tissues Flashcards
four primary types of tissues
epithelial tissue
sheets of cells that cover exterior surfaces of the body, line internal cavities and passageways, and form certain glands
also called epithelium
connective tissue
binds cells and organs of the body together and functions in protection, support, and integration of all parts of the body
muscle tissue
excitable, responding to stimulation and contracting to provide movement
occurs as three major types: skeletal (voluntary) muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle in the heart
nervous tissue
excitable, allowing the propagation of electrochemical signals in the form of nerve impulses that communicate between different regions of the body
muscle tissue types
cardiac muscle
smooth muscle
skeletal muscle
simple stratified epithelium
stratified squamous epithelium
simple cuboidal epithelium
stratified cuboidal epithelium
simple columnar epithelium
stratified columnar epithelium
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
connective tissue proper types
loose connective tissues
dense connective tissues
loose connective tissue types
dense connective tissue types
dense regular
dense irregular
supportive connective tissue types
cartilage types
fluid connective tissue types
simple squamous epithelium location and function
location: air sacs of lungs, some kidney tubules
function: allows rapid diffusion or transport of substances through membrane; secreted lubricating serous fluid
simple cuboidal epithelium location and function
location: liver, thyroid, salivary, mammary, and other glands
function: absorption and secretion; production of protective mucous coat
simple columnar epithelium location and function
inner lining of stomach, intestines
absorption; movement of egg and embryo in uterine tube
ciliated pseadostratified columnar epithelium location and function
respiratory tract from nasal cavity to bronchi; male urethra
secretes and propels mucus
keestinized stratified squamous epithelium location and function
location: epidermis; palms and soles
function: resists abrasion and penetration by pathogenic organisms; prevents water loss through skin
nonkerstinized stratified squamous epithelium location and function
location: tongue, vagina
resists abrasion and penetration by pathogenic organisms
stratified cuboidal epithelium location and function
sweat gland ducts
contributed to sweat secretion
urothelium/transitional location and function
urinary tract; bladder
stretches to allow filling of urinary tract
areolar tissue location and function
underlying nearly all epithelia
loosely binds epithelia to deeper tissues
reticular tissue location and function
lymph nodes
forms supportive stroma (framework) for lymphoid organs
dense regular connective tissue location and function
tendons and ligaments
ligaments tightly bind bones together to resist stress
dense irregular connect tissue location and function
deeper portion of dermis of skin
withstands stress applied in unpredictable directions
adipose tissue location and function
subcutaneous fat beneath skin
energy storage; thermal insulation
hyaline cartilage location and function
over ends of bones at moveable joints
eases joint movement
elastic cartilage location and function
external ear
provides flexible elastic support
fibrocartilage location and function
pubic symphysis; intervertebral discs
resists compression and absorbs shock in joints
compact bone location and function
physical support of body
blood location and function
heart and blood vessels
transports gases and nutrients
nervous tissue location and function
brain, spinal cord, nerves
internal communication
skeletal muscle location and function
skeletal muscles; mostly attached to bone
body movemebts
cardiac muscle location and function
pumping blood
smooth muscle location and function
sheets of tissue in walls of blood vessels and digestive tract
swallowing; control of blood pressure and flow