Tissue Repair Flashcards
Regeneration vs. Healing
= Growth of cells/tissue identical to the lost tissue.
=> Requires
(1)Stem Cells to be intact and
(2)Intact Extracellular Matrix
_ECM is essential for migration and maintaining cell polarity.
= Replacement of Lost tissue by a Fibroproliferative Response
= Scar
=> Occurs when **ECM is Extensively Destroyed
Types of Cells
- *Non-Dividing / Permanent Cells:
1) *Neurons
2) *Skeletal Muscle
3) *Cardiac Muscle
**Quiescent / Stable Cells:
1) *Most Mesenchymal Cells
(@ Connective Tissue)
(e.g. Endothelial cells, Fibroblasts, Smooth Muscle cells)
2) *Parenchymal Cells
@ Liver, Kidney, Pancreas
- *Continuously Dividing / Labile Cells:
1) *Hematopoietic Cells (BM)
2) *Glandular Epithelial Cells:
e. g. @ *Skin, @ *GI, etc.
Stem Cells
**Stem Cells are responsible for *Tissue Regeneration.
*Located in Niches in a Variety of Tissues.
Have Prolonged self-renewal capacity (High Telomerase Activity) and Asymmetric Division.
*Express Characteristic Phenotypic Markers.
Cell Differentiation blocks cell division.
Most tissues contain undifferentiated Stem cells that can divide to regenerate tissue.
=> **Embryonic Stem Cells: Are Not Committed and have the **Highest Plasticity or Totipotential.
=> **Adult Stem Cells: *Are More Tissue Specific, Committed to Differentiated along Specific Cell Lineages or Multipotential.
Growth Inhibition
**Contact Inhibition
- *TGF-Beta: *Inhibits Growth by
- *Increasing CDKIs, which block progression of cell cycle.
1) *Growth Inhibition for Most *Epithelial Cells
2) *Stimulates Growth of *Fibroblasts
3) *Collagen Production
4) *Strong Anti-Inflammatory
Tissue Regeneration @ Liver
*Mammalian Regeneration occurs by *Hypertrophy or *Hyperplasia
ECM Functions
1) *Retains Water and Minerals, providing *Rigidity
2) *Mediates Cell-to-Cell Interactions, providing a *Substratum for cells to Adhere, Migrate, and Proliferate.
**Synthesis and **Degradation of ECM is Part of _Embryogenesis _Wound Healing _Fibrosis _Tumor Invasion _Metastasis
ECM Components
3 Groups of Macromolecules constitute the ECM:
1) **Fibrous Structural Proteins:
* *Collagens, **Elastins, **Fibrillin
2) **Adhesive Glycoproteins:
e. g. **Fibronectin and **Laminin
3) **Proteoglycans:
* *Hyaluronic Acid
These macromolecules assemble into
1) **Interstitial Matrix
2) **Basement Membrane
=> A large **Interstitial Matrix Protein
=> **Binds to Many Molecules.
=> 2 forms:
(1) Tissue Fibronectin: Forms Aggregates @ Wound Healing Sites
(2) Plasma Fibronectin: Binds to Fibrin, Forming a Provisional Clot Filling the Wound Space
=> *The Most Abundant Glycoprotein in the Basement membrane
=> Laminin and Collagen Type IV form a tight network in Basement Membrane
Elastin and Fibrillin
**Elastin and **Fibrillin:
=> Key components of elastic tissues.
=> Provide the ability to stretch
=> Cross-linking regulates elasticity
=> Elastic Fibers:
_Central Core of Elastin
_Surrounded by a peripheral network of Fibrillin microfibers
=> *Protein linked to **Glycosaminoglycans, resulting in a *Long Repeating Polymer of *Disaccharides with *Sulfate Residues.
=> *Regulate Basement Membrane Structure and *Permeability.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid
=> Is a *Huge Polymer
=> One of the *Glycosaminoglycans
=> Retains Water, Creating a
*Viscous Gel that *Provides Resistance to Compression
=> Abundant in cartilage and joints (lubricant)
=> Binds to Collagen and Leukocytes via CD44, Facilitating Cell Migration
=> Abundant in Matrix of Migrating and Proliferating Cells
Cell Adhesive Proteins
Cell Adhesive Proteins
=> Located @ *Cell Membranes
=> Link ECM to Cells
1) **Cadherins
2) **Integrins
3) **Selectins
**Cadherins and **Integrins:
1) *Link Cell Surface to Cytoskeleton
2) *Major Role in Regulating Cell Motility,
Cell Growth, and Cell Differentiation
1) *Regulate Adhesions Between Cell of Same Type
2) *Contact Inhibition
3) Link Cell Surface to Cytoskeleton vis **Catenins
4) *Beta-Catenin:
=» Links Cadherin to alpha-catenin, which connects to actin and **Intermediate Filaments
1) Are Surface *Receptors that
2) *Mediate Attachment of Cells to
=> *Laminin in *BM
=>or *Fibronectin in
*Interstitial Matrix
3) *Mediate Cell-to-Cell Contacts
Other Secreted Adhesive Proteins
Interact with ECM and Cell Receptors.
1) SPARC (Osteonectin):
=> *Inhibits Angiogenesis
(Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine)
2) **Thrombospondin:
=> *Inhibits Angiogenesis
3) **Osteopontin:
=> *Regulates Calcification
=> *Mediates Leukocyte Migration
(b/c is a ligand for CD44)
Angiogenesis (Neovascularization)
= Blood Vessels develop in adults
2 Methods:
1) *Branching of adjacent blood vessels
2) * Recruitment of **Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) from Bone Marrow
Angiogenesis from Pre-Existing Vessels:
1) *Vasodilation and Increased Permeability of *Existing Vessels,
2) Degradation of ECM
3) *Migration of Endothelial Cells
1) *Nitric Oxide:
=> Induces Vasodilation
2) VEGF:
=> Increases Permeability
3) *Metalloproteinases:
=> Degrade Basement Membrane
=> Plasminogen activator disrupts endothelial cell junctions.
4) *Endothelial Cells Proliferate,
migrate and mature, then recruit periendothelial cells.
Angiogenesis from
Endothelial Progenitor Cells:
*EPCs are **Adult Angioblast-Like Cells Stored @ *Bone Marrow
that are *Recruited into Tissues
to Initiate Angiogenesis.
EPCs Express Hematopoietic Stem cell and Endothelial-specific Cell Markers, such as
_Vascular Endothelial Cadherin
_*Tie2 Receptor
EPCs function to replace lost endothelial cells.
Hematopoietic and Vascular Systems share a common cell precursor, the **Hemangioblast, which Generates
*Hematopoietic Stem Cells and *Angioblasts.
Angioblasts Migrate to Peripheral sites and Differentiate into Endothelial Cells and Periendothelial cells: Pericytes and Smooth Muscle Cells.
GF and GFR Involved in Angiogenesis
**VEGF and **Angiopoietins
_Secreted by many Stromal Cells
_Increases Vascular Permeability
_Essential in Angiogenesis
_Restricted to @*Endothelial Cells
During Angiogenesis from EPCs:
_VEGF/VEGFR-2 signals EPC Recruitment from Bone Marrow.
_EPCs initially form delicate capillary plexuses, then evolve into mature capillary networks.
During Angiogenesis from
Pre-Existing Vessels:
_VEGF and FGF-2 Stimulate Proliferation and Motility of Endothelial Cells and Capillary Branching.
New Vessels are Fragile and Need **Stabilization, which Requires Adding Pericytes, Smooth Muscle cells, and ECM.
1) *Angiopoietin 1 (Ang1):
=> Binds to Tie2 Receptor,
=> Signaling **Pericytes Recruitment
2) **PDGF Recruits **Smooth Muscle cells.
3) **TGF-Beta Enhances **ECM Production.
4) Ang2 Binds to Tie2 also, but has opposite effect of Ang1, loosening and sensitizing endothelial cells to VEGF or, in absence of VEGF, to angiogenesis inhibitors.
(brown bold)
Migration of Endothelial Cells is Controlled by:
1) *Integrins, e.g. avBeta3:
_Endothelial cell expression is induced by hypoxia
_Interacts with metalloproteinases and VEGFR-2.
2) *Matricellular Proteins:
_Thrombospondin 1,
_Tenascin C
3) *Proteinases:
_Plasminogen Activator
4) *Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs):
_Cleave ECM Proteins, Facilitating endothelial cell access to VEGF and Migration.
Scar Formation
- *VEGF:
1) **Increases Vascular Permeability
2) and *Exudation of Plasma Proteins, such as *Fibrinogen,
3) Providing an *Initial Matrix for *Fibroblast and *Endothelial Cell Growth and Migration.
**TGF-Beta Triggers *Proliferation and *Migration of Fibroblasts.
**Macrophages Produce
TGF-Beta, PDGF, and FGF
= **Promoting Fibrosis
- Collagen Synthesis
- Begins 3-5 Days after Injury and
- Continues for Weeks.
*Vascular Regression:
=> Converts Granulation tissue into an avascular scar w/ fibroblasts and dense collagen.
Tissue Remodeling
4 Types of MMPs:
1) **Collagenases
2) **Gelatinases
3) **Stromelysins
4) **Membrane-Bound MMP
- *MMPs are Produced by
1) *Fibroblasts
2) *Macrophages
3) *Neutrophils
4) *Some Epithelial cells
MMPs Must Be *Cleaved to Become Active
MMPs *Secretion
=> *Induced by *PDGF and *FGF
=> *Inhibited by *TGF-Beta
Collagenases are Rapidly Inhibited by *Tissue Inhibitors (TIMPs) Produced by Stromal Cells.
Skin Wound Healing By
1st or 2nd Intention
Healing by 1st Intention: => Small, Superficial Injuries, e.g. Surgical Incision => Heals in 1 week with Minimal Scar or Retraction
Healing by 2nd Intention:
=> Extensive Injuries
=> Takes Longer to Heal
=> Requires More Remodeling and Contraction to close the gap
Factors Influencing Wound Healing
1) **Infection
2) **Poor Blood Supply/Circulation
3) **Diabetes
4) **Glucocorticosteroids
5) **Foreign Bodies
6) **Vitamin C Deficiency
Complications of Wound Healing
1) Deficient Granulation and Scar Formation:
=> Leads to ulceration: Rupture Wound
2) Excessive Wound Contraction
=> After serious burns
= Contractures
3) Excessive Granulation and Scar Formation:
(1) Keloid
(2) Pyogenic Granuloma
(3) Desmoids or Aggressive Fibromatosis
Excessive Granulation and Scar Formation
1) **Keloid:
= **An Excessive Deposition of Collagen or Hypertrophic Scar
that grows Beyond the Boundaries of the Original Wound
More common in African Americans
2) **Pyogenic Granuloma:
= An exuberant Granulation precluding epithelium from reconnecting
3) **Desmoids:
= Aggressive *Fibromatoses often seen at previous sites of Surgery
which lie in the interface of reactive cell growth as seen in repair and neoplasia, an uncontrolled autonomous cell growth.