual a função das plaquetas?
Platelets do not normally adhere to the vascular wall. However, injury to a vessel disrupts the endothelium and exposes the collagen fibers. Platelets adhere to the collagen fibers to create a sticky matrix on the vascular wall, to which additional platelets and leukocytes adhere, eventually forming a plug. These plugs obstruct local lymphatic fluid drainage and thus localize the injury response.
Qual a sequência da resposta inflamatória?
1) Injury to cell; 2) Chemical mediators liberated
(histamine, leukotrienes, cytokines); 3) Vascular reaction
(Vasoconstriction, Vasodilation, Exudate creates stasis); 4) Platelets and leukocytes adhere to vascular wall; 5) Phagocytosis; 5) Clot formation.
Qual a tríade dolorosa da tendinopatia?
La tendinopathie se caractérise cliniquement par une triade douloureuse lors de la palpation, de l’étirement et de la contraction isométrique.
Quels sont les cinq stades de la principal classification de las tendinopathies?
De multiples classifications existent. La plus utilisée, celle de Blazina et al., modifiée par Laedbetter et al., distingue 5 stades en fonction de la gravité de l’atteinte :
• stade 1 : douleurs essentiellement après l’effort et disparaissant au repos ;
• stade 2 : douleurs pendant l’effort, disparaissant après l’échauffement et réapparaissant avec la fatigue ;
• stade 3 : douleurs permanentes lors des activités sportives, entraînant soit (3a : une limitation de l’entraînement; 3b: une gêne dans la vie quotidienne);
• stade 4 : rupture tendineuse.
Quelles sont les phases chronologiques des symptomes de la tendinopathie?
- phase aiguë : symptômes présents depuis moins de 6 semaines ;
- phase subaiguë : symptomatologie évoluant depuis 6 à 12 semaines ;
- chronicité : persistance des symptômes au-delà de 3 mois.
Quais as estruturas anatómicas que podem estar envolvidas nas tendinopatias?
Les tendinopathies peuvent toucher les différentes structures anatomiques. L’enthésopathie correspond à une lésion de la jonction ostéo-tendineuse. Lorsque l’atteinte se situe au niveau du corps du tendon, la tendinopathie sera qualifiée de “corporéale”. Enfin, la ténosynovite définit l’inflammation des structures péritendineuses.